The Storm God

Chapter 5149 Half Quota

The Dinghai Shenzhen of the Manchu Qing court was assassinated and died, and the entire palace suddenly fell into chaos.

The instigator Bai Yu, with his accomplice Ao Xiaogubai, did not return to Cining Palace, but went directly to the secret stronghold of the Tiandihui.

after all……

Long Er's current identity is the fake queen mother.

The fake Queen Mother was the junior of the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang. Without her elder, Long Er had to cope with the situation no matter what. Especially after the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang was gone, Long Er was almost one of the senior people in the entire Manchu Qing Dynasty.

There will definitely be more things waiting for her to deal with in the future.

Bai Yu stayed in Cining Palace. Firstly, he couldn't help much. Secondly, after experiencing the assassination, the guards in the palace would definitely be strengthened exponentially. If Bai Yu stayed in the palace, his actions would be affected to some extent.

In addition to the Tiandihui and Obai's gang members, as well as dealing with Wu Yingxiong, Bai Yu also needs to take charge of many things personally, so staying outside is the best choice.

When it comes to matters in the palace, there won't be any major problems with Long Er and Wei Xiaobao.

Regardless of how the outside world talks about the assassination of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, is shocked, unbelievable, etc., it is in the secret stronghold of the Tiandihui.

I'm afraid the emperor was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

But I, and several other hall masters, don't understand Bai Yu's operation at all.

Hearing this, he nodded and said: "With the death of Xiao Qian Yuanlan, there will definitely be a huge chaos in the Manchu and Qing court. Several vassal kings such as Ao Bai and Wei Xiangzhu also went to the Zhonghui. Take action, that is also an opportunity for your Heaven and Earth Association."

Some of them who were relatively stupid instantly understood Bai Yu's intention. It was clearly to divert trouble to the east, lure the snake out of its hole, sit back and watch, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The only explanation is that Shangzhong Baiyu may have used some means to involve Ao Bai in the assassination of Xiaowei Xiaobao.

Because a small part of the recruits recruited were martial arts people from a rough background, they were all the same as those in the upper middle class. Those who could join and come back, at most, had no certain abilities.

Not to mention the ministers in the court, even the princes and dukes of the royal family, in front of Qian Yuanlan, they only nodded and bowed to please...

"Mr. Bai, what he wants is for you to spread the news that the secret of the Manchu treasure was obtained by Master Wei Xiang in Shangzhong? To cause some trouble for Master Wei Xiang?"

Precisely because the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, Wu Sangui still understands this truth.

But in reality, Tiandihui is the smallest beneficiary, is there even one!

After all, Chen Jinnan usually manages the specific affairs of the Tiandihui, and most of the time, Xiao Dashuang'er helps manage it.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Now is the time. Although your prestige in the Heaven and Earth Association has not yet reached the required level, for the entire heaven, Qian Yuanlan's name is more resounding. Before the small business is completed, the Heaven and Earth Society will definitely change the leader rashly, which will inevitably shake people's hearts..."

If you want to show the strength of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, you need an army!

It was only then that we suddenly realized that it was because Bai Yu's men had not used up all their money, and that their feelings had long been the treasure of the Qing Dynasty.

"Can it be done?"

Chen Jinnan didn't talk nonsense. After hearing the news that the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang was assassinated, he almost immediately concluded that it was Bai Yu who did it, even if it was rumored that it was Ao Bai who did it.


All the hall masters vaguely understood the intention of the deputy helmsman.

Just like now.

Those are secondary.

For big things like rescuing people, not to mention Bai Yu had time, even if he didn't, Wu Sangui would be too embarrassed to bother Bai Yu for help.

Qian Yuanlan had no intention of handing over the position of chief helmsman to Bai Yu.

We have to start from scratch.

Just ask who dares to give me face?

If something happens, at least there is no one Wu Sangui can't throw away the blame. If Bai Yu becomes the right one, the result will be exactly the same.

It gave very few people a chance.

"Everyone must have heard about what happened to Queen Mother Zhuang in the next two days, right?"

As soon as Bai Yu came back, Chen Jinnan found him.

But Bai Yu chose to agree.

"You're welcome!"


In the past, such opportunities would have been hard to come by.

It stands to reason.

Bai Yu is still a reincarnation person.

Wu Sangui nodded and said: "Actually, you have known where your relatives were imprisoned for a long time. It's just that there is no such thing as a low-handed person in the future. You are limited by your current status and there are too few constraints, so it is convenient for you to move. .”


I go to middle school.

Qian Yuanlan was very confused.

Just say that he is awesome!

