The Storm God

Chapter 4435 Heavy rain is coming! (Please subscribe!)

Xuan He hesitated.

In the end, he obediently showed up and stood in front of Bai Xiaofei, because he knew that he was no match for Bai Xiaofei at all.

The Invisible Man is the best example.

To know.

After the invisible man is invisible, the skin of his whole body will be carbonized into a diamond-like existence, extremely hard, not to mention guns, even bombs may not be able to hurt him.

The results of it?

With one thought from Bai Xiaofei, the other party turned into a puddle of blood and flesh.

Although Black's self-healing ability is awesome, in terms of defensive power, it still can't be compared with the invisible man. Even the latter can't withstand Bai Xiaofei's attack, let alone himself?


He can only show up.

Then obediently explain his purpose.

Hei Hei was holding a piece of white cardboard in his hand, on which he wrote the purpose of his actions: "Observe Azu's actions and think about it, I didn't know this was your place, sorry!"


Bai Yu was speechless for a while.

Looking at the black body, the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "You don't know how to use a mobile phone?"


Xuan Se's face suddenly became bewildered.

Not sure what someone meant, so wrote on a piece of cardboard: "Watt?"

Bai Yu said speechlessly: "Typing on a mobile phone is more convenient than writing with a pen, right?"

Xuan Se: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party, knowing that the other party was just a pawn of Water Company, so he didn't mean to embarrass Hei Hei.

Just said: "You go, I can tell you clearly that Azu has indeed been here, I upgraded his ability, and the umbrella company is also mine..."

"For the rest, I don't need to say more. Water Company should understand what I mean."

"Also, don't come here again in the future, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will be as lucky as this time. Please refer to the fate of the invisible man!"

"Then, let's go!"


After speaking.

It doesn't matter how black reacts.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand directly, but Xuan Se hadn't reacted yet, his whole body was directly transported by Bai Xiaofei to some wild mountains in North America.

Xuan Se: "..."


What the hell is this place?

How did I get here?

Depend on!

This is clearly retaliation.

Come to yourself.

Depressed, Hei quickly took out his phone and sent Uncle Fried Chicken a message.


"You're at XX location in North America? Fuck, what the hell are you doing? Didn't I tell you to investigate the coordinates of XX? What are you doing there?"

"No, with your ability, it is impossible to get there in such a short time."

"What the hell is going on?"


Water Company.

After Uncle Fried Chicken received the black news, he suddenly felt bad.

His first feeling was that Hei Se was playing tricks on him, or maybe he lost his mobile phone, and the person who sent him the message was someone else, otherwise, how could it be so outrageous.

But follow closely.

Xuan Se used a special secret language to explain his situation.

Uncle Fried Chicken suddenly felt bad.

He was about to answer something.

And at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Uncle Fried Chicken.

It was Azu who was full of anger.


Uncle Fried Chicken wisely gave up sending the message, and then pretended to be calm and looked at the unkind Azu, knowingly asked: "Azu, what do you want?"

"What do you say?"

Azu sneered, looked at Uncle Fried Chicken who was pretending to be stupid, and said through gritted teeth: "You leaked the matter about Becca to Butcher, right?"

Although it was a question, the tone was quite certain.


Uncle Fried Chicken has no words.

This pot cannot be taken lightly. Knowing it is one thing, but whether there is evidence to prove it is another thing. Uncle Fried Chicken who is confident that he has no flaws will naturally not admit it.

Directly confront Azu with silence.

Azu obviously knew that Uncle Fried Chicken couldn't be brought down by his own affairs alone, so he didn't say much, but said some harsh words to Uncle Fried Chicken, then turned and left.


before leaving.

Azu directly stated his attitude to Uncle Fried Chicken: "You guys don't want to control me any more in the future, I am the real superman, and I can do whatever I want!"

When he got there, he smashed the door of Uncle Fried Chicken's office.

The onlookers were stunned.


After Azu left.

Uncle Fried Chicken was so angry that his face turned black, he hurriedly dialed another person's phone, and said, "You must act quickly on that matter, the sooner the better!"


He hesitated for a moment.

Uncle Fried Chicken still handed over what he knew to the butcher.

Azu's safe return proved one thing. Butcher Bucher and others are not Azu's opponents. If he wants to continue killing people with a knife, he must strengthen the strength of Butcher and others.

Just right.

He happened to have a candidate on hand.

Although he is already searching and taking action on his side, Uncle Fried Chicken is obviously not satisfied, indicating that he wants to use Butcher and others to develop multi-line development.

after all……

They now share a common goal.

But everything is normal, it will follow Uncle Fried Chicken's script.


the other side.

Butcher Butcher and others have already returned to the stronghold.

However, because of the butcher's matter, everyone's heart is very heavy. What happened to the captain butcher also made it difficult for the black-robed team to continue.

Without any choice.

Everyone can only temporarily disperse, each digesting the impact of this incident.

But at this time, Butcher Bucher once again received a secret message from Uncle Fried Chicken, saying that there was a secret weapon that might pose a fatal threat to the people of the motherland.

"Soldier boy?"


The butcher just glanced at it briefly, then completely lost interest.

Right now, he only thinks about one thing, what is he living for? What's the point of trying so hard?

after all……

He was a total failure.

Perhaps, from the very beginning, he deserved his life instead of throwing all the faults on the people of the motherland. At the very least, his wife is also responsible for this matter.

If he had chosen human life from the beginning, perhaps it would not be so painful now.

this moment.

Butcher Butcher fell into deep confusion.

He doesn't care about everything around him.


the other side.

Inside the Sage Grove Mental Asylum.

The storm girl appeared in the treatment room with a bruised nose, a bruised face, and injuries all over her body. Although she was extremely embarrassed and almost died, her mood was unprecedentedly excited.


After her hard work, the selected characters have basically been completely conquered and suppressed by her, and those stubborn guys have basically gone to see God.

In other words.

Storm Girl's plan has achieved initial success.

Next, as long as her abilities are transformed and upgraded, and then successfully completed, Storm Girl's next evil plan can be implemented smoothly.

She was naturally extremely excited and excited.


Storm Girl's mood didn't last long, because the person in charge of the Sage Woods soon came to her with a piece of news.


"The Umbrella Company actually researched the X serum, which can allow ordinary people to obtain superpowers with almost no major side effects, and the price is very affordable?"

"How is this possible? How dare they!?"


Storm was furious.

All the good mood, suddenly sunny to cloudy, rainstorm is approaching.


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