The Storm God

Chapter 4790 Know yourself and know your enemy


Chaos is almost at its limit.

But he didn't intend to give up so easily, thinking that he could delay for a while, so he directly adopted guerrilla tactics, and didn't fight head-on with the blood dragon at all.

What's wrong with you?

It's useless if you can't beat me, if you have the ability, you can use AOE.


It's all kinds of dogs!

You know, this is his domain.

As long as the mind moves, earth-shaking changes can occur, not to mention the effect of the attack, if you really want to hide and dodge, even the blood dragon cannot easily knock it down.

as expected.

The blood dragon is not stupid either, seeing Chaos shamelessly ran away.

Immediately, he was even more annoyed. While attacking non-stop, searching for the traces of Chaos, he roared frantically: "Damn it! Chaos, you are the Empress of God anyway, what kind of skill is hiding, if you have the guts to come out and fight with me for 300 rounds! "


Chaotic voice, illusory: "You are stronger than me, I can't beat you, if you don't hide, why don't you stretch your neck and let you kill me happily?"

"Who can't brag, if you really have the ability, then find my real body."

"When the time comes, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"


Typical sarcasm.

No matter what you say, I just won't come out.

If you have the ability, you bite me.


The blood dragon gritted its teeth angrily, but there was nothing it could do.

After all, this is his domain. Although he is stronger than the opponent, he still has to be restricted in the opponent's territory.

Especially consumption.

Here, there is no blood for him to use, so it is far more laborious than usual.

However, this guy, Chaos, hid himself.


This is clearly trying to hold me back.


That damned murderer seems to be carrying out some important action, otherwise Chaos wouldn't be so desperately delaying it, I absolutely can't be led by the nose by the other party.

We must quickly find a way to break out.


God knows how many troubles will arise in the future.

Although the blood dragon is not very clear about the rumors about the forbidden area of ​​death and the internal situation, but after all, he is a dragon clan and he was born in a barren mountain, so he still knows more or less.

Now that the chaos has come out, it is also possible that other existences hiding in it may also come out. After all, no one wants to be trapped in one place for a lifetime.

What is encountered now is chaos, and with the strength of the blood dragon, it can still deal with it.

But what about the other guys?

That's not necessarily the case.

If this is the case, the loss of the barren mountain will probably become bigger and bigger as time goes by!

As one of the top executives of the barren mountain, Xuelong naturally couldn't let such a thing happen. Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, he could only use a stronger trick at any cost.

"Chaos, you forced me to do this!"

"Open it for me!"


In an instant, endless blood energy, like a landslide and tsunami, suddenly burst out from the blood dragon's body, turning into an endless sea of ​​blood, sweeping across the entire chaotic domain at an incredible speed.

"This is……!"

Chaos, who was hiding in the dark, was suddenly dumbfounded.

Although he didn't know what the blood dragon's attack method was, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that this move was definitely not trivial, just by looking at his momentum.

"I block!"

Chaos did not dare to neglect, and immediately mobilized the power in the Chaos Domain to strengthen the suppression of the blood dragon, change the environment, and block the invasion of the blood sea.

However, all this is in vain.

He was shocked to find that the moment his power of chaos touched the blood sea of ​​the blood dragon, it would be directly assimilated and absorbed, and completely transformed into the opponent's power.

"Damn it!"

Just for a moment.

Chaos knew what the blood dragon wanted to chase.

Only the realm can defeat the realm. This blood dragon clearly wants to use its own domain to neutralize and even completely devour the Chaos Domain of Chaos from within.

If he really succeeds, then Chaos will be the turtle in the urn.

Not only will he lose his own domain, but even he will completely become the food of the blood dragon and be refined into his own power by him!

The most important thing is.

The strength of the blood dragon is much stronger than that of Chaos.

Even if he wants to resist, it is futile. Just like just now, the power of chaos can't do anything to others. In addition to the gap in strength, there is another reason, that is, the blood dragon does not hesitate to pay the price.


Chaos can do the same, increasing the power of Chaos Force.

