The Storm God

Chapter 4433 Group fight Azu! (Please subscribe!)

"Everyone be careful!"

Facing the people of the motherland, Huey and others did not dare to neglect at all.

In an instant, they all entered a state of combat readiness. Of course, it was just a defense, and they were not stupid enough to use superpowers directly.

After all, this is their hole card, and the later they show it, the better the effect.

Azu didn't seem to intend to do anything directly, but brought Ryan directly to Beka, looking at the butcher with a complicated expression.

Said: "Before I was puzzled, why did you deal with me? I didn't know until now that it was because of her..."


The butcher clenched his fists instantly.

The hatred of taking one's wife is irreconcilable, even a man can't bear it.

But at this time.

What Azu said next made Butcher, Huey and the others froze in place: "Do you really think I forced it?"

Is not it?

Huey and the others stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

Oh My God!

If it wasn't forced by the people of the motherland, wouldn't it be that Becca cheated and gave the butcher a hat? Do you want such a big reversal?

This moment.

Except for the young Ryan, almost everyone at the scene looked at Becca.

Including the butcher!

Or, in the scene, only the butcher has the most complicated mood. After all, this is his wife, and for her, the butcher has persisted until now.

If everything was really voluntary by Becca, wouldn't his actions be ridiculous?

Becca looked at the butcher, the ex-husband, with a serious expression on his face, but he couldn't say a word, but this attitude already explained everything.

Not explaining is tantamount to defaulting!


This time.

The butcher was completely devastated.

Huey and the others were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that after a long time, it turned out to be such a truth.

It's so heartbreaking!

Seeing that the butcher was about to lose his faith, Huey couldn't help reminding Butcher: "Billy, calm down, she might have some difficulties, such as children..."


It's okay if he doesn't say this.

When the child was mentioned, the butcher's eyes became even more sad.

"Becca, this child is..."

In fact, there is no need to ask this question at all.

After all, Becca has been missing for many years. When the two separated, Becca was not pregnant, and it has only been a few years? It is impossible for a child to grow up so big.

The only explanation is that this child cannot be of his own kind.

It is the crystallization of people from the motherland, and only the descendants of these superpowers can grow to such a degree in just a few years.

In other words.

My own hat was firmly held.

When he thought that he was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, but still foolishly wanted to avenge Becca, the butcher felt that he was really ridiculous and pathetic.

Heart filled with endless anger and killing intent.


The butcher looked at Azu fiercely.

Azu naturally saw the butcher's killing intent, but he said nonchalantly: "Butcher, I advise you to give up, all of this is Beka's own choice, and you are not me at all..."


The word "opponent" has not finished.

The fiery yellow heat rays suddenly shot out from the butcher's eyes, directly blasting Azu who was caught off guard.

this moment.

The butcher went completely berserk.

At this moment, he couldn't control so much anymore, he just wanted to have a good fight, and kill this bastard who robbed his wife and ruined his life.

As for Becca, the child, and others...

None of it matters anymore!

Just do it!


The butcher succeeded in one blow, mercilessly, like a cheetah, he rushed up brazenly, waving his fists, punching and kicking the stunned and shocked Azu.

Every punch was packed with terrifying and powerful power, every kick was filled with his full anger and killing intent, every blow made Azu's eyes glow with gold stars, and he was in unending pain.

Azu was dumbfounded.

what happened?

Isn't Butcher an ordinary person? How can he have superpowers?

And it's so powerful and terrifying, to be able to lead the upgraded me and feel pain and hurt, how is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!

Azu was dumbfounded.

At the same time, he was angry, and he wanted to resist.

But it was depressing to find that the butcher in a state of rage was surprisingly powerful, and his defense was also extremely amazing. His Cyclops bombarded the opponent, but nothing happened.

Or, even if it works, the other party doesn't care at all.

It is a Dafa that is completely risking life.

Not only that.

His accomplices also have superpowers!


After seeing the butcher's hands.

Huey and the others also took action one after another, because they could see that the butcher would be the same as Azu if he died, and it seemed impossible to kill him.


They all started too.

The mother brother is an ordinary person with only guns on his body.

So his task is very simple, he only needs to be responsible for Becca and Ryan, so as not to be hurt by everyone.

And people like Huey, Frankie, Himiko, and Mouse are all capable, so they naturally use their abilities to deal with Azu together.

Among the abilities of several people, the most effective help to the butcher is undoubtedly the mouse.

The mouse's telekinetic power turned into an invisible bondage, helping the butcher and suppressing Azu together. Although the effect was not very great, it could at least cause some disturbance.

Like the straw that broke the camel's back, little is better than nothing.

Himiko is best at hand-to-hand combat, but against an opponent of Azu's level, she doesn't have any advantage. She can only harass and interrupt Azu's counterattack.

There is no need to replace Huey.

His super power is teleportation, or the streaking type. At this time, it is useless at all. The only thing he can do is to control Azu's hands and feet, and contain the attack, just like Kimiko.

When awakening superpowers, Huey's physical body was also strengthened a little.

To deal with Azu, it is better than nothing.

It is Frankie's ability that poses the greatest threat to Azu. His flame temperature is extremely high. Even if Frankie did not become a pure Pyroman, but only used partial flames of his arms, his flame ability is enough. Azu's defense was broken.

all in all.

With the help of everyone, the butcher finally managed to firmly suppress Azu, and caused some injuries to him, obviously in the upper hand.

While Azu was shocked, he was also horrified.

Apparently he didn't expect that he would end up in such a situation, and he couldn't restrain the panic in his heart. He tried his best to break free from the shackles.

But it can't be done at all.

Becca yelled helplessly on the side: "Stop hitting, please stop hitting!"

So did Ryan.


He is different from Becca.

As the son of Azu, he also has superpowers.

It's just that it has never been activated and used before, but now, stimulated by Azu being bullied, the little guy's superpowers are beginning to show signs of awakening.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

It was like an old iron being heated up, becoming more and more red and more dangerous, which frightened my mother to death, and quickly reminded the butcher and others: "Be careful!"

But alas, it was too late.

The voice did not fall.


A sky-shattering red glow completely enveloped everything.

The butcher and others who were still in a ball just now were blown away by the large laser beam released by Ryan, including Azu.

It's just that Azu was pressed to the ground by the crowd and couldn't move. In addition, his strength was also the strongest among the crowd, so the impact was relatively small and there was no serious problem.

And the butcher who was hit head-on was even more miserable. His entire back was blasted with a large area of ​​burns by Ryan's laser, dripping with blood.

Huey and others also died one after another, but only Kimiko was able to heal by herself and was intact.

Everyone looked at Ryan in disbelief: "He also has superpowers?"

But think about it.

after all.

This is the son of the motherland.

It's so shit!


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