The Storm God

Chapter 4438 New identity! (Please subscribe!)

Azu's fear of Bai Xiaofei was deep in his bones.

This was thanks to Clarice, because he couldn't even beat Clarice, and he couldn't even fight back, let alone Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei wants to deal with Water Corporation.

Can Azu not panic? The first reaction was to get rid of the relationship with Walter Company as soon as possible, so as not to be accidentally injured, and then it would be hard work.

With that in mind.

Azu didn't hesitate immediately, he just returned to Walter's company, and immediately flew towards Bai Xiaofei's farm without stopping.

And this scene.

On the other hand, he looked at Xuan Se a little confused.

what's the situation?

You were fine just now, why did you leave suddenly?

Not a word.

never mind!

I still have a mission, so I can't take care of that anymore. I heard that Uncle Fried Chicken is looking for the soldier boy. Could it be that the other party found something?

Or have other intentions?

This is not allowed!

after all……

At the beginning, I and others "killed" the other party after stabbing him in the back. If I let him out, the first thing the other party would look for would be myself and others.

We have to find a way to get Water Company to dispel this idea.

But what to do?



the other side.

Inside the stronghold of the black robe team.


The atmosphere among Huey and the others was very silent.

Especially after seeing the X serum about Umbrella Company on TV, the mother's brother's face became particularly ugly.

His first feeling was that the world was about to change.


There are only some people with superpowers, and the world has become so unbearable. If everyone has superpowers, what the hell is going on?

on this...

Huey sees it differently.

He feels that ability is innocent, this thing is like a gun, not everyone, with it, will definitely do bad things.

The key depends on the person.

For example, aren't they using their own power to do good things?

The mother brother was speechless for a moment.


Everything depends on the person.

When power is unequal, the strong side will ignore or even care about the position and feelings of the weak side, and act recklessly!

This has nothing to do with power, the key is people!

Like guns.

Some people choose to use it to rob and endanger the lives of others, while some people need it just to defend their territory.

Can you say the latter is wrong?

the same way.

The same goes for superpowers.

Butcher Huey and others were just ordinary people at the beginning. They got superpowers in order to get revenge and seek justice from those bastards...

In essence, is it different from ordinary people buying guns to fight against evil forces?

not at all!

Maybe I think too much.


What kind of X serum from Umbrella Company must have no good intentions!

At the very least, there will definitely be some bastards who will act recklessly after gaining the ability, which is equivalent to indirectly killing those bastards!

The mother brother's first reaction was to sabotage the opponent's plan and prevent more ability users from appearing.

Frankie disagreed.

For the same reason, are guns wrong? It doesn't kill itself.

What's wrong with superpowers?

The fault is the people who use it.

People are just selling goods, just like selling guns. As for what the people who buy the goods do with them, the merchants will not take the blame.

Mother brother: "..."

The current vote is two to one, and he is at an absolute disadvantage.

Without any choice.

He could only look at Kimiko and Mouse.

As for Butcher Butcher?

All right.

This guy hasn't come out of the "grassland" yet, so he is directly excluded.

But what my mother didn't expect was that Ximeizi and his brother would not comment on this, but the butcher, who he didn't have much hope for, spoke up:

"No matter who is right or wrong, isn't the meaning of our existence exactly like this?"


With those words, everyone was overjoyed immediately.

Because they knew that the familiar butcher had finally returned.


Butcher has lost his target for revenge.

But he has not lost his purpose in life.

As the captain of the team, he also has the obligation to supervise and judge those bastards, which is also the purpose of the black robe team when it was born.

In other words.

The current butcher has been sublimated.

He is no longer just fighting for himself, but also for those lives that threaten other weak existences. No matter who it is, as long as they violate their bottom line, it's over!


The Storm who killed the rats earlier.

To know.

This guy is a standard traitor, a racist, in order to achieve his goal, he will use unscrupulous means, and the level of cruelty is even more terrifying than Azu!

Last time when she chased and killed mice, the number of civilians the Storm injured and slaughtered exceeded dozens of people!

What cruelty and ruthlessness is this!


Butcher immediately made a mission plan.

The guy that the black-robed team will mainly deal with next is the woman Storm!

As for Azu?

It's not about letting go.

Instead of looking for him for the time being, after all, the matter between the butcher and him is not completely clear. If you don't pay attention, it may hurt Beka and the child...

This is not allowed by everyone.

But Storm is different.

You don't need to have any scruples, just do it and get it done.



The butcher also agrees with his mother's idea that the release of the X serum may not be a good thing. They must investigate deeply to ensure that the gaffe will not get worse.


The butcher took out his phone and called Mallory.

Because he knew that for such a thing, with the urine nature of the beautiful country, he would definitely send someone to contact it, and give priority to getting some X serum for experiments and analysis, so as to facilitate future cooperation and development.

as expected.

When Mallory heard the words, he didn't hide it.

I told the butcher directly, the national defense side got a lot of X serum, and launched the injection experiment on the same day, and now has awakened several superpowers, and is currently conducting all-round tests, as long as it is confirmed that nothing is too big If there is a problem, I believe it will cooperate with the umbrella company.

What Mallory said inside and outside the meaning is, aren't you capable?

Then check this umbrella company for me, and see if they have any ulterior motives. It's best if they don't.

If there is, then find out, and then completely expose it and make it go bankrupt!


The butcher laughed and said: "But we need some help and a reasonable identity, otherwise things will be difficult to do. After all, we are just ordinary people and don't have that power..."

"Do not worry."

Mallory was certainly not stupid.

Knowing that the butcher was asking the black robe team for an official identity as a cover, he immediately said: "I will find a way to arrange you into the super power inspection team, which is an official department specially set up to target super power crimes. privilege."

"Then thank you."

After the call ended, Butcher shared the news with everyone, and said with a smile: "From now on, we are also people with status, but the price is to find out the real purpose of the umbrella company, do you have any objections and good ideas? "

"This is easy."

Huey immediately replied: "As far as I know, Umbrella Company has only been established for a few days. Almost all the team members of the company are recruited temporarily. Only the legal person of the company has not changed from the beginning to the end. I think We can investigate that first.”

"very good!"

The butcher said with satisfaction: "Then I will leave this matter to you, mother brother, Frankie, you two should start a relationship and track down the whereabouts of Storm Girl."

"Rat, I think your ability should require some special training to enhance its power."

"Just let me be your partner."


this moment.

Butcher was back to the cold-blooded butcher he was before.


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