The Storm God

Chapter 4819 Participating in the wasteland


Luo Hou was slightly taken aback.

He, who was enjoying watching the play, apparently did not expect that at this time, Zhao Wuji would actually send a voice transmission to himself. Doesn't he know how important it is to watch the battle like this?


The next moment, he knew why.


"Death actually asked you for help, why didn't I know?"

"Then what do you mean?"


Luo Hou is not stupid either.

After a moment of stunned, he quickly understood the reason.

In comparison, Zao Wou-ki has been in contact with Death twice, so he can be regarded as an old acquaintance, while himself, a latecomer, only met once...

If it were me, if I needed to ask someone for help at this time, I would naturally choose it.

This is nothing to be jealous of.

not to mention……

Zhao Wou-ki is quite interesting.

At least there is no idea of ​​monopoly.


It may also be that you can't eat it yourself.

But at this time, if you are a smart person, you will automatically ignore the latter, because people are like this, and it is rare to be confused. If you take everything too seriously, it will be meaningless.

The most urgent task now is to discuss a countermeasure first.

To know.

The current situation of death and undead pterosaurs is not very good.

Once the two are entangled, the other strong men in the barren mountain will have the opportunity to move closer to the stronghold. At that time, whether it is him, Zhao Wuji, or other strong men in the barren city, they will all face a dilemma.

Now the two are just a little ahead of schedule.


The meaning of this advance is not simple.

Because Death proposed it on his own initiative, so they took the initiative. If they can successfully help resolve the crisis, it would be tantamount to making the other party owe themselves a favor.

At that time, whether it is asking for benefits or asking the other party to cooperate with his family as much as possible, it will be a huge advantage that other family forces cannot match.


In any case, this opportunity must be won.

The problem is that other family forces are not fools. Once there is any movement here, they will definitely follow suit and snatch it immediately. If one of them fails, they will just make wedding dresses for others for nothing.

in addition.

It's a question of responsibility.

After all, whether it is the Zhao family or their Luo family, they represent not only their own family, but also the deserted city at this moment. If they rashly start a war with the strong in the barren mountain, the meaning is of great significance.

If it succeeds, then everything is easy to say.

At that time, Death and others will help bear part of the cause and effect, so that the two big families will not only be right, but also have merit; otherwise, they will be the sinners of the deserted city.

Once any adverse consequences are caused, whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or the other major families, I am afraid they will make trouble, and take advantage of the opportunity to launch various suppressions to strengthen their own strength.

no way.

Human nature is such that we have to guard against it.


Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou had to come up with a solution to get the best of both worlds as soon as possible.

However, the solution is obviously not so easy to think about, especially the current situation is so special, the two of them stared at each other for a while, and the only way they can think of is to do it!

Don't care about him.

Go up and do it!

With the fastest speed, before the others had time to react, he made a lightning raid.

Even if someone will follow suit or even rush to attack, the credit for being the first two to stand up will definitely not be able to escape. The most important thing is that if you choose to refuse, then if you want to cooperate and form an alliance with Bai Yunfei, you will almost It's just impossible.

With that in mind.

Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou couldn't help being silent.

After all, a fight is easy to talk about, but the follow-up responsibilities, as well as a series of things, are the most troublesome.

If it succeeds, it's easy to say anything, but what if it fails?

Not to mention other families, I am afraid that even the two families of their own, for the sake of the family's interests, they may lose their car to protect the handsome and ruthlessly abandon them.

Whether this risk is worth taking must be carefully considered.

And at the same time.

Just when the two were still struggling with this matter.

The situation of death and undead pterosaurs has also reached a more difficult point. The former is okay, after all, he still has his own hole cards, and the current situation is only slightly at a disadvantage.

But the undead pterosaur is different.

It can even be described as precarious. The special toxin of the dragon lizard continuously erodes the bones of the undead pterosaur and consumes his death power.

The speed and the power of chaos, and because of the continuous decline of its own state, it is difficult to exert its due power, and the situation is really getting worse.

until now.

The poor undead pterosaur was almost torn apart by the dragon lizard.

