The Storm God

Chapter 4453 A tie! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Bai..."

Azu was very surprised. He actually received a call from Mr. Bai. He was flattered and almost jumped up in excitement.

"I have bad news for you."

Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "I just got the news that someone found the soldier boy and specially used it to deal with you. This guy is a bit tricky, you have to be careful."


Azu was a little confused.

He knew the soldier boy, after all, Hei Hei, the most trusted person around him, was once the soldier boy's teammate, but isn't the other party already dead?

Is it fake?

While he was wondering, Bai Xiaofei had already hung up the phone.

At the same time that Azu was stunned, he suddenly realized that the black color might not be as reliable as he imagined, if the soldier boy was not dead, the other party should know about it.


The other party didn't tell himself.

With that in mind.

Azu couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart, feeling like being stabbed.

The current task is not done.

All right.

In fact, he has almost done the tasks here, and several experimental bases of Water Company have been completely destroyed by Azu.

It's just that I didn't get much information about it.


Walter's company has learned to be smart.

All the black materials have already been transferred away. Even if the experimental base is destroyed, at most it will lose some things, and it will not cause more negative effects on the company.

Azu left.

Flew directly to the Walter Company.

en route.

He also took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xuan Se, meaning to ask the other party to come out and chat.

The strange thing is that Xuan Se actually replied: "Okay."


After a while.

Azu and Black, who was dressed in a special attire, met in a small secluded park.

Hei Se seemed a little flustered and nervous, his typing hands trembled a little, without Azu asking, he took the initiative to tell Azu about the soldier boy.

turn out to be.

Xuan Se had known for a long time that the soldier boy was not dead.

But he didn't know where the other party was being held. He only knew that this guy was the one who backstabbed the other party with his former team members before sending him away.

As for why you betrayed the soldier boy?

it's actually really easy.

Just like those bastard superpowers bullying ordinary people.

Relying on his own strength and status, the soldier boy never cared about the team members, only humiliating, bullying, beating and scolding.

The team members really couldn't bear the atrocities of the soldier boy, so they contacted the Soviet Union actively, preparing to jointly deal with the soldier boy and kill him.

All the previous plans went well.

They worked together and finally subdued the soldier boy, who was also taken away by the Soviet Union.

They lied that the soldier boy had been killed.

But in fact……

Soldier Boy is not dead.

Instead, they have been imprisoned by the Soviet Union, conducting crazy experiments.

Although I don't know the specific content, but I can figure it out with my toes. After the soldier boy escapes, he will definitely come back to seek revenge from these guys as soon as possible!

And all these plans are planned in the dark.


The soldier boy ran away.

Of course, Black was panicked, because no one knew better than them that the soldier boy was terrifying and cruel, and if he wanted to protect himself, he had to find his teammates.

For example, the people of the motherland!

The abilities of the people of the motherland are extremely powerful, and it must be no problem to use them against the soldier boys.

In other words.

Black color came to Azu for help.


After Azu finished listening.

But he was silent, and did not answer immediately, but looked at Xuan Se with deep eyes, and asked: "You should have known these things a long time ago, right?"

He's referring to the fact that Vought's company seeks out the soldier boy against him.

Black nodded.

He can't get rid of this pot, because he really knows it.

Not only that, Black even knew that the soldier boy was the biological father of the people of the motherland, but he didn't tell Azu any of these things.

Facing Azu's question, Xuan Se hesitated.

He didn't know whether he should tell Azu the truth of the matter. If he didn't tell, the lie would inevitably be exposed one day, and he would definitely have a hard time by then.

But if he said it, he was afraid that Azu would not help him.

It was quite hesitant and tangled.

What a dream.

However, Azu did not do what Hense expected, but suddenly smiled and said: "Very well, Hense, thank you for coming out to see me at this time and telling me about the relevant things, but now our The position has changed, so I'm sorry."

"I can't help you with this matter."

"If the soldier boy came to me, I'd definitely beat him up black and blue, but unfortunately, this is your business, and you and I are not in the same company."

"The key is that our two companies are still in conflict..."


Azu didn't choose to hide.

Directly and plainly told Xuan Se of his decision.

After speaking.

It doesn't matter how black reacts.

He flew away directly, because he already knew everything he thought of.

Although the soldier boy is powerful, you are from the past. In Azu's opinion, even if the opponent is not dead, he cannot be his opponent. After all, he has been upgraded.

Xuan Se: "..."

Looking at the figure of Azu who Feitian left.

In Xuan He's heart, there were also mixed feelings, and he was even more at a loss.

As a last resort.

He could only take out his mobile phone again and contacted his former teammates, hoping that everyone could work together to find a way to deal with the soldier boy.

But Xuan Se also knew.

The teammates of the past have completely changed now.

Some became fat houses, some lived unsatisfactorily and could only rely on pornographic anchors on the Internet to survive, and some even went directly to the personal world and lost contact.

It is not that easy to summon them.


Xuan Se has long been prepared.

During this time, he has been trying to find it.

There are already some clues now, such as the TNT combination, Scarlet Witch, these are easy to find, the only one that is difficult to contact, and also the most critical ability, Psychic Storm, has no clues at all.

Think about this.

Black is a little depressed and helpless.


the other side.

Somewhere in the Soviet Union.

The battle between Storm Girl and the black robe team has ended.

As a result, the two sides were evenly matched. In terms of numbers, the black-robed team naturally had the upper hand. Although their abilities were relatively single, and their individual strength was not as strong as Storm Girl's, their collective combat power was still quite terrifying.

Even the storm girl can't take advantage of it.

After the two sides fought fiercely for dozens of rounds, seeing that they couldn't take down these guys, and the other party didn't seem to be with the soldier boy, Storm girl immediately thought of evacuating.

Similarly, the black-robed team was also very puzzled by the sudden storm, and had no intention of fighting to the death. The key point was that none of them could fly.

Facing the storm girl who was determined to run away, even if they wanted to stay, they couldn't keep it at all.


The two sides fought confusedly.

Then, inexplicably, the fighting ceased.

The black-robed team smashed Storm's cloak and costume, and the other party also blew up the black-robed team's van.

Neither side ended up well, and neither suffered a loss.

It was a tie.


The soldier boy slept all the way to the beautiful country.

Youzai Youzai, that is a pleasure.


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