The Storm God

Chapter 4373 A new choice! (Please subscribe!)


After listening to Uncle Wolf's explanation, everyone was silent.

The one who showed the most relaxed expression was undoubtedly America. After all, she was just a little girl who had been wandering in various worlds for a long time. She didn't know much about the conflicts and struggles between mutants and ordinary people.

But even so, with a heart-to-heart relationship, she can deeply understand the despair, helplessness, and pain of being cornered by Uncle Wolf and others.

Looking at Uncle Wolf, his eyes were full of sympathy and pity.

As for Phoenix Girl Qin Gray?

All right!

This angry queen has already started to get angry, and she is ready to seek revenge from Riot Games.

Because the culprit of all this is those bastards!

If it weren't for them, the following things would not have happened!

In the end, it was Uncle Wolf who stopped Qin. He shook his head and persuaded, "It's useless, Qin, you understand the conflict between mutants and ordinary people. Even if you kill them, there will be another group of people."

"Similar things, we have experienced too many, before it was a sentinel robot, and then we reversed the future, and in exchange for this silent elimination tactic of genetically modified technology"

"Facts have proved that it is impossible to eliminate the conflict between us and them, and to live in peace. Only one side can survive."

"Otherwise all efforts are useless1


For this point of view, Bai Xiaofei agrees very much.

Because it turns out that both Professor X and Magneto have failed.

The conflict between the two races is not just a play.

It's a matter of survival!

Survival of the fittest, winner and loser!

Thinking of everything too beautifully, the result is doomed to be miserable.

Maybe if they followed Magneto's plan at the beginning, they would have a chance, but unfortunately, Professor X disagreed

This saintly professor naively thought that mutants and humans could coexist peacefully, and has been fighting against Magneto

The results of it.

The first mutant ushered in the end of the reign of the sentinel robots.

The second is the almost complete doomsday for the mutants, and the human race can be said to have won a complete victory.

Either way, they didn't end up well.

Especially the second one.


Anyway, in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, for the future of mutants, Professor X should at least bear a large part of the responsibility.


It's none of your business, hang on high.

Regarding the grievances between mutants and ordinary people, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to get involved, he only wanted to get the genetically modified technology of the fist company.

Whether it's Uncle Wolf's revenge or taking Professor X out of this world, it has nothing to do with him.

But the phoenix girl Qin Gray obviously didn't think so.

"Boom 1

She was murderous.

His eyes were cold and he said: "Logan, no matter what the result is, those damned guys should pay the price, not for anything else, just for those compatriots who died


Logan was silent.

He couldn't take it at all.

After all, the hat is too big, and Logan can't represent the other dead X-Men, and the key point is that he is not the temper of the Virgin like Professor X.

Coupled with the venom in the body, it is not a good bird.


The two hit it off.

Without too much communication, the front was quickly united.

Then the direction of the chat between the two directly became how to get revenge from Riot Games, and how to find more mutants and take them away.

As for where to take it?


Is there even a question?

Of course, it is other universes. The genetically modified technology in this world has been used for decades, and it has penetrated into almost all animals and plants.

You call the remaining mutants, how to survive?

Only by completely leaving this land can mutants survive, otherwise they will only be fully degraded until they disappear completely.


Seeing that both of them looked at him, Bai Yu suddenly became speechless: "Don't look at me, I'm not interested in participating in the affairs between you, but I don't mind helping you with opening and closing doors, but Everything that follows has nothing to do with me 1

"That's enough 1

Uncle Wolf was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately expressed his gratitude to Bai Xiaofei.

Whether he can leave this world depends on whether Bai Xiaofei can help, because only he can help mutants leave.

If Bai Xiaofei disagrees, all plans cannot be implemented.

on the contrary

Then there is nothing to say.

After all, the strength of the phoenix girl Qin Gray is almost invincible among ordinary people, and it is difficult for even the army to compete with her.

After some discussions.

Uncle Wolf and Phoenix Girl Qin Gray decided to first attract the mercenaries who captured the mutants, and then follow the vine to find Riot and rescue more mutants.

As for how to attract?

This is easy to say, as long as they show some superpowers in public, they will naturally be remembered

"Then good luck to you 1

Bai Xiaofei has no interest in the actions of Uncle Wolf and Phoenix Girl.

On the contrary, America was very interested, and expressed the hope that she could act together, and Bai Xiaofei did not refuse. After all, with the ability of Phoenix Girl Qin Gray, it is impossible for any accidents to happen.


Bai Xiaofei stayed on the farm, accompanying Professor X.

And Uncle Wolf, Venom, Phoenix Girl Qin Gray, and America drove to the town with a relatively large population to implement their plan to lure the snake out of the cave.

After several people left.

Professor X in the room, looking at Bai Xiaofei, instantly returned from being confused to normal, and even shone brightly.

follow closely

A wave of spiritual awareness extended from Professor X to Bai Xiaofei's side. He was trying to enter Bai Xiaofei's brain and read his thoughts.

But unfortunately, Professor X failed.

His mental strength was like a biscuit hitting the Great Wall, and he was smashed to pieces in an instant, completely falling apart.


Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, looked at Professor X on the bed, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that you are not as weak as everyone sees."


Professor X's face was serious.

Looking into Bai Xiaofei's eyes, he was full of fear and doubt: "You are very strong, even more terrifying than Qin, who are you?

What is the purpose of you following Logan and Jean? "

At this moment, he doesn't look like he has any dementia at all.

very shrewd


Bai Xiaofei sneered and said, "Professor, who I am and what my purpose is are not important, what is important is, do you regret everything you have done before?"

"If you were given a chance to start over, would you still choose to live peacefully with ordinary people in this world?"

"Or, like Magneto King Eric, gather all the mutants and build a mutant kingdom of their own?"

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