It is estimated that in a few minutes, he will be completely crushed to pieces. He was so frightened that he repeatedly asked death for help, but he never recovered at all.

at this time.

The undead pterosaur was full of despair.

"Oh shit!"

"Could it be that Lao Tzu is about to fall here completely?"

"Dragon Lizard Clan, I'm fucking!"


The undead pterosaur cursed angrily.

However, his dying struggle, not only did not make the other party angry, but aroused the excitement of the dragon lizard even more, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You can scold vigorously, because wait, you will never have any Now's your chance, you traitor from the barren hills, you will definitely die today, it's no use whoever comes, I said it!"

The dragon lizard had a ferocious face and was extremely proud.

But the next moment.

"Is it?"

"Why am I so unbelievable!"


A sneer.

Steeply came from behind.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion and dangerous atmosphere also made the dragon lizard instantly alert to the extreme.


"Absolute super master!"

"The other party still helps? How is this possible? Could it be..."

"Damn it, how dare they?!"


The dragon lizard reacted extremely quickly.

At the critical moment, he hastily dodged the attack of the oncoming person.

And he thought of a lot of things in an instant, and when he stabilized his figure, he took a closer look, and sure enough, the guy who attacked him was really the strong man in the deserted city as expected!

I saw the person coming, majestic, majestic and upright, holding a long spear, domineering and awe-inspiring, surrounded by blue profound energy, like a dragon, he seemed unaware.

And he.

It was Zhao Wuji from the Zhao family.

"Guys from the deserted city!"

Long Li was stunned for a moment, then glared angrily and said, "You guys are so brave, you dare to meddle in our Barren Mountain's affairs, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by Barren Mountain?"

at the same time.

the other side.

At Death's place, Luo Hou held two knives, like a God of War, and stood majestically in front of the wooden dragon, forming an angle with Death, blocking the opponent in front.

"Human race in the deserted city?"

Mu Long frowned and said: "Are you crazy? This is our barren mountain matter. If you intervene recklessly, aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to the barren city?"

His tone and attitude were surprisingly similar to Dragon Lizard's, they were both so superior and mighty, it looked like he deserved a beating.

"Feel sorry."

Luo Hou sneered without changing his expression: "It's not your turn to worry about our barren city, let alone the target you are going to deal with, isn't it a member of our human race?"

"Of course we can't stand idly by!"


After a few words, the angry wooden dragon was speechless.

And the other side.

Stronghold here.

The other family forces in the deserted city, as well as the black cavalry imperial army, couldn't hold back completely, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot, and they all looked angry and wanted to eat people.


They were all put together by Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou.

Time goes back to just before.

"Use a clone?"

"No, it's safer to fake it."


Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou, after making a decision, quickly discussed the countermeasures. In order to conceal their actions and seize the opportunity as much as possible, they took advantage of the opportunity when everyone was watching the show and secretly escaped with fake bodies.

Such a measurement, if it is changed in normal times, it will naturally be difficult to work.

But now...

Almost all the powerhouses are watching the battle and comprehending.

In addition, everyone was born in a deserted city, and they were very clear about their respective positions, so no one thought that someone would dare to take such a big risk.


Like this, Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou quietly left the stronghold without anyone noticing.

It wasn't until they came to their chosen opponents that they launched a thunderous surprise attack, successfully supporting Death and the Undead Pterosaur, and saved the day.

By the time the various forces in the deserted city on the stronghold found out that the situation was wrong, it was already too late.

"Damn it!"

"Zhao Wuji and Luo Hou, these two guys, how dare they?"

"That's the strong man of the barren mountain!"

"It makes no sense!"


Everyone was suddenly very angry.

On the one hand, it was because the Zhao family and the Luo family were undoubtedly provoking powerful enemies for the deserted city by doing so. But more, it was the atmosphere that the opponent seized the opportunity.

after all.

Although the barren mountain is awesome, the barren city is not weak either.

Even if he really became an enemy, so what? The barren mountains were far beyond the wilderness, and if the opponent wanted to fight the barren city, they had to cross the wilderness first.

But with the current attitude of the wasteland, that is simply impossible.

