The Storm God

Chapter 4449 Weird energy wave! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that the left arm was missing from the butcher's hand, Huey and the others were shocked. They didn't care about the soldier boy, and rushed to the butcher.


"Aren't you invulnerable? Why is your arm..."

"What's the matter with that guy?"


The mother brother was in a hurry.

The butcher's arm was gone, and the trauma was so severe that it was bleeding profusely.

At this moment, Bucher is like an ordinary person, there is no difference, but his spiritual will is extremely tenacious.

It was heartbreaking, but the butcher still gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

A pair of eyes stared at the location of the energy beam, and said in his mouth: "Look quickly, what's going on over there? Don't let him run away, otherwise we will..."

The words are not finished yet.

The whole person passed out immediately.

His injury was far more serious than imagined. Not only was his arm gone, he lost too much blood, but he also seemed to be infected with some kind of special energy, which made his current body far more fragile than ordinary people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't faint so easily.


Seeing this, the mother brother immediately turned around in a panic, sweating profusely, and shouted: "Bucher's condition is very bad now, and he must be sent to the doctor immediately to determine what happened to him!"


They don't have time for soldier boys now.

Even if it's the butcher's will!

"Then hurry up!"

Huey and others did not hesitate.

The soul of the black-robed team suffered serious injuries from unknown dangers, so they naturally didn't have the heart to do any tasks, and they didn't care about the soldier boys.

Take the butcher and prepare to leave the base.

And the soldier boy's strength was far beyond their imagination. Even if they wanted to pursue him at this moment, it would be too late, because the opponent had already run away without a trace.


Except for this reason.

Another reason is that the beam of energy just now must have attracted the attention of the local Soviet Union. If they don't leave quickly, they will be surrounded by countless soldiers soon, and they will be unable to escape.


The choices and actions of Huey and others were not sloppy.

By the time the people from the Soviet Union came to the base on a large scale, they had already fled.


Butcher's situation is not optimistic.

In the severed arm, although the blood had stopped, there were strange black veins in the wound, like tarsal maggots, which were spreading crazily towards other parts of the butcher's body.

Even if my brother didn't know what it was, he could still understand that it was definitely not a good sign.

Huey anxiously said: "What should we do? Looking at him now, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go back. Why don't we find a temporary place here and check it first?"

"It can only be the."

Mother nodded and said: "Huey, I think losing may not be so simple, we must prepare for the worst, if the result is not ideal, I hope you can rush back as quickly as possible, and then find Mr. Bai for help , only he can save Butcher!"

Among the crowd, if anyone was the fastest, it would undoubtedly be Huey.

And Huey's ability is teleportation.

Although the current teleportation distance is still uncertain how far it can reach, it is better than ordinary transportation.


The mother brother put all hopes of the worst plan on Huey.

Even if Huey can't teleport directly, but he can do it a few more times, at least it's much faster than their stupid driving.

"I see!"

Huey is no fool.

Naturally, he knew what his mother brother meant.

Hearing this, he nodded heavily immediately, and said, "If things really come to that point, I will definitely do my best to go back and find Mr. Bai for help."


A group of people came to a small clinic in a town.

The doctor inside was knocked unconscious by Simiko and the mouse, so as not to cause accidents such as screaming and confusion.

That's fine.


Following the butcher, he was sent to the operating table.

Although my mother's medical ability is average, compared with other team members, it is much stronger. At least the bandaging of the wound is very good.


"It stands to reason that even if he passed out, Bucher's super power should still be there, but why did my needle penetrate his skin so easily?"

"Is it because of these black ghost things?"

"Frankie, try it!"


While operating on the butcher and suturing the wound, the mother brother motioned to Frankie to see if the butcher's superpowers were still there, and the test method was very simple.

Just French, take a needle, and prick it lightly in the butcher's other normal body parts.

According to normal circumstances, the needle should not go in.


Butcher's current situation was extremely abnormal.

The needle in Frankie's hand was not hindered by anything, and it easily pierced into the butcher's right arm, as if he had no ability, but was a completely ordinary person.

This scene made my mother's brother, Huey and others feel their scalps go numb.


"Butcher's superpowers disappeared? How is this possible!"

"What the hell did that guy do?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

In their cognition, Soldier Boy is just a superhero of the previous generation.

Its abilities are not so miraculous, mainly manifested in its strong body, but the current situation is obviously completely different from what they understand.

Not to mention energy light waves.

What the hell, it can actually eliminate the superpowers of superpowers, that's outrageous!

follow closely……

Huey and the others realized immediately.

Why would anyone want to look for the soldier boy, because this guy is almost the nemesis and killer of all superpowers. In front of him, any superpowers are no different from ordinary people.

Butcher Butcher was the first victim.

Even more terrifying.

If it's just deprivation of superpowers, that's all. The key butcher's injured part seems to have received some special infection, which is frantically taking the butcher's life.

"Damn it!"

"The medical conditions here are so bad, I can't figure out what these damn black substances are, we have to go to a better hospital!"

"Or find someone to help!"


A word behind.

It was the elder brother who said it to Huey. The implication is that even if we find a hospital and equipment with suitable conditions, with our ability, we may not be able to save the butcher.

Huey nodded immediately, and said: "Well, let's split up, and you take Bucher to continue to find a way to treat. I will use my ability to rush back to China to find Mr. Bai to help save people!"


"Be careful yourself, don't push yourself too hard."

"We'll take care of him."


The black robe team dispersed.

The mother brother and others led the butcher to continue to search for medical locations for treatment, while Huey used the ability of teleportation to shuttle continuously and came straight to the beautiful country.

And the other side.

A burly figure in ragged clothes is walking alone on the road to the beautiful country through his own way and method in a state of embarrassment and confusion.

He is the soldier boy who escaped.


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