The Storm God

Chapter 4387 Survival of the fittest Darwin! (Please subscribe!)

And it doesn't matter what's going on with the mutants.

the other side.

Inside the Riot Games headquarters base.

"Boom 1

Dr. Xander Rice was furious and smashed things in the office, but he still couldn't vent his anger.

Surrounded by various subordinates, there are also some mutants among them.

And these mutants are x-weapon fighters carefully cultivated and cultivated by him. They are the most loyal and reliable trump card subordinates, and also his most beneficial bodyguards.


It is x24.

However, after experimental analysis, x24 was more suitable to be used as a super soldier, but not suitable as a bodyguard, so it was decisively replaced.

Unexpectedly, the work he was most satisfied with was actually killed by the enemy.

It's outrageous!

Not only that, but many of his company's laboratory bases were also destroyed and attacked by mutants, and the losses were extremely serious.

If it's just those mutant test subjects, it's fine.

It is nothing more than a loss of financial resources or something, and it can be rebuilt in the future, but the X variant gene and other data stored in the laboratory are the most important.

Without these, his experiments would be difficult to carry on.

Someone may be curious.

He is so powerful, why not back up these things?

In fact, it's not that Xander Rice doesn't want to, but it's very difficult to do. In addition, there are not many mutants in this world, and the threat is almost non-existent.

With the full support from above, they are confident, so naturally they will not expend more energy to do things that are completely meaningless in their view.

Hence the current situation.

Can't say they are stupid.


According to the development of the original plot, Xander Rice's idea is completely correct.

The bad thing is that someone didn't play the cards according to the routine, and directly invited cheaters and reinforcements to appear on the stage, which completely broke Xander Rice's plan.

Like Uncle Wolf.

For example, Phoenix Girl Qin Gray!

like the new batch of young mutants that came out of nowhere

These are all uncontrollable factors.

By the time Xander Rice realized that the situation seemed to be developing in an unpredictable direction and wanted to start a backup plan, it was already too late.

The mutant came straight to the door, what can you tell him to do?

"Check me 1

"In any case, at all costs, we must also find out where those damned mutants came from, and at the same time apply to the above, I need more soldiers 1

"And speed up the work of deciphering the genes of those new mutants. I want to know how they are different from the mutants we know. 1

"Especially Qin Gray, she should be dead, why is she still alive 1


After Dr. Xander Rice regained his composure, he began to give orders.

Hearing this, the younger brothers under his command were all in agony, because none of these tasks were easy!

But as younger brothers, what can they do?

When the boss speaks, it's over.

After the little brother left.

Dr. Xander Rice came to a secret room in the deepest part of the base alone.

There are many mutant specimens, x genes, and all kinds of extremely important experimental data and so on.

The most striking of these is the body of a young black boy.


This body is made into a specimen.

But he didn't die, but continued to live as a specimen, which was outrageous.

He is Darwin.

A very special mutant.

The ability is survival of the fittest, the body will evolve and change according to the environment it is in, so as to gain the ability to survive.

After Xander Rice saw Darwin's ability, he immediately realized its extraordinaryness, and then secretly hid it.

No one knows about this except him!

Even the top.


Xander Rice also has his own ambitions.

And the one who bears the brunt is longevity. After all, no one wants to die, especially after he has the wealth and power that most people dream of.

If you simply want to live forever, this is nothing to Xander Rice, because Wolverine's super self-healing ability can achieve this effect.

But it's not invincible.

Logan is the best particle, so what if he has super self-healing and indestructible Edman alloy?

Haven't you been caught repeatedly and played with applause?

In short.

It is not perfect.

That's why Xander Rice cleverly used his gimmicks to create many versions of Deadpool. On the surface, it was for the purpose of creating stronger X weapons

But in fact, all of these are just various on-the-spot experiments Xander Rice did for his own longevity. The purpose is to find the best ratio of abilities, so that he can become a god-like existence.

Among these superpowers, Darwin's ability to survive the fittest is undoubtedly the most important, none of them.

But because he has to hide it from his superiors and everyone else, Dr. Xander Rice is not good at carrying out experiments in a big way, so he can only find some materials when he has time, and hide himself to conduct research secretly.

And after such a long period of experimental research, he has also made great progress. The specimen in front of him was injected with the genes of almost all mutants by Dr. Xander Rice. As a result, not only did the other party not have any rejection mutations, think about it , but also a perfect fusion.

If he hadn't injected the opponent with a genetic virus and a nano-scale limiter of superpowers in advance, he might have escaped from prison long ago.

"The current situation is getting worse and worse, and the time given to me is getting less and less, so I have to speed up the process"

Looking at the Darwin specimen in the experimental vessel, Dr. Xander Rice's eyes were full of madness, and immediately injected all the mutant genes he had just obtained into the other party's body.

And these mutants include the mutant genes of Polaris and others.

With the injection of the new batch of mutant genes, Darwin's specimen body also began to undergo various strange and complicated changes in an instant.


It doesn't look like much on the surface.

In fact, at the inner level of its genes, an incomparably complex horror reaction like nuclear fusion is brewing. An extremely terrifying force is quietly brewing.

It's just that Xander Rice didn't know that he injected the nanoscale superpower limiter into Darwin's body, and he didn't detect any abnormalities at all.

as if

Those terrifying energies have all been transferred to other dimensions.

On the surface, the torso of Darwin's specimen does not seem to be any different from before. This scene can't help but make Xander Rice slightly disappointed:

"Is it still not working?"

"It seems that more mutant genes and other experimental methods are needed. Fortunately, there is no rejection, otherwise everything will have to be repeated."

"Let's go here for the time being today, and see how the specific situation is tomorrow."


Xander Rice was a little depressed.

After studying the body tissue cells sliced ​​in Darwin, there was no special abnormality, and they were put into a freezer with extremely strong security level.

Then he left the room and returned to the ground.

But what he didn't know was that this sliced ​​tissue cell carried part of Darwin's consciousness and will. After Xander Rice left, it began to reproduce and fission crazily by itself, turning into a small A piece of living flesh and tissue.

And it's still growing.

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