The Storm God

Chapter 4655 welfare compensation


Mingzi Radamadala lost. [.\\nCOM Situ updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to cache reasons, browsers are recommended to visit .\\nCOM official website]

Such a result shocked countless people and broke countless glasses, especially those folks who don't know much about the mysteries of the Ten Thousand Steps to Heaven Road.

Only a few people know that the current result has something to do with the talent, aptitude, and strength of the players...

The biggest factor is the direction of the Dao of their own practice.

If everything you encounter is beneficial to you, even if there are not many steps to climb, the benefits you will reap may be the greatest among all people.

on the contrary.

Even though there are many steps to climb, if all you encounter are great principles that are of no great use to you, then the resulting income may be very low.

The specific situation, no one outsiders know, only the contestants who participated in person know best.

As for the current screening results, the giants who know more about the content, people with family power, are naturally more willing to believe that Snake is lucky.

But the specific benefits are hard to judge.

after all……

Snake's strength is not low.

He was able to easily resist the attacks of the two sons of the Pantheon, and even reached the level of a god-king. No force could remain indifferent to such a genius.

not to mention.

This Snake himself has joined the Pluto army.

Therefore, the current result is naturally a loss for other people, but for the Pluto army, it is sure that they will not lose. Whoever makes the first and second are their people.

The difference is that.

This Snake is not just a descendant of Pluto.

But this has little to do with it, because the Pluto Army has a different composition from other major forces, and the people in the army are basically selected from other regions.

Even the present Hades son, Radhamandala, is not the biological heir of Hades.

That is to say.

As long as Snake is lucky enough, it may not be impossible to become the second ghost.

Think here.

The countless melon-eating people around were suddenly envious and jealous.

The people in the Pantheon don't look very good-looking. After all, the Pluto's army can't deal with them, and it's not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies.

Seeing that the Pluto army not only came out on top, but also won such a talented person like Snake, they were all depressed.

The key is that the two sons of the family, Oliveira and Osadelos, who are said to be the most promising to win the assessment, performed very unsatisfactorily.

Even the pride of some small families is not as good as...

This is even more sad.


Right now.

Everyone doesn't have the heart to care about the expression of the Pantheon.

Because everyone is more curious and concerned, what will happen after the screening is over? After all, in the past, there has never been an example of a sudden end.

Therefore, what will happen next, even the most experienced veterans, at the moment, have a black eye and don't know anything.

And the big shots in the upper realm didn't make everyone wait too long.


Almost at the end of the assessment and screening, a huge light curtain directly appeared in the starry sky, and listed the names of the top 500 contestants in the screening results at the moment.

Those not listed mean that they have lost their eligibility to continue.

Sun time.

On the Wanjietongtian Road, there was a sound of moaning and sighing.

Some even cried on the spot.


Even though they lost the qualification to continue competing, the bosses above did not treat them badly because of this, but gave them double benefits based on their existing achievements.

"Double benefits?"

"What do you mean? Could it be that the truth of the Dao corresponding to the number of steps we have comprehended will be rewarded to us by regret to help us achieve a stronger improvement?"

"If so, that would be really great."


Countless people immediately became excited again.

This, of course, also includes the top 500 contestants who have passed the assessment for continuing competition, because their results are more outstanding than those who were eliminated miserably.

If you get a double boost, it won't be too cool.

Especially some people who are about to break through, but are a little bit short. When they saw the news, they were so excited that they almost jumped up on the spot. This is simply a pie in the sky.

Even the giants and the arrogance of the family power couldn't help being secretly excited.


"This so-called double benefit, as expected, should be the compensation for ending the assessment early this time, right? It's not too bad..."

"I just don't know the gold content in it, is there any moisture?"

"I hope it's not too bad..."


Mingzi Radamandala, as well as Bai Xiaofei, Snake and a few top-ranked players have different views on this.

after all.

The higher the ten thousand steps lead to the sky, the more powerful and profound the truth of the avenue contained in the corresponding steps.

Maybe a little bit in the first step is enough to be worth the comprehensiveness of the previous steps. Therefore, how exactly this so-called double benefit is, remains to be discussed.


Everyone was not too upset.

Who told them to say nothing? The situation is stronger than others. The rules are made by others. Naturally, they have the final say. Even if they don't give anything, they can only endure it.

not to mention.

Mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are, it's better than nothing.

Just as he was thinking like this, he saw another line of text suddenly appeared on the light curtain, the content was probably that the benefits received by the top 500 contestants who have been promoted will be doubled, according to There are different degrees of superposition and improvement in the order of ranking.

for example……

After four hundred, the superposition can be doubled, that is, tripled.

Same as above, for those between 300 and 400, the bonus will be doubled to five times of the original benefits, and so on, for players between 200 and 300, they will get six times the benefits.

However, the benefits for one hundred to two hundred people are a little bit different, but directly doubled to eight times.

For the top 100 contestants, it is ten times as much!

Not only that.

The top three players will also receive a special reward separately.

But it was not three people who were lucky enough to receive such an honor, but five people, namely, Snake, Hades Radamandala, Venice and Venus, and Caldek of the Smallville family.

Snake is a well-deserved number one.

Mingzi Radamandala ranked second with a proud result; the remaining three, Venice, Venus, and Caldek, jointly ranked third, because when the screening was over, the three of them are all on the same level.

After the light curtain stated the rules.

Five bright lights suddenly fell in the star field, covering Snake and Radamandala respectively, as if they were awarding awards and imparting benefits.

As for other players, there is no such benefit.

The rewards given to everyone were all awarded directly from the steps of their existing Ten Thousand Steps Tongtian Road. Although there were also flashes of light, the brilliance and brightness compared with the top three were simply the difference between the brilliance of rice grains and the fierce sun. It's a big difference.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.


God storm

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