The Storm God

Chapter 4389 Just do it! (Please subscribe!)

this Bai Xiaofei

The strength is indeed terrifying, far more terrifying than imagined!

But don't provoke them!


Professor X secretly warned himself.

Immediately, his attention was attracted by another powerful spirit, and this very familiar spirit was none other than Phoenix Girl Qin Gray.

Compared to Bai Xiaofei, Qin's spirit is undoubtedly much smaller.

But compared to other ordinary mutants, it can still be described as terrifying. If Bai Xiaofei is compared to the sun, then Qin is almost like the earth.

Ordinary mutants are small meteorites.

Very few powerful people can get the level of the moon, such as the current Professor X, Blinking Clarice, Miss Polaris, and Uncle Venom Wolf

It can be said that there is no harm without comparison


"Who is this strange and powerful spiritual consciousness?

How come I never felt it?

It looks like it's still far away."

"Follow the past to see what's going on 1


While Professor X was feeling emotional, he also quickly discovered an abnormal spiritual consciousness, then immediately turned the gun and focused on investigating the past.


Professor X found out.

This is an extremely powerful spiritual consciousness that does not belong to him at all, and there are also many weaker mutant spirits around him.

That is.

This mutant is not alone, there are likely to be other mutants around him, it's just that other people are not as strong as him.

Just when Professor X wanted to investigate further.



In that area, a terrifying magnetic field reaction suddenly erupted, which directly cut off Professor X's telepathy.


Professor X's complexion is not very good.

Although there was very little information just now, he could conclude that there should be an experimental base for a Riot company.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many mutants.

To know.

In this world now, mutants are almost extinct, and the only ones who have the ability to create and imprison mutants are Riot and its superiors.

The superiors generally don't do this kind of dirty work, for fear of being splashed with dirty water.


Most of them are done by fist companies.

So here comes the question, who is that abnormally powerful mutant spiritual consciousness?

What is the ability of the other party?

Is the opponent an enemy, or a compatriot waiting to be rescued?

Professor X knows nothing about these problems.

He just knows.

The situation at that base seemed very unusual.

Because generally very few people can discover, or even compete against Professor X's telepathic ability, but the other party did it easily.


crucial moment.

Professor X kept an eye out, and instantly changed the detection mode to the state of ordinary humans, directly marking the location and the spiritual consciousness of other ordinary humans around, and reversely marked the exact location there.


Professor X began to calculate its exact location based on the rest of the situation.

In the end, I found out that it turned out to be a small island on the sea, quite far from the local area, but it was right after thinking about it, after all, there was an existence on the island that was no weaker than Professor X.

With this level of mutants conducting experiments, it is natural to choose a relatively secluded place, so as to avoid accidents and cause many casualties.

"The other party has already noticed his detection, and may take action soon, so we have to hurry over there, otherwise the daylily will be cold 1

Professor X dare not neglect.

After exiting the brain wave machine, he immediately rushed over to the mutant elites such as Phoenix Girl Qin Gray and Uncle Wolf, and explained the situation to everyone.

In short.

They want to act as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the enemy moves, it will be extremely difficult for them to save people.

"I don't mind 1

Miss Polaris was the first to express her opinion: "Just do it and it's over 1

The younger brothers under her command naturally followed her lead and expressed their support one after another, without any intention of objecting.

Uncle Wolf also nodded.

Finally, there was the phoenix girl Qin Gray. She didn't say much, but looked directly at Clarice who had just returned from customs and hadn't had time to rest:

"It seems that I have to trouble you again this time."


Clarice smiled indifferently, and said, "It just so happens that I have learned a few new tricks, and I can use the Riot Company to try out their power."

"very good 1

Professor X nodded and said: "Since everyone has no objection, I will start assigning tasks now, Clarice, I will send you the specific situation I detected later, and you can see if you can set up a mutual communication "Gate of Space"

"no problem."

Clarice said to herself.

Professor X looked at Phoenix Girl Qin Gray and Uncle Wolf Logan again: "There are powerful existences on the island that are no less powerful than us. Just in case, the first wave of people passing by must not be too weak. Qin , Logan, it's up to you two"

"It is three 1

The one who rushed to talk was Venom, obviously dissatisfied that Professor X didn't hit him.

"Good 1

Professor X smiled wryly and said: "The three of you will take the lead when the time comes, go over and see what's going on first, and after confirming that there is no danger, I will lead the others to support."

"Well 1

Logan shrugged indifferently.

Qin Gray, the Phoenix girl, suggested: "Professor, since the enemy has the ability to block your telepathy, it means that the enemy has such masters or special methods in terms of magnetic field or mind. Therefore, I suggest that those who took the lead in the past Among them, it is best to have a master with this ability.”

"you mean?"

Professor X understood the meaning of Phoenix Girl Qin Gray almost instantly. After all, they were old acquaintances. Hearing this, he immediately looked at Polaris Lorna.


Miss Polaris is not stupid either.

Qin's words couldn't be more obvious, so the professional lip-syncing talents are Qin and herself. After all, one of them is proficient in the mind (the power of the phoenix), and the other is proficient in magnetism.

Except for them, the level of the rest is simply not enough.

To this.

Lorna was not dissatisfied.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said: "Then count me in, breaking the enemy's magnetic field blockade, and with Professor X sitting in the rear and supporting us, everyone can act better, right?"

On the issue of mutants, Miss Polaris is still very responsible, even if she is not a mutant in this world.

The plan is discussed.

Professor X then sent all the information about the situation around the detected island to Clarice with the power of the mind.

After Clarice learned the information, she looked at the world and the earth carefully, then put her hands together, and began to try to create a space gate with the other side.

And with her current level of strength, this kind of thing is not difficult at all, and soon, a huge purple space door is formed instantly.

After the tunnel was stabilized, Phoenix Girl Qin Gray, Uncle Wolf Logan, and Miss Polaris Lorna rushed over without hesitation.

at the same time.

Professor X is not idle either. Although the person has not traveled through the past, his spiritual consciousness has passed through the gate of space, wanting to get a glimpse of what is on the other side.

The rest of the mutants were full of anticipation and enthusiasm, looking like they were waiting to go to the battlefield, ready to fight and save people at any time.

Only Bai Xiaofei was an exception.


With an extremely powerful spiritual sense, he had already sensed the condition of the small island long before Clarice opened the door of space.

But at this moment, the situation on the other side is not very good.

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