The Storm God

Chapter 4727 special magic stone

"I'm bored, destroy it!"

After Bai Xiaofei made a fuss with the Bull Demon as much as possible, he finally lost interest completely, then sighed, shook his head and said, "No matter how much time is wasted, that's it, hurry up and disappear!"

The words fell.

The power in the palm suddenly increased.

The degree of horror caused endless fear to appear in the eyes of the Wisdom Bull Demon, and he turned around and ran away without saying a word.


Facing Bai Xiaofei's attack, where could he run?

Before the Wisdom Bull Demon ran far, Bai Xiaofei's energy attack had already turned into a prickly pistol, directly piercing through the Bull Demon's head.

Poor this awesome bull devil, he didn't understand why he died so aggrieved!

It shouldn't be.

I have the power of wisdom and the power of a demon god at the same time.

Except for Lord Bull Demon King, he is almost invincible, how could he fall into the hands of an unknown human man?

This unscientific!

He didn't know that according to the normal situation, it was indeed true.

With the current strength of the Wisdom Bull Demon, let alone a legendary Paladin, even a higher Immortal Realm powerhouse is still a younger brother in front of it.

But alas yes.

This guy Bai Xiaofei can't be judged by common sense at all.

Is that a terrifying existence beyond the limit of this world, especially what a creature like him can understand and contend with?

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's curiosity and interest in his power, at this level, if he wanted to solve it, it would only be a matter of an instant.

After wasting so long with the other party, Bai Xiaofei is in a good mood.

And with the fall of the wisdom bull demon, the rest of the bull demons naturally lost all confidence, they all turned around and ran away, showing no sign of nostalgia.

After all, although they are not smart, they are not stupid.

Seeing the powerful intelligent bull demon, the only way to transform is to be instantly killed. They stay, and they are also giving away. Out of biological instinct, they naturally don't want to die.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk to these guys, and let these bull demons run away and disappear.

As long as the other party doesn't bother me, it's fine.


Just in case.

Bai Xiaofei still set up a defensive magic circle near the depths of the cave.

Then he jumped in directly, and went deep alone, ready to find out, to see the origin of that mysterious power, and to have such a miraculous effect.

And at the same time.

Another part of the Bull Demon Palace.

Omar and the others were still advancing along that tunnel. Although they couldn't find any clues, there was good news. For example, the bull demon behind them didn't chase them because of this.

This made them secretly relieved.


They are also more motivated to move forward.

It's just that this tunnel is too long, isn't it? They walked and walked like this, and they almost walked hundreds of kilometers, but they still couldn't see the end at a glance.

It's as if this tunnel leads to the core of the abyss, endless.

It made Omar go crazy.

"Depend on!"

"Why isn't it over yet? We can't keep doing this, can we? When is this the end?"

"Otto Potter, think of a way!"


Otto Porter was speechless.

I think of a way?


I don't even have a clue.

Everyone is trapped inside, what do you want me to do?

How about I piss and use it as a mirror to look at your face?

I was thinking so.



A violent shock suddenly came from the front.

The entire cave and tunnel were trembling, and countless gravel and dust fell down, making everyone think they were about to be buried alive.


After the shock, everything returned to calm.

It was as if what happened just now was all an illusion, but seeing Otto Porter, he knew that everything just now was real, because the tunnel ahead, and because of the shock just now, there has been a slight deviation.

What was supposed to be a straight tunnel leading in a certain direction has now become a horizontal tunnel.

As if suddenly penetrated by some powerful force, the direction of the tunnel was completely changed because of this. This sudden scene made Otto Porter hopeful.

"Very good!"

"We should be able to save these, Lord Omar, hurry up, since the passage has just changed, let's walk along it quickly, otherwise it will change later!"

"Everyone cheer up!"


Otto Porter reminded.

Omar and the others also regained their spirits immediately, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to hurry on their way.


A group of people came to the edge of the tunnel.

Then follow a brand new direction, rush forward with one brain, regardless of whether there is danger or not, they only know that even if there is danger, it is better than continuing aimlessly and infinitely in vain.

It turns out.

They are fighting right.

After a while, Omar and the others passed through this brand new passage to another deeper and weirder cave.

It's pitch black here, with no light at all.

Even if Omar and others took out lighting tools such as flint, it would be difficult to illuminate this place, because the material here seems to be able to absorb the light source.

It was clearly a bright and fiery flame, but once it got close to the surrounding dark rocks, it would become cold and shake, as if it had been swallowed and absorbed by people.

The fiery red light also directly turned into an incomparably cool blue-white flame.

Such a weird scene made Omar and the others jump wildly. There shouldn't be anything more terrifying here, right? Such a scene is really terrifying!

If it weren't for the protection of a few masters at the peak of the ninth stage of the holy stage, Oma would have ordered everyone to retreat to the tunnel just now, so as not to provoke any unclean things.

"Don't be afraid, my lord, there should be nothing wrong."

Otto Porter comforted: "Although the environment here is a bit special, it doesn't seem to be dangerous. At least none of you feel that there is anything wrong, right?"

Omar looked at everyone suspiciously.

as expected.

Although everyone was frightened and frightened, they all stood in place and did not suffer any harm.

This not only made Omar more courageous, but also emboldened.

"Ask someone to check the surrounding area!"

Omar ordered.

As a retainer, Otto Porter naturally did not dare to disobey his master's orders.

With a gesture in his eyes, several adventurers immediately began to explore the surrounding environment with courage, holding torches.


An adventurer discovered the situation, and he shouted: "My lord, there is a special magic stone here, we can't get in, why don't you come and have a look?"


God storm

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