The Storm God

Chapter 4842 Move Magic Ability


An hour later.

Death and Chaos left Zhao's and Luo's houses and met somewhere in the city. Although they didn't speak to each other, the brilliance in their eyes had already revealed the result.

Death said: "It's a pity that there is no definite news about the cooperation between Huangcheng and Wasteland. It seems that the authority of the City Lord's Mansion is far more powerful and terrifying than we expected."


Chaos said with emotion: "However, our trip was not completely fruitless. At least the cooperation between the Zhao family and the Luo family has been achieved. With the support and assistance of the two families, we have a station in this deserted city." the foundation of the foot."

"We can only rely on Mr. Bai for the follow-up matters. Although our strength is not bad, we are far inferior in terms of calculations."

"Professional things should be done by professional people."


The two looked at each other silently.

Just turned around and went back home, but unexpectedly found that in a certain corner of this deserted city, there was the aura of a strong man in the wilderness.


The two were startled for a moment.

Death looked at Chaos in astonishment: "You feel it too?"


Chaos nodded and said, "You can't be wrong. This kind of breath is the charm of the natural way unique to the strong in the wilderness. It is difficult for the strong in other forces to imitate."

"And the other party seems to have exposed it on purpose. They should also be aware of our existence and want to lure us over..."

"Then go and have a look."

Death grinned and said, "Zhengchou has no place to inquire about news. It's really a pillow when you're sleepy."



The two no longer hesitated.

Immediately pursued in the direction of that breath.

And that aura seemed to have sensed the coming of the two of them, and it also started to move quickly, directly moving towards an open space in the deserted city.

After a while.

Death and Chaos came before a jungle.

This jungle is one of the interior scenes of the deserted city, and it is one of the public places where the students of the deserted city and even the family forces train their children to fight in the jungle.

after all.

Most of the environment around the deserted city is a wasteland.

Before you have enough strength and experience, it is obviously impossible to go out to practice. The death rate is too high, but the interior scene is different.

Although the ferocious beasts inside are also extremely ferocious and powerful, they are all planted with sigils in advance, which can be automatically activated at critical moments to protect the safety of students and children, and greatly reduce casualties.

Coupled with the attention of the surrounding teachers and elders, under normal circumstances, there will be no accidents.

The area of ​​this interior jungle is very wide.

The area close to the college is directly divided into a part of the college by the various students, and there is a special enchantment circle for the college.

The same is true for the private territories applied by the major families.

At this moment, the jungle area in front of Death and Chaos is an open public area without any protective measures.

That is.

As long as you are a member of the deserted city, you can freely enter and exit it.

Whether it's a secret tryst or a trial, no one will stop or help, everything depends on oneself.

Of course.

In order to prevent the beasts inside from rushing out to hurt people, there are also protective measures around the periphery of the public area, but these are only for the inside, not the outside.

Only in this way can those without capital be able to hone and become stronger through the jungle and other places in the interior scene.


Death and Chaos sensed the jungle situation in front of them, and found that the environment inside was almost exactly the same as the real wasteland. They couldn't help being amazed and admired.

"This deserted city is really a big deal. It even directly used the technique of moving to move an entire area in the wasteland in and maintain it..."

"Such a method is really impressive."


If it is placed in the watch world, such a method is naturally nothing unusual, but this is a wasteland, and the power of law is extremely stable and powerful.

Some seemingly ordinary means and abilities on the outside may not be able to exert even one percent of their power here, or even be completely ineffective.

For such a large area of ​​wilderness and jungle in front of us, if we want to move the whole area and maintain its original ecological environment, such a method is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary strong people.

The two reckoned that at least it would have to be of a higher level or higher than that of the Holy Venerable.

And in the entire deserted city, the strong people who can reach such a level of strength are definitely not more than double ten, and most of them are middle-level or low-level saints.

It is precisely because of this that the strength and terror of the city lord Zhuge Longcheng, who is infinitely close to the supreme powerhouse, are highlighted even more.

Chaos guessed: "Could this be his handwriting?"

"I don't think so."

Death shook his head and said: "According to the information we have so far, although the means of the Lord City Lord are extremely powerful, but the main Tao should be magical powers such as Tianyan. This kind of thing will definitely not be done by yourself.”


"The breath of this jungle is almost completely integrated with the deserted city. This is definitely not something that can be done in a short period of time. If there is no accident, it should have been moved by people with magical powers a long time ago."

"And the current city lord is not the only one."


Chaos nodded in agreement.

Then he curled his lips and muttered: "Anyway, such a method is definitely not comparable to what we have now. The current situation is extremely complicated and involves many things. If we want to deal with it calmly, we must hurry up and work hard to recover."

"That's right."

Death narrowed his eyes, looked at the jungle in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "But the most urgent thing is to find out what the other party's purpose is for us to come here."

"Go in, his position has stopped moving."


The two stopped ink stains, sensed the aura, and after standing still in the jungle, they immediately set off and rushed into the jungle.

And their actions have already been secretly tracked and recorded.

Seeing death and chaos entering the jungle, those who followed secretly became a bit muggle: "What should I do? Do you want to continue to follow?"

"Wait, then."

The person in charge quickly made a decision: "The situation in the jungle is more complicated. Entering rashly may expose our whereabouts and cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Our task is to monitor, and we only need to truthfully report what we see." Just report everything up."

"Leave a few people behind and closely monitor every move around you."



Inside the jungle.

The speed of death and chaos is extremely fast.

Although they also encountered some strong beasts along the way, almost all of them chose to retreat to save their lives under the terrifying power of the two.

As for those brainless stunned youths?

The two didn't mind giving them a ride either.


Death and Chaos arrived at the target location, but there was no one around, and there was no trace of anyone coming.


Chaos frowned slightly, "Is the induction wrong?"


Death said in a deep voice: "It should have used some kind of special hidden magical means to eliminate all traces and perceptions. Maybe it's the other party who is testing us."


God storm

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