The Storm God

Chapter 4827 Heaven and Earth Changes

"This is……"

"The power of time and space!"


Inside the stronghold.

Death and Chaos were the first to notice the properties and abilities of these special ripples, it was the unconsciously controlled space-time power emanating from Bai Xiaofei.


There are also some differences from the general power of time and space.

Otherwise, just after contacting them, all the powerhouses affected will be affected by the power of time and space, and then change.

for example……

Aging, or decline.

But they didn't react at all, which caused the powerhouses to fail to react immediately, and they were more surprised and confused.

What's more, ordinary strong people are not strong enough, and there is no way to analyze them at all. Only those with the level of death and chaos have enough experience and vision.

"It feels like it, and it doesn't feel like it."

Chaos frowned and said, "Maybe it's a brand new special ability that we have never seen before, after Mr. Bai's breakthrough."

"It doesn't seem to have any effect on us."


at the same time.

Both Death and Chaos immediately activated their divine senses, and launched a survey around the stronghold to watch the reactions of the powerful men.

As expected, everyone panicked about the special ripples that suddenly descended and swept across the audience, thinking they were being attacked.

Fortunately, this reaction soon passed.

Everyone found that after passing through their bodies, this thing didn't seem to have any effect, so they didn't take it too seriously.

On the contrary, they are more concerned about the situation of Bai Xiaofei inside after breaking through, and whether he can cooperate with him.

The same is true for all the powerful people including the seven-color deer in the wasteland.


compared to the general powerhouse.

Experts at the level of Qiselu still have certain vision and ability. Although they don't know the special ripple just swept, they don't have any relevant information.

But you can probably guess something.

Moreover, he started operations such as removing various buffs and checking for himself in the first place, and beware of any traps.

It can be said to be very cautious.

However, it is a pity that no matter how they check, the final result is the same, that is, nothing can be found, just like the ripple just now, it is simply an illusion.

"It's not right!"

Seven-colored Deer frowned, thinking secretly: "My intuition tells me that the ripple just now is definitely not that simple. The reason why we can't find it is just because our ability is not enough."

"Old Qi, don't think so much."

Xiong Shan thought about it, carelessly patted the Seven Colored Deer on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's like this, one step counts as one step, I don't believe it, that kid can kill us all instantly by this method? "

"that is!"

The snake god is thoughtful, but he doesn't believe that Bai Xiaofei, a mere human genius whose strength has not reached the supreme level, will have such terrifying strength.

So he didn't take this matter to heart.

And the other side.

In the distance of the wasteland, the elders of the barren mountain, such as the elder Black Dragon, also sensed the huge movement made by Bai Xiaofei when he broke through.


Because of the distance, they were not swept away by those ripples, but just sensed a violent and powerful wave of special aura.

"Damn it!"

"It must be that human kid who successfully broke through!"

"How unlucky!"


He was so angry that he directly vented his anger on the surrounding wilderness trees, causing the surrounding area to instantly ignite a raging fire, completely turning into a sea of ​​flames.


Elder Heilong glared at a younger brother next to him, and asked, "I asked you to send a letter back, but there is still no result?"

"not yet……"

The little brother was trembling, he didn't dare to look at Elder Black Dragon, swallowed nervously, and replied: "But according to the situation, it should be soon."

Their retreat this time made Huangshan lose all face.

It is naturally impossible to lose at this point. Giving up temporarily is just an expedient measure. After all, the enemy's power is far higher than the current black dragon elder.

To fight recklessly with it is courting death.


After the retreat.

Elder Black Dragon immediately ordered someone to send the most advanced message to the leader of the dragon clan in the barren mountain, requesting to send more powerful dragon clan out of the mountain.

Only in this way can they have the confidence and ability to forcefully suppress the beasts in the wasteland and the clowns in the deserted city.

However, after several hours passed, there was no movement at all.

This annoyed Elder Black Dragon very much.

But at this time, Bai Xiaofei still made a breakthrough, his aura fluctuated so strongly that even here he could sense it very clearly.

It is conceivable that the black dragon elder's anger is about to explode.


"Let those bastards be arrogant for a while, and wait for the reinforcements from the barren mountain to arrive, and see if I don't beat you all to shit!"

"Everyone, hurry up and recover, and be ready to fight!"


The black dragon elder ordered.


The people under his command did not dare to be negligent, so they had to continue to recover as soon as possible, otherwise when the time came to fight together, the unlucky one would be himself.

And at the same time.

barren mountain.

In the incomparably majestic Dragon Palace, the leader of the Dragon Clan and other peak peerless powerhouses are welcoming visitors from some foreign races.

And these powerhouses are the great clans from the barren sea.


Including the mother clan of the eight-armed dragon general.


Regardless of the situation on the other side of the barren mountain.

The screen switches back to the stronghold.

Death and Chaos, while surprised, did not let their hands idle, and immediately made a move, casting spells to protect Bai Xiaofei.


At this time, he is at the most critical moment of the breakthrough. If he encounters an attack or receives any interference, although the breakthrough will not be said to be a failure, it will greatly affect the result of the breakthrough, so he must not be careless.

Even if the inside and outside of the stronghold, all deployments and array defenses are done.

after all.

Heart is under the kyte.

The situation outside is so complicated, who can guarantee that these guys in the deserted city and wasteland really have no evil intentions?

And at the same time that the two big brothers had just completed their deployment, the world also changed drastically in an instant. The sun, moon, stars, and the vast universe unexpectedly appeared at the same time.

this moment.

All the strong inside and outside the stronghold seemed to be in the vast universe suddenly, and everything around them completely turned into a starry sky scene.

Not only that.

All the time around him seems to be frozen and manipulated.

A part of it is as slow as a snail, and there is no movement; a part of the area is as fast as a meteor lightning, and the stars will disappear in a blink of an eye.

Such a strange and bizarre scene immediately stunned and shocked the countless powerhouses present.

And some of them have relatively good talents, and because of this, they have an epiphany, and they can't help but start to enter meditation and enlightenment, completely forgetting their mission and other things.

At the beginning, it was only a small part. Gradually, as the surrounding scenes continued to flow and change, more and more strong people became enlightened.

Not even Chaos and Death.

It didn't take a while.

All the powerhouses who were shrouded in the magnificent scene all entered the state of epiphany, and even the flowers, plants and trees around the stronghold showed faint signs of evolution.

at the same time.

The aura on Bai Xiaofei's body finally became more stable at this moment, and immediately, he slowly opened his eyes.

An inexplicable bright light burst out, swallowing everything.


God storm

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