The Storm God

Chapter 4372 Professor X ran amok and hurt people! (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 4372 Professor x went berserk and hurt people! (Please subscribe!)

The place where Uncle Wolf appeared was a farm where the border between Mexico and the beautiful country intersects.

It was very remote, except for a large farm, there was only a solitary house with some equipment and simple living utensils.


There is also a bald head lying on the bed.

This person is Professor X, the Alzheimer's version. Uncle Wolf has been away for a long time, but the time of his return is not very long after he left.

Otherwise, Professor X, who has no one to take care of him, would have starved to death long ago.


Although Professor X is demented.

But it's not completely urgent, at least he still remembers Logan, but in his impression, Logan doesn't seem to be like this.

"Are you getting younger?"

At this time, Professor X, perhaps because of the stimulation brought by Uncle Wolf, and the sudden appearance of the phoenix girl Qin Gray, has recovered a certain amount of consciousness and memory, and the whole person is much more awake.

He looked at the two of them coldly, his eyes full of disbelief.

"No 1

"I must be hallucinating."

"Logan regained his youth, I can still understand, but Qin is dead, she can't appear in front of me again"

"I must be dreaming 1

"Yes, dreaming"


Professor X said to himself.

Logan hurried forward and explained: "Professor, you are not dreaming, all of this is real, I recovered, and Qin is back."


Professor X is a bit difficult to understand.

Especially piano.

After a long explanation, Logan finally made things clear.

Professor X said blankly: "So, she is not the Qin of our world?

Or is it the piano in the past time and space? "

"to 1

Uncle Wolf nodded and said: "It can be understood in this way. In short, we are saved, and the mutants are also saved. We don't have to hide anymore."

Mutants in this world don't have a good experience.

Although the fist company is no longer interested in these old-fashioned mutants, it depends on who they are.

Such as Professor X.

As long as the world's most powerful brain survives, the threat cannot be lifted for a day.

But they are not in a hurry.

after all

Professor X has dementia.

Riot Games just needs to wait quietly. It won't take long for Professor X to die, and naturally there will be no threat at that time.

But even so.

There are still some mercenaries who will capture some mutants for rewards and send them to the research institute in exchange for rewards.

So Logan took Professor X with him, and often hid in Tibet.


In order to make a living, Uncle Wolf also became his driver. If he hadn't encountered Venom by accident, Uncle Wolf would still be his driver.


Professor X obviously has no hope of saving the mutants.

If there is hope, they will not become like this. The most important thing is that the previous people are all dead.

Including his good friend Magneto.

Even if the world changes, it means nothing to him.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Professor X suffers from dementia, not because of the disease, but to make himself forget everything.

That is, self-deception.

To this.

Uncle Wolf couldn't say much.

Because of many things, one or two sentences are not clear unless you experience it yourself.

But looking at Professor X's current situation, I'm afraid it's hard to accept.

Still waiting.

at the moment.

Uncle Wolf decided to treat Bai Xiaofei and the others well.

After all, he is considered a landlord when he comes here, and he has to do his best to be a landlord, especially to take the phoenix girl Qin Gray for a good tour.

Although this place is dilapidated, it is still their home after all.

As for the phoenix girl Qin Gray, she has been very silent all the time, especially after seeing Professor X's appearance, she didn't speak much.

After leaving Professor X's room, Qin couldn't help asking: "Logan, why did Professor Charles become like this?

So what happened? "

Not only her.

Even Bai Xiaofei was very curious about it.

To know.

Professor X is the strongest brain.

As a result, it has now become Alzheimer's disease. If there is no reason, no one will believe it.

Hearing this, Uncle Wolf sighed deeply.

Then he waited everyone in a large living room on the farm, poured a glass of water for everyone, and then explained: "It all starts with Magneto."

"Magneto Eric?"


Uncle Wolf explained: "Professor Charles and Eric's relationship, I believe you also know it. Although the two of them did not fight each other in the first half of their lives, after reversing the future, they reached an agreement. They use their own methods to lead Mutants and Humans Coexist"


"We all underestimated the ambitions of mankind. In the first few years, mankind was unanimously peaceful. We thought we had succeeded until the first two years."

"Many people's abilities began to degenerate rapidly, or even mutated genes, and died suddenly and unexpectedly. Only then did we realize that we had been tricked."

"Humans have developed a genetically modified technology and applied it to animals and plants. Almost everything we eat contains this genetically modified technology."

"The most powerful thing about this technology is that it can suppress, or even shut down and kill the expression of the x gene, thereby eliminating the existence of mutants."

"Over the past 50 years, almost no mutants have been born, and the existing mutants have also rapidly weakened, or even decreased by 1


Speaking of which.

Uncle Wolf paused for a moment, and then continued: "When the effect of genetically modified technology is widely recognized, Riot's ambitions began to be exposed."

"They are arresting mutants everywhere and conducting their own crazy research. At this time, we have almost lost all resistance."

"In another confrontation, Magneto King Eric was unfortunately killed. Professor Charles, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, lost control at that time."

"That rampage directly led to the deaths of more than 500 people at the scene, including ordinary humans and mutants. It was precisely because of that incident that the mutants were completely strangers."


Uncle Wolf's face was full of grief.

Apparently, Professor X's rampage was not as easy as he said. If all the enemies died, it should be a joy, but his expression was very sad and complicated.

It can be seen that Professor X's runaway at that time should be an indiscriminate attack.

That is.

Many of our own mutants were also killed by Professor X after being brutally run away. The reason why Uncle Wolf didn't die was because of his super self-healing ability.

But even Uncle Wolf was full of fear when he talked about this incident, which shows how terrifying the scene when Professor X ran away at that time.

after all.

Uncle Wolf has gone through countless tortures and pains to get to the present.

In the end, even he couldn't handle it, let alone ordinary people. If this matter was widely reported and maliciously spread, then it is conceivable that the threat of mutants will be pushed to the top.

Ordinary people hate and fear mutants.

Even the mutants themselves may not be any better for the rampage Professor X, after all, the rampant murder incident is a fact.

No one cares what the reason is, what matters is the result.

And the result is that many mutants who followed Professor X were all killed by Professor X. When such a thing happened, you called other mutants, how could you trust them?

They would rather hide by themselves than to talk to Professor X.

The most important thing is that after this incident, Professor X fell ill, and his strongest brain became dementia, with almost no combat power, and he needed someone to take care of him.

As for the original X-Men, only Uncle Wolf himself remained.

The remaining

All dead.

Some died from chasing soldiers, but most of them died under Professor X's ability. I'm afraid Professor X didn't want to remember everything after he realized this.

after all.

This kind of thing is too painful.

Even the strongest brain can't withstand such a blow.

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