But the crux of the problem is that he has no reason to do this at all. After all, Chaos' task is to support the blood dragon and create opportunities for Jiuhuo and Bai Xiaofei.

Desperate or something, it doesn't exist at all.

"What a madman!"

Thinking of this, Chaos couldn't help but change his face drastically.

You must know that it is not impossible to forcibly release the domain to fight in other people's domain, but it also scores a lot of situations.

Just like now.

For the blood dragon, it was definitely a blood loss.

Not only will it consume more power, but it will even affect your own foundation. In serious cases, you may even be assimilated by the other party, so ordinary people will not easily do this.

Unless there is a certainty of victory.


Even so, the price paid must not be small.

Like the blood dragon, even if it succeeds, it will probably wear down its foundation, and it will be difficult to recover easily. After all, the power of chaos is not the same thing as blood energy.

Swallowing it forcibly without any foundation is like a snake swallowing an elephant.

If you can't hold on to death, you will completely deform your body, which will affect your subsequent actions and development. If you are dangerous, you will even become the prey of praying mantises, cicadas and orioles.

Blood Dragon can do such a thing, it can be seen that he is really angry and anxious.

Chaos was helpless, but in order to protect himself, he could only choose to stop and withdraw his Chaos Domain in time. Otherwise, even if he wanted to withdraw, he might not be able to do so.

But only for this moment.

The power of Chaos has lost about 30%, although it did not hurt the foundation, but it also made his strength drop a lot further, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover in a short time.

Chaos is obviously not satisfied with such a result.


While withdrawing from the realm of chaos.

The chaos of the chicken thief also gave the blood dragon a big gift - a large group of ultra-rich chaotic power, which directly smashed into the ever-expanding sea of ​​​​blood.

It's like eating meatballs and having a good time, only to be forced into a goose egg suddenly.

The blood dragon was choked.

Take this opportunity.

Chaos quickly slipped away.

When the blood dragon came back to his senses and dealt with it, there was no trace of chaos besides the mess on the scene?


The blood dragon roared with anger.

Endless blood, tyrannical transpiration, completely rendered this area into a blood red color.

at the same time.

On the other side, Jiuhuo and Bai Xiaofei are still running away.

According to death's instructions, he didn't encounter any great danger along the way. Even some guys with dystocia were all killed by Jiuhuo with the help of artifacts because they underestimated the enemy.


The most important thing is the secret help of death.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for Jiuhuo to be able to beat all the powerful monsters in the wasteland.

The harvest of death is also not small.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of chaos to hold back the blood dragon, he did a lot of harvesting in the wasteland.

Out of 10 out of 10 of those powerful monsters that came out of the barren mountains, he killed at least 30% by himself, and the remaining 10% were beaten to death by the native strongmen who took advantage of the wasteland.

in addition.

Because of the influence of the power of chaos.

The natives of the wasteland, as well as some monsters, were affected and ups and downs, and thus became servants of death. According to his plan, he blocked and harassed these strong men in the barren mountains.

In a word.

Kill if you can, run if you can't, and go back to kill again.

After such an operation, most of the monsters in the barren mountain were almost confined to a certain area, and they had no time to chase Jiuhuo and Bai Xiaofei at all.

Even if some powerful people are not stopped, because they don't have specific coordinates, they are like looking for a needle in a haystack, and they don't get much.

Some are just angry and annoyed.


If it is really crazy, it has to be a blood dragon.

He let out a long roar to the sky, not only to vent his anger, but also to tell his younger brothers, please be smart and don't be tricked by others.


It's too late to remind.

By the time those younger brothers realized that they had been tricked, Jiuhuo had already run away.


Death sneered and underestimated: "Has it been discovered? But it's too late. At this time, our plan has basically been completed!"

After some hard work.

Now, the killer move of death has basically taken shape.

As long as the blood dragons choose to continue chasing them, they will be ambushed and attacked mercilessly.

it's not...

Not long ago.