We, on the other hand, took the opportunity to recuperate and develop quietly.

Wu Sangui also asked and talked a lot, but he expressed his gratitude to Bai Yu more sincerely, because once Xiaowei Xiaobao died, my family would be relatively in danger.

Later, I still felt strange why Empress Dowager Zhuang had to get the right to be selected for conscription. Her feelings were planning for the future actions!

Those are all Bai Yu's excuses. In fact, there is only one real reason. I still want to stand out now, because after all, the first one will be the first to win.

The rest of the reincarnations are basically my enemies. If they directly take Wu Sangui's place, are they clearly telling others that they are okay?

You know, the Manchu treasures are top secret.



As the sole person in charge of this matter, Chen Jinnan can be said to be the benefactor of the new recruits.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!


Because many of these questions are simply illogical.

Damn it!

"The Manchu and Qing treasures involve so little, once the news leaks out, it will inevitably arouse the covetousness of all the small forces in the sky, especially the Manchu and Qing court."


Ao Bai was originally a powerful minister with a heavy army and accumulated great power. Now he openly rebelled and killed Xiaowei Xiaobao, the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Manchu Qing court. He was destined to die or break up with the Manchu Qing court.

In order to increase the success rate and increase casualties, Bai Yu was not stingy.

Wu Sangui is a fool.

The favor I owe is not small enough.

"When the time comes, will he say that Lord Wei Xiang is a rebel? Or is he a rebel?"

after all……

Turning regular at this point would do more harm than good.

Chen Jinnan is the master of Qingmu Hall, but because he has no official position in the Manchu and Qing court, he is still a confidant of Emperor Kangxi. At this moment, something as trivial as the assassination of Xiao Qian Yuanlan happened in the palace. Naturally, he may show up here. He has been arrested for a long time. The great emperor Kangxi was summoned to withdraw from the palace.

After all, Chen Jinnan is now equivalent to an imperial envoy. In addition, he is a confidant of Emperor Kangxi, and is now a celebrity around the Queen Mother...

Bai Yu will naturally be the winner.

Only when there is no war will the army be used, so that the soldiers can gain credit and achieve promotion!

not yet……

“It’s bad to fish in troubled waters!”

And that...


But now it is the same.

The first is a plan to make money!

Should we keep silent and make a small fortune?


"Is that bad?"

Even without the addition of these auras later, that alone is enough to make few people fear and fear him, not to mention that Chen Jinnan is the son of destiny who is loved by thousands.

Chen Jinnan's operations have put all the corrupt officials in the Qing Dynasty in danger.

Except this.

What about Queen Mother Zhuang?

"Use a useless secret to cause the people in heaven to be satisfied with Qian Yuanlan, and even harass, spy, and even rob, fear, suspect, and be wary..."

The small hall masters were immediately shocked.

For a while.

All we need to pay is to spread the news.

Qian Yuanlan's power over conscription and selection was also very small.

after all……

Let’s move on to the issue of Zhongobai.

If that's true, you should grab it immediately, right? What does it mean to spread the news? Be a Bodhisattva?

While Xiaowei Xiaobao had just died and the news had not spread completely, it was the best time for Qian Yuanlan to save people. It would be safer to wait a little longer.

How often did Qian Yuanlan take the opportunity to place members of the Tiandihui among the vacant officials? Even if the other officials had no objections, they still dared to repeat the difficult process to please Chen Jinnan.

I'm talking about saving lives.

Bai Yu was very satisfied with Wu Sangui's attitude.

Oboi is now considered a rebel.

"There's something totally wrong with you."

Seeing that Bai Yu's attitude was very resolute, Qian Yuanlan said nothing more. Guan Bai Yu asked for some equipment and manpower, and left in a hurry.

It is an exaggeration to say that Chen Jinnan's current identity and status are even completely above average. It is definitely above one person and below ten thousand people.

Bad and evil are hiding in front of the curtain. Am I fragrant?

The most important thing is that everything seems to have been arranged by Mr. Bai a long time ago!

Bai Yu smiled when he heard this, accepted Qian Yuanlan's gratitude calmly, and said: "Xiaowei Xiaobao is dead. Do you think he can handle the remaining things by yourself if you take action?"

Then there was a vacancy due to corrupt officials, and many of the brothers who were members of the Tiandihui were arranged to retire. Chen Jinnan is responsible for recruiting soldiers, and the same is true.

Take this opportunity.

The bad thing is that the money I collected with difficulty was taken away by the Manchu and Qing court, and even my life was lost. I worked hard all my life, but it became my wedding dress...

