The Storm God

Chapter 4461 The mentality is broken! (Please subscribe!)


"Xuan Se, your current ability is amazing. It has a biological force field that can defend against almost all attack methods. You are invincible!"

"It's just that the attack is a little weaker, and it doesn't seem to have any improvement."


After some simple tests.

The TNT combination quickly came to a conclusion that Black's super power, biological force field, and defense were awesome, and they couldn't hurt it even if they tried their best.

It can be called absolute defense.


In terms of attack, it is extremely stretched, and it seems that there is no improvement.

However, they were not disappointed about this, because the upgrade of Hei Hei's ability gave them hope. If they also injected X serum, their ability would be strengthened.

Wouldn't that make up for the lack of attack?

Black color is in charge of defense, they come to attack the enemy, this is simply a perfect match.


TNT Combo believes.

With their abilities, after they are strengthened, they will definitely be quite powerful.

After all, their superpowers are extremely terrifying attacks. After upgrading, they can't be worse than before, right? Scarlet Witch's is no exception.

Now the question is, where are they going to get the X Serum.

To know.

This bottle in black hands.

It was he who took advantage of his position to rob others.

There are only so many X serums sent by the umbrella company. After such a long time, it is believed that most of them have been injected.

If they want to snatch it again, it is almost impossible.


The Scarlet Witch looked at the three of them and said tentatively: "Let's go directly to the umbrella company and tell them that we want to buy it. Since they open the door to do business, they probably won't refuse, right?"

"It's hard to say."

Hei Hei shook his head, and typed on his mobile phone: "After all, it hasn't been sold publicly, and the higher-ups haven't approved it. If they sell it privately, it's tantamount to breaking the law."


The TNT team curled their lips and said: "I don't care if they break the law or not, as long as they have the X serum, and there are only a few of us, as long as we don't tell them and they don't, who can trouble us?"

"That's right!"

Scarlet Witch agrees: "But the problem is, I don't have any money right now!"


This is indeed a big problem, otherwise, she would not be reduced to selling pornographic anchors for a living. She really likes it, and it's not because of life.

The TNT team sighed: "As for the money, we still have some savings, but what I'm worried about is that they may not sell it to us..."

To know.

Whether it is the TNT combination or Scarlet Witch, their reputation is not very good.

Ordinary people may not know much about it, but they believe that with the ability of the umbrella company, they must know their true colors. If they are the type that the other party hates, they will be depressed.

Moreover, point back again, you can't meet people from the motherland...


That would be even more cheating.

Thinking of the people from the motherland, Xuan Se immediately said: "I will solve his problem."


The TNT team said: "In this case, let's act according to the plan, Black, you can deal with the people of the motherland, we and the Scarlet Witch will take the money to the Umbrella Company to buy the X serum, the sooner the better!"


Black nodded.

Then he used his mobile phone to send a message to the people of the motherland.

TNT and Scarlet Witch returned home, started to prepare money, and went to the Umbrella Company.


Umbrella company.

Azu was notified that the identification results of the DNA comparison had come out.


He flew over in a hurry.

When Azu saw that the value on the appraisal result was infinitely close to 100%, he was blinded, his eyes widened, and his expression was full of disbelief.

Buy Karma!

The soldier boy is really related to him by blood!

And it is very likely to be my father?

This shit!

Azu's mentality almost collapsed.

But at this time, a black message was also sent to his mobile phone.

Originally, Azu would not care about such a small matter, but now he is in a state of collapse, and any small matter may become his life-saving straw.


Azu immediately deceived himself and used the message to divert his attention.

He forced himself not to think about those things, and following the address given by Hei Se, he soared into the sky and flew out, and kept telling himself on the way that none of this was true.


Hei Se, he was a former teammate of Soldier Boy!

He must know!

Just ask him if it's okay!


Just ask him!

After Azu left.

The TNT group and the Scarlet Witch also drove to the Umbrella Company after dressing up in disguise.

But what made them depressed was that there were not a few people who had the same idea as them, but a large crowd gathered around the gate of the umbrella company, holding a lot of banknotes in their hands, clamoring to buy X serum.

It was a hot mess.


Seeing the almost crowded scene, the three of them were immediately dumbfounded.

They looked at each other, and they were a little confused: "What should I do? Do I have to go there? It seems that this trick won't work. We won't see people from the Umbrella Company at all. How can we buy X serum?"

"Don't worry!"

The Scarlet Witch frowned and said, "Here we are, let's see the situation first."

"All right!"

The three of them had no choice but to do so now.

Heaven pays off.


After squatting for ten minutes.

The Scarlet Witch suddenly discovered that in a certain corner of the umbrella company, the time would be reduced by one or two people, but in other places, no one was found to leave.

So she immediately concluded that those who disappeared should have entered the umbrella company.

"follow me!"

The Scarlet Witch was terribly excited.

He hurriedly called the TNT combination, came to the strange place he found, and waited patiently.

After a while, a man in very ordinary clothes walked over and whispered to them, "Want to buy something? Follow me."


Turn around and leave.

It's not sloppy, it's very crisp.

The Scarlet Witch and the three were overjoyed, and hurriedly followed without a trace, and then at the corner, they found a purple portal.

Through the portal, the three of them soon appeared in a strange room. Someone has already been waiting here, and there is a rack behind, which is full of X serum.

The man in front of the shelf glanced at the TNT combination and the Scarlet Witch lightly, and then said lightly: "One serving of X serum costs 100,000 US dollars, and the money is paid and the goods are cleared. I will not be responsible for any consequences. Sign this agreement if you agree, or leave.”

A draft agreement was also placed on the table.

The TNT team and the Scarlet Witch came here for the X serum, so naturally they would not refuse. They looked at the agreement confidently and found nothing wrong, so they readily wrote their names on it.

After paying the money, three points of the X serum fell into their hands.

It's not that they don't want to buy more, but that the umbrella company stipulates that a person can only buy one bottle, and must be injected on the spot, lest someone take it out and resell it, disturbing the market balance and causing trouble for the company.

To this.

The three of them had no objection.

In front of everyone, they injected their X serum into their bodies one after another.


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