Then there was a mighty earth dragon that broke into the death trap that kept dying, and the terrifying breath of death, like a poison, soaked into its body unconsciously.

By the time he found out, it was too late.

In a blink of an eye.

This ground dragon was completely decomposed into a pile of bones.

With the death of the earth dragon's energy, his strength has gone a step further, and he is more sure of the upcoming battle.


He doesn't have wormholes.

Instead, they continued to act secretly, constantly laying traps and ambushes.

As long as the blood dragon didn't kill him, he would never show up rashly. After all, even Chaos knew the strength of death, and even Chaos couldn't do anything to him.

Even if death comes forward, at most it is slightly better than chaos.

He didn't want to take any chances.


It's still better to be safe.

Before fighting the blood dragon, absorb as much power as possible and increase your accumulation.

that's all.

With the passage of time, the number of strong monsters in the barren mountain army decreased sharply again. At first, the speed was not fast, but later it became more and more outrageous.

At the most exaggerated moment, several strong men disappeared at the same time in an instant.

"Damn it!"

The blood dragon noticed that his little brothers were being killed one by one, and immediately realized that besides Chaos, that damned murderer really had a formidable helper!

If he chooses to continue to follow Bai Xiaofei's breath, then none of his little brothers will be able to return alive, and all of them will be buried here.

But if he chooses to stop and save his little brother, then he will miss the opportunity again.

It's really a dilemma.


The exasperated blood dragon couldn't help but roared up to the sky again.

While venting his anger, he also informed his younger brothers, frankly, to gather all of them to Lao Tzu so as not to be defeated one by one.

But even so, there were still quite a few younger brothers who were still murdered.


Those who can come to the blood dragon alive.

Only less than half of the time when they came, and most of them were still injured, serious, and even lost arms and legs, and were in a mess.

Seeing his younger brothers, they all looked like this. The blood dragon's expression was so dark that it was almost as good as the black dragon clan in the barren mountain.

But at this time, there is still a younger brother who does not open his eyes to show off his superiority:

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Look at you, why don't you know how to be careful? Look at me, there is nothing at all. Usually, no one keeps talking about you. Now you know you regret it?"

"This is because you are lucky, at least you saved your life, unlike other..."

"Go away, old man!"


The little brother hadn't finished speaking.

I was kicked away by the corner of the blood dragon. Damn, I, the boss, are still talking, so it's your turn to be nagging here.

Didn't you see that I was bothering you?


Seeing the younger brother being kicked, the other monsters were secretly happy, but no one dared to show it, because they could all see that the boss's face was very bad!

At this time, it's better to be quiet, or you will be the one who is unlucky.

"What's the matter with you all?"

The blood dragon didn't have much ink marks, so he asked about the situation that the big guy encountered when he came up.

After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Facing the guy who came out of the forbidden area of ​​death, even the blood dragon dare not underestimate the enemy. The previous Chaos was weaker than him. If he met someone stronger than him, the final result would be unknown.

But even so, the current blood dragon is still suffering from a blood loss.

Although he swallowed a lot of Chaos Power, he still needed more time and energy to completely refine and absorb it and regard it as his own power.


Those forces of chaos will only drag down the blood dragon and seriously affect its display of strength.

Coupled with the forced opening of the blood sea domain, part of the foundation wasted, and a lot of blood energy, the current blood dragon's strength is at most 80% of the previous level.

If you meet a player stronger than Chaos, it's really hard to say the outcome.


Xuelong intends to ask his little brother if he can get some useful clues, so as to avoid risks and try to prevent it as much as possible.

After a while.

After listening to the statements of the younger brothers, Xuelong couldn't help but frowned, and thought to himself: "This situation, as expected, should be death, right?"


"This guy is not easy to deal with. His strength is stronger than Chaos, and his knowledge of laws is also higher, and he is even more difficult to deal with. Let alone these little brothers, even if he meets himself, he probably won't get any good fruit to eat!"

"How on earth did that bloody bastard get these difficult guys together?"

"Could it be some kind of peerless powerhouse?"


God storm

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