The Storm God

Chapter 802 Stay with me to the end! (Please subscribe!)


The cold and dark Jotunheimen Mountains.

Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji rode the light of the rainbow and descended brazenly, attracting countless frost giants to surround them one after another, very nervous!

after all……

Jotunheim is preparing for battle with Asgard.

The sudden arrival of Asgard's signature teleportation skill, Rainbow Bridge, will naturally make the Frost Giants extremely sensitive, especially hostile!

The light disappears.

Only Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji were teleported over.

Countless frost giants were suddenly dumbfounded and shocked. Some guys with particularly violent tempers, but no matter why they dare to come here alone, they want to do it directly, and want to arrest them. Most of the frost giants don't know Loki's true identity, and only a very small number of people know that Loki is an ally on their side!

"Yo ha!"

"It's really not friendly at all!"


Bai Xiaofei was not surprised but delighted.

Seeing the countless frost giants who had gathered around and were about to strike, he smiled strangely, and was about to use his own stunt to see how powerful it was.


Before he summoned the Star Breaker Hammer.

Suddenly, there was an extremely ferocious roar from behind the frost giant.


The roar shook the sky.

Almost all the frost giants present heard it.



All the frost giants stopped attacking.

follow closely……

A burly, outrageous fellow.

There are moving icicles under his feet, like a conveyor belt, quickly transporting him to Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji.

The man stared at Loki with scarlet pupils, smiled and said: "Loki, we have been waiting for you for a long time, and now that you appear, Odin must have fallen into Odin's sleep, right? But... this mortal is Who? Why is he with you? Could it be your adopted little follower? "

The tone was frivolous, full of sarcasm and contempt, apparently not paying much attention to Loki and Bai Xiaofei.

"Without further ado!"

Loki also didn't give the other side a good face.

Looking at the man contemptuously, he said with a sneer, "This is the covenant and plan between me and Lao Fei. You are a little general, and you are not qualified to know! Also... disaster comes from the mouth, this person is My ally, you'd better be careful, or you'll anger him, and you'll have to take care of it! Take me to see Laufey!"


The man heard Loki's words.

Immediately, he was very angry, but because he was concerned about Lau Fei's plan, he could only forcefully suppress his anger, glared at Luo Ji and Bai Xiaofei bitterly, and snorted coldly: "Follow me!"


It doesn't matter how the two react.

Yu made the icicles, carried himself, turned around and left, the speed was extremely fast.

this behavior.

Apparently, it was intended to show Loki's face.

In his impression, the Asgardians and Midgardians can't fly. Aren't you awesome just now? I can't move you for the time being, but I can let you eat ashes behind my ass! snort!


The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!

After he walked a long way, when he turned his head to look at the emaciated two people, he was surprised to find that Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji were sitting on a huge metal card floating in the air, sitting on a bench, roasting leisurely. The furnace fire followed closely behind him, flying quickly and steadily, it was so much more comfortable than flying against the ice that he was forced to do so hard!


The Frost Warlord was so angry that he nearly vomited blood.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, and glaring at the two of them, he immediately turned around and continued walking, but the speed was no less than ten times faster than before!

It is clear.

This guy is competing with Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji.

He planned to use the fastest speed to shake them off, and then let out a fierce anger, and hit them back in the face! However... Bai Xiaofei's black technology flying card, how can it be so easy to be compared? No matter how fast the Frost Warrior is, or how many times faster, it can follow behind steadily, keeping a certain distance, leisurely!

On the other hand, Frost Warrior.

But because of casting spells repeatedly and resisting the power of ice, he made himself as tired as a dog.

That's an embarrassment!


"If you want to compare your speed with me, you won't die of exhaustion!"

"Continue if you have the ability!"


on the flight card.

Bai Xiaofei smiled darkly, feeling very happy.

In order to combat Frost Warrior's provocation to the greatest extent, this guy even took out a bunch of skewered fresh meat, condiments, and beer from the dimensional space, and together with Loki, the two sat on the flight card On the card, on the burning fire, a barbecue was set up, and the drink started!

Ice and snow.

Fire grill, natural cold beer!

Walking against the wind, drinking to one's heart's content, condescendingly admiring Frost Warrior's hard running, like walking a dog, such a scene is so sour!


Loki couldn't help giving Bai Xiaofei a thumbs up, and exclaimed, "You're still ruthless!"


Bai Xiaofei's mouth was modest, but his expression was full of meaning.

on the ground.

After hearing the sound.

Frost Warlord couldn't help the curiosity and surprise in his heart, and couldn't help but glance back.


This guy was dumbfounded on the spot.

Immediately hit by the arrogant behavior of Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji, he staggered, even the method of controlling the ice was almost interrupted, so he fell to the ground.