Even if there is no reason for the wasteland, the deserted city does not panic at all, it is just that there is not enough interest, no one will easily take such a big risk.


The Zhao family and the Luo family did just that.

As for the significance of doing this, everyone is not a fool, so they naturally understand it very well, and it will definitely win Bai Yunfei's favor, after all, this is a timely gift.

Watching from the sidelines compared to myself and others...

What the hell.

It's a crazy slap in the face.

Even though Bai Yunfei didn't say anything, they were too embarrassed to run over to win him over.


As a member of a big family.

The first and foremost quality is a thick skin.

Faces are trivial matters, but what they are really angry about is that after being seized by the Zhao family and the Luo family, it also means that even if Bai Yunfei is willing to cooperate with him, the price they have to pay will definitely be higher than that of the two. Home is bigger.

To be set aside, but to give up more benefits...


Who can bear this.

Not to mention the power of the major families in the deserted city, even the rich and powerful city lord's mansion would not want to do such a big wrong, after all, no one's benefits are picked.


At this moment, it can be said that the several forces in the deserted city all hated the Zhao family and the Luo family.

But in this situation, they also know that hatred is useless, and the most important thing is that they must quickly find a way to recover their losses as much as possible.

after all……

Following the actions of the Zhao family and the Luo family, the position of the deserted city also changed to a certain extent. Regardless of whether the other major family forces make a move, this is a doomed fact.

The barren hills don't care what the situation is.

They only know that those who block them are enemies, and if they are enemies, then do it!

It's that simple!

That's how domineering!

That is.

Now it is no longer a question of whether these family forces in the deserted city can make a move, but what the barren mountain side will do to the deserted city.

The two sides have become enemies.

Since this is the case, the left and right are like this, then the major family forces will naturally not continue to stand here and watch the show stupidly, and they will definitely choose to help.

Although the opportunity has been lost, the battle is not over yet.

As long as some fight, it's not too late.

on the contrary.

If you don't do anything, you're a complete idiot.

When Bai Yunfei succeeds in breaking through, Death and others will explain the situation here in detail. People who have done nothing, what face do they have to ask others to cooperate with them?

No matter how thick-skinned he is and he doesn't care what others think of him, it's impossible for Bai Yunfei to agree, right?

Based on such comprehensive reasons.

next moment.

The forces of the major families in the deserted city were forced to take action, and spontaneously formed a diffusion circle, from the inside to the outside, and 360 degrees to the outside for investigation and defense. The strong man from the barren mountain strikes.

The black cavalry imperial army of the city lord's mansion is no exception.


Compared with the big families.

The actions of the black cavalry imperial army are undoubtedly more uniform and prohibited.

After all, they are soldiers, and they pay attention to obedience and orders. They are fundamentally different from members of family forces, and they pay more attention to strategies and tricks.


In order to rush to attack, almost all the people from the major families ran out to fight the strong men in the barren mountain, but few were willing to stay and continue to guard the stronghold.

But the black cavalry forbidden army is not the case.

They are orderly, and the division of teams is very clear. There are attackers, but there are also many defenders.


in their conception.

The strong people in the wilderness are not completely trustworthy friends.

Also have to be on guard.


They went ahead and beat them to death, but in the end they were stolen by a strong man from the wilderness and monopolized all the benefits. Wouldn't they die unjustly then?

On Qiselu's side, she has been busy being a nanny, providing assistance to Xiongshan and others, and has not noticed the situation in the deserted city here at all.

On the contrary, his little brothers are also very discerning.

Without the boss's orders, they were all around, forming a circle of defensive fronts to prevent the enemy from invading. Of course, this inevitably included the strong people of the deserted city.

Just like the people in the deserted city don't believe in the wasteland, the creatures in the wasteland also don't fully trust the human race in the deserted city. Although they live in peace with each other, they are all secretly wary of each other.


With the participation of the strong players from the deserted city, the attitude of the creatures on the wasteland towards the deserted city has obviously improved a lot. After all, from a certain point of view, this can be regarded as helping them.

In any case, the wasteland has to admit this love.

But how much do you recognize...

This is hard to say.


God storm

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