The Storm God

Chapter 4451 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water! (Please subscribe!)

Inside the farm.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly.

Sighing: "It seems that my place has been known by many people. It's really disappointing that all cats and dogs can be found here!"

If it wasn't for watching the show, Bai Xiaofei would have gone into hiding long ago.


This world is still relatively low-level.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry about people coming, he could easily send away uninvited guests he didn't like with just one thought, and it wouldn't be too much trouble.

I was thinking so.

Suddenly, a figure of Chi Guoguo appeared within the range of the farm out of thin air.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

Depend on!

This is so unbearable!

The person who came was none other than Huey who teleported all the way and called for help.

Seeing the familiar farm in front of him, Huey was overjoyed. He didn't care about running naked at the moment, and ran to the room naked.

Bai Xiaofei's face turned black with anger.


What's wrong with this guy!

Just about to send the other party away, so as not to stain my eyes!

But Huey yelled loudly: "Mr. Bai, help, Bucher was injured, and his super powers are gone. He is about to die. You must save him!"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

His interest was immediately attracted: "Butcher, that bearded man? It's not surprising that he was injured. After all, his ability is not invincible, but what the hell is it without superpowers?"

"Suit up!"

Bai Xiaofei gave an order.

Huey, who was running naked, suddenly wore a white robe from the Middle East, wrapping himself tightly.

Facing Bai Xiaofei's inquiry, Huey didn't dare to neglect anything.

He quickly told Bai Xiaofei the ins and outs of the matter.


"You mean, after the bearded man was hit by that soldier boy's beam of energy, his arm disappeared, and he also lost his superpowers, so his life was hanging by a thread?"

"That's really strange."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

You know, his X serum is a special medicine produced by combining mutant genes and the secret recipe of Compound No. 5.

The ones used by the butchers are even more powerful than the normal X serum.


This is all in seconds.

It's incredible.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei wanted to know, what is the origin of that soldier boy?

There is such a special ability.

It's outrageous!

in addition……

He is so awesome, how was he arrested in the first place?

Huey watched Bai Xiaofei fall into deep thought, not daring to take a breath, pondering over and over in his mind, how to persuade the other party to help him.

The result is the next moment.


After a snap of the fingers.

Huey was extremely shocked to find that he and Bai Xiaofei had appeared directly in a completely unfamiliar environment, and the people in front of him were not his mother and brother, who were they!

"This is……"

Huey looked at everything in disbelief, completely dumbfounded.

He didn't understand, why did he come here suddenly?

Could it be the snapping of fingers just now?

It's outrageous!


Mother brother and others were also dumbfounded.

They obviously didn't expect that the well-behaved Bai Xiaofei and Huey would appear out of nowhere, as if they were haunted, and almost gave them a heart attack.

And Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to explain anything at all.

He looked directly at the fainted man, who was lying on the hospital bed, with a beard covered with various equipment linking devices on his body, and said in admiration: "Interesting..."

"The special radiation at the wound site quickly infects the gene sequence in the body, seals and destroys its expression ability, thus causing the complete failure of the superpower..."

"It's a terrifying ability."


During the conversation.

A light flashed in Bai Xiaofei's hand.

A golden radiance suddenly gathered at the fingertips, and then penetrated into the body of the bearded man as if with a spirituality. Visible to the naked eye, the terrifying black veins on his body quickly faded away.

Not only that.

The left arm lost by the bearded man quickly regenerated in the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it.

In the blink of an eye, the bearded man returned to his original state.

Not only that.

His superpowers also seem to be back.

The linking equipment inserted in the body, various needles and so on, were directly pushed out by the muscle tissue.

As for the bearded man, Bucher also slowly opened his eyes under the eyes of everyone looking forward to it.

But this time.

Bai Xiaofei's figure had disappeared.

Huey and the others didn't even realize when Bai Xiaofei left. But these are not important, the important thing is that the bearded man is fine.

The rest will come later.


at the same time.

Azu continued to destroy the experimental base of Water Company.

Walter Company is helpless about this, and there is nothing they can do. Even though they have already taken measures in advance, facing Azu, they still only have to be abused.

no way.

Both sides are too powerful.

People can beat their so-called elite troops with their eyes closed.

What are they fighting against?


But at this time.

The storm girl also rushed to Uncle Fried Chicken's office.

"How dare you play me!"

Storm girl is not polite at all this time.

When he came in, he immediately grabbed Uncle Fried Chicken, looking like he wanted to eat him.

Uncle Fried Chicken still looked very calm, and said blankly: "Storm Girl, I don't even know what you are talking about, there must be some misunderstanding!"

"What a misunderstanding!"

The Storm roared angrily: "I've already checked. You asked Xuan Se to check the Umbrella Company and went there before, but you chose to hide it from me..."


Lies are exposed.

Uncle Fried Chicken immediately stopped pretending, and said to the showdown: "I thought you could handle it, but now it seems that it failed, so you want to get angry with me, right?"

It looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

after all……

He is also a senior executive of Water Corporation.

Although not as good as Storm Girl, it is impossible for the other party to kill him so recklessly. After all, Uncle Fried Chicken still controls most of the resources.

Think here.

Storm girl suddenly calmed down a bit.

But the anger towards Uncle Fried Chicken did not diminish at all. After putting the other party down, he couldn't help snorting coldly: "If there is another time, see if I will roast yours blacker than black charcoal!"

Uncle Fried Chicken is smiling on the surface, but his heart is full of criticism.

He didn't bother to talk to Storm Girl, so he changed the subject directly: "Let's get back to the topic, aren't you looking for children from the motherland? Did you get any results? Why did you run there?"


Stormgirl crossed her arms and said triumphantly, "I went out in person, but it goes without saying that I already knew the hiding places of Becca's mother and son, but I didn't startle them."

The operation of the umbrella company made them a little confused.


Just in case.

For the time being, he has no intention of abducting Beka's mother and son, but has decided that if something unexpected happens in the future, he will use his troops to besiege Wei and save Zhao.

at this point.

Uncle Fried Chicken also gave full affirmation.

However, the behavior of the people of the motherland must be stopped, otherwise Water Company will have to be bankrupted.

For this purpose, Uncle Fried Chicken had to tell Storm Girl about the soldier boy, hoping that the other party could help to find out if the bearded man had succeeded.


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