Tears welled up in his heart, and he yelled bitterly and aggrieved: "I'm hurrying down there desperately, but are leisurely sitting on the aircraft, having barbecue! Drinking good wine! And laughing wantonly! Damn! You guys are too bullying! I refuse to accept it!"

This moment.

The psychological shadow area of ​​Frost Warrior is almost breaking through the sky!


Bai Xiaofei seemed to understand his eyes.

Immediately, he acted even harder, drinking heavily, eating meat, and laughing happily, how arrogant and arrogant!

Rocky is no exception!

This Frost Warrior looked down on the two of them from the bottom of his heart, and when they met, he would be sneering and sarcastic, and he had long wanted to teach each other a lesson. At this time, being able to hit the opponent hard and make oneself feel extremely refreshed, of course Loki will not refuse! Even... Luoji's performance was even exaggerated and worked hard by Bai Xiaofei!

Think about it too.

Frost giants and Asgard are old enemies!

Although Loki is a descendant of the Frost Giant family, he was adopted by Odin since he was a child and grew up in Asgard. This concept has long been ingrained. He also regards the Frost Giant as his enemy. He can see his old enemy who mocks him deflated and violent , but with a helpless look, he is naturally happy to see it!

Compared with Bai Xiaofei's simple attack, his intentions are more insidious and ruthless!




Poor Frost Warrior.

Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji were so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

Under the attack of anger, the hateful arrogance and facial expressions of the two people were all over their heads, but they didn't pay attention to the icicle obstacle protruding from the front, and one of them didn't pay attention, and they bumped into each other! .


There was a loud bang.

The Frost Warlord was thrown out in a rolling and jumping motion.

The poor guy was not only dizzy and dizzy from the fall, but also the final settling posture was extremely awesome, it was like a dog eating shit, the fall was miserable and embarrassing!

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji on the flying card laughed even more wildly and recklessly. This fellow Bai Xiaofei even took out his mobile phone, and said to the Frost Warrior on the ground, "Crack, crack!" A burst of shots frantically recorded his embarrassing posture forever!


"You bastard! It's too deceitful!"

"I'm fighting with you!"


Bai Xiaofei's behavior was too fucked up.

Immediately, Frost Warrior was so angry that he went berserk. I saw his blood eyes glaring wildly, and he jumped up. At the same time, the power of ice bloomed, and an extremely sharp ice knife was instantly condensed in his hands. Roaring, he soared into the sky , according to Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji rushed over!


"Good job! My forehand is itchy!"


Bai Xiaofei laughed strangely.

He is not a timid person, he doesn't care who you are or why, if he dares to do something to me, he will let you know why Hua'er is so popular!


The Star Broken Hammer flashed.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei grasped it, his eyes flashed, and he was about to test its power.

Just then.


The Frost Monarch Laufey suddenly appeared.

I don't see how he moves, maybe a look, maybe a thought, or a roar!


The ground instantly cracked.

Countless huge icicles rose from the ground in an instant!

Like a giant hand that pierced the sky, it directly grasped the Frost Warrior who was rushing towards Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji in the palm of his hand, and did not move! As expected of the Frost Lord, the strongman who had fought countless rounds with Odin and blinded one of Odin's eyes, and the strongest king among the Frost Giants, Lau Fei's attack was really extraordinary!


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes.

Staring at Yu Bing, Frost Lord Laufey, who was slowly and quickly approaching himself and Loki, felt hot in his heart.

He secretly said: "Lao Fei is extremely powerful, second only to God King Odin, plus this is Jotunheim, the Frost World, the main battlefield of the Frost Giants, it can be said to occupy the right time and place! To such an extent, But I don’t know how many destructive stunts I can handle, so I’m really looking forward to it!”

At this moment.

Lau Fei had already come to the two of them.

His body is very large, at least 4 or 5 meters away, much taller than Lu Fat, very burly! Therefore... Lau Fei can only lower his posture, most of his body tends to be under the flying card, and only a part of his head is exposed, so that he can communicate with Bai Xiaofei and Luo Ji at eye level.


Lau Fei stared at Bai Xiaofei with scarlet pupils and said, "Who are you? How dare you challenge the majesty of the Frost Giant in Jotunheim? Are you here to find fault?"

His tone was cold, his face was cold, and his eyes were even sharper. It was obvious that he was really angry.

"Find faults?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly when he heard that.

Hehe said: "You can interpret it as you like! If you want to fight, just say it straight, you don't need to look for those messy structures, I will accompany you to the end!"


Loki was speechless for a moment.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's excited expression of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, he smiled wryly in his heart: "Fuck! I knew it would happen!"


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