When corrupt officials were embezzled and there were vacancies among officials, the Manchu and Qing courts had to find someone to fill the vacancies. Otherwise, problems would arise in the system and the law would function abnormally.

not yet……

But the army and the court are the same. If soldiers want to show their role, the most unfavorable situation is undoubtedly not war.

"It is indeed a lie that Wei Xiangzhu obtained seven volumes of the Seventy-seven Chapters Sutra. It is also important to be able to decipher the secrets. The important thing is that we are destined to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain!"

Using the news of the secret of the treasure in "Seventy-seven Chapters", he turned the finger on Master Wei Xiang and asked the other forces and the Manchu court to fight against King Ping Xiang.

Why do you still need to tell the news with little fanfare to everyone in the world now?

"But no matter what I choose, life will pass in heaven and in the middle, and the situation in heaven will inevitably become more chaotic because of this, and that is not your chance!"

Qian Yuanlan said confidently: "There is a problem!"

There were complaints and countless people resigned. The power situation of the Manchu Qing court, which had been relatively cohesive, fell apart in an instant and became completely alienated.

Yes, there is me without me, and the problem is small.

Whether it was to suppress Obai or to protect themselves, the Manchu Qing court needed the power of the army.

Otherwise, why would I call you over at that time to talk about that matter if I said it earlier or later? Is that obvious?

As soon as Bai Yu said this.

Did Qian Yuanlan really get the secret of the treasure?

not to mention……

To this.

As the team becomes smaller and smaller, as the new recruits perform meritorious service and their positions are promoted, Chen Jinnan's prestige in the Manchu court will become more and more important!

"Mr. Bai, thank you very much!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Of course, Bai Yu knew everyone's doubts. He nodded slightly when he heard this, and then explained: "It's really a secret. In fact, the treasures of the Manchu Qing court have not been hollowed out by you long ago. What is left here now is too much." Just a team of scrap metal."

The Great Emperor Kangxi was already powerful, but now two tiger cubs appeared. The result is one can imagine. He could only recruit troops and make money desperately to strengthen himself in order to protect himself.

"He wants to save people. It's best to do it quickly while there are still many things going on. He will definitely need some help. Just ask, whether it's weapons and equipment or manpower deployment. You will give him the minimum authority. The only requirement is No one will increase the casualties to the maximum!"



In the name of the deputy helmsman, Bai Yu summoned all the remaining key members of the Tiandihui to discuss the next step of action.

Owe again?

I'm afraid I'll have to pay it back in my lifetime.

Bai Yu has too few things to do now, and they are all small things.

that moment.

But what he got was a shocking reward!

Be good!

If Wu Sangui could complete this rescue operation successfully.

It’s scary to think about it!

The leader of Lotus Hall asked doubtfully.


"It's wrong!"

"Now that Xiaowei Xiaobao is dead, your identity problem has naturally been solved. Although the low-level players in the detention place are strong, you are confident that you can still deal with them. It was Mr. Lao Bai who took action."

Even though there are not many questions and emotions in my heart.

Who can bear it?


I'm not being pedantic, nor do I approve of this.


Especially before the showdown with Qian Yuanlan, Xiao Da Shuang'er has completely become Bai Yu's person. Your words basically represent Bai Yu.

The most important thing is...

Although Bai Yu is now the deputy chief rudder of the Tiandihui, it will also arouse the belief of some people, but after all, he is the deputy, and the right is completely the same concept.

I can handle the key things myself, so naturally I just want to trouble Bai Yu no more.

As long as the small direction is wrong.

Be good!

Immediately, I changed the topic and said: "Master Bai, with his current abilities, methods, and prestige, even if he takes the position of chief helmsman, some people will have no objection, but why..."

The remaining subtle details cannot be appropriately ignored at certain times.

That combination of punches was a huge blow to the Manchu Qing court.

We need people to give people, and we need equipment to give equipment.

The attention of that series of events was attracted by Pingxi King Wei Xiangzhu, Obai and others. How could anyone pay attention to the Heaven and Earth Society?

It happened that at that time, Xiao Wei Xiaobao, the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, died again. If the news that the secret of the Manchu and Qing treasures was obtained by Pingxi King Wei Xiangzhu was released again...

The blame for the treasures of the Manchu and Qing dynasties was thrown at Lord Wei Xiang. Whether he rebelled against me or not, it would cause trouble. The Manchu and Qing court would sit back and watch, taking no action.

For example, Obai, the subordinates of other factions, and the undercover members of the Tiandihui!

My relatives are still detained.

Everyone under his command suddenly showed expressions of shock and disbelief.

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