The Storm God

Chapter 809: The Death of Laufey! (Please subscribe!)

Poor Laufey.

He didn't know at all that at this time Odin had already been struck by Bai Xiaofei's soul breath, and his soul fell into a deep sleep. He couldn't perceive everything in the outside world at all!


He just said more.

That's playing the piano to the cow, it's useless!

But these are not important, the important thing is that after the fencing, Lau Fei condensed an extremely sharp dagger with the power of ice, held it high, and prepared to understand Odin with one blow!

Just then.


A crimson thunder light suddenly shot from outside!

The Frost Lord Lau Fei, who was caught off guard, was caught off guard on the spot, and then flew out in a panic.


Laufey spurted blood wildly.

Obviously, the blow just now had already caused him a lot of injuries.

He looked up angrily, but was horrified to find that the person who attacked him just now was his ally——Loki!



The two people following Loki, one of them is his confidant, who possesses the artifact [Energy Mask] bestowed by Loki, and one of Asgard's new righteous gods - Edwin. And the other one is an ordinary soldier who was transformed by Bai Xiaofei using the transformation technique!

Several of Laufey's Frost Giant's subordinates were beaten down by Bai Xiaofei and Edwin without any power to fight back, and Fu Lijia was liberated because of this.


Seeing his subordinates being killed.

Loki broke the covenant again, and hit him hard at a critical moment. Lau Fei understood instantly that he had been fooled by Bai Xiaofei and Loki. For a moment, the anger, hatred, aggrieved and regret in his heart, Don't mention that, his teeth are almost crushed by him!

He opened his mouth.

It seems that he wants to ask Loki why he deceived himself.


Loki didn't give him any chance at all!

"go to hell!"

With a thought, the Spear of Eternity fired again instantly!

The crimson beam of destructive light struck suddenly. Lau Fei, who could not afford to be seriously injured, had no ability to resist at all. He was hit immediately and was blasted to pieces on the spot. Poor Jotunheim's strongest man, Frost Lord Laufey, died so tragically at Loki's hands.


at this time.

Fu Lijia ran over with a look of surprise, and hugged Loki.

Witnessing that Loki came to the rescue in time, and personally killed the Frost Lord Laufey, resolved the immediate crisis, and saved herself, Odin, and even the entire Asgard. happy!

After a moment of hugging.


Loki said to Fu Lijia with a serious face: "The situation outside is still very grim. I will leave everything here to my mother. I will send people to guard it! Now... I have to deal with the other Frost Giants. To ensure the safety of Asgard, so I'm sorry, mother, I..."

The words are not finished yet.


Fu Lijia interrupted Loki with a gratified smile: "Do what you should do! Loki, you have grown up, and you have not let me down. Compared with Thor's recklessness, willfulness, I don't know Seriously, you are the most suitable person to inherit the throne, believe me, when Odin wakes up, I will try my best to persuade him to let you get everything you should have!"


When Loki heard this, he immediately said excitedly: "I swear to you, they will pay for what they did!"


He took Edwin with him.

And Bai Xiaofei disguised as an Asgardian soldier, carried the frost giant and Laufey's body, and left the room.

Fu Lijia continued to stay inside, guarding Odin.

After everyone left.

Fu Lijia bent down beside the sleeping Odin, and while arranging his clothes and white hair messed up by Laufey, she said in a soft voice: "Your Majesty! Did you see? Loki didn't let me Disappointed, he is far better than I imagined, he saved me, you, and the whole of Asgard!"


"This throne should belong to Loki, not Thor!"

"When you wake up, no matter what, I will not give in. Although you are Your Majesty, I am the Queen, and I have the right to make decisions. This time, I will not compromise, because that is not right for Loki. Fair, you can't veto everything he does just because of his origin!"


Fu Lijia's tone was extremely firm.


Odin couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

And her good son Loki, who she trusts and loves so much, is "eye-eying" with Bai Xiaofei at this time, smiling all over the place!


Golden Palace Hall.

In a very secret room.


Bai Xiaofei lifted the transformation technique, smiled at Loki and said: "Congratulations! Finally, I got what I wanted! Wait for this matter, and with your performance today, people who believe in Asgard will Forget Thor, the god of thunder, and turn to the camp that supports you, the throne of Asgard is almost certain!"


Loki was very excited.

But he didn't forget how he got all this.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei congratulate himself sincerely, he thanked him sincerely: "All this is all thanks to you, without you, I might never be able to achieve this goal!"

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Bai Xiaofei patted Rocky on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Loki, don't belittle yourself, you are far stronger than you imagined, you have a little confidence in yourself, even without my help, with your wisdom, sooner or later you will be able to It did all of this, I'm pretty sure of that!"


Loki froze on the spot.

He never imagined that Bai Xiaofei had such a high opinion of himself.


Look at the surprised look on his face.

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain much, he couldn't tell Loki, in fact, all these plans were slightly modified by himself based on his own plan in the movie plot, right?

Regardless of how he reacted, he changed the subject directly and said, "Don't talk about that! Let's get back to business and talk about business! Now those frost giants outside don't know the news that Lau Fei has died, and they are still killing and destroying, wait a minute If you go out with Lau Fei's head, not only will you be able to frighten the ice giant, but you will also gain a wave of prestige and faith from the boss, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"


hear this.

Loki didn't show much excitement or joy.

Instead, he looked at Bai Xiaofei with a strange expression, and said puzzledly: "I know what you said, but... have you ever thought about what will happen to your research foundation in Jotunheim? They After hearing the news here, I'm afraid they will retaliate directly? Don't you worry at all?"


"Your goal has been achieved. The research base over there in Jotunheim is just a cover. It doesn't matter if you want it or not?"


This point really puzzled Loki.

After wasting a lot of effort, but didn't see Bai Xiaofei doing anything, this side directly killed Lau Fei. After the frost giants in Jotunheim heard the news, they would definitely not let Bai Xiaofei stay there, and used To build a research base robot, Loki really couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Bai Xiaofei was selling in his gourd?


Bai Xiaofei smiled mysteriously: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, anyway, I will never suffer, you should deal with your own affairs quickly!"


It doesn't matter how Loki reacts.

Patting him on the shoulder, Bai Xiaofei said: "I don't have anything to do here anyway, so I'll go out first!"


Use the energy of the Rubik's Cube directly.

Launched the space teleportation magic, transformed into a stream of blue particles, and disappeared in front of Loki.


Loki was speechless for a while.

It's too straightforward for you to just leave, isn't it?

As an ally, can't you stay and help me fight the Frost Giants to relieve the pressure? Really!

--Bad review!


Loki adjusted his mood.


Take Laufey's head.

With Edwin, his last subordinate, he left the secret room and started the final step of the plan - sweeping away the Frost Giants!


the other side.

Jotunheim, Jotunheimen mountains.

After the all-out construction of thousands of intelligent robots, the research base has already been somewhat rudimentary.


A stream of blue particles flashed out of thin air.

follow closely……

Bai Xiaofei's familiar figure began to change from virtual to real, and finally turned into a real body completely, completing this ultra-long distance teleportation across space!

"Be good!"

"This Cosmic Rubik's Cube is really easy to use, and it is more convenient and faster than the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge!"

"It's here in the blink of an eye, awesome!"


It is the first time to use the Rubik's Cube to teleport across space.

After venting his experience excitedly, Bai Xiaofei's eyes sparkled, and he said to himself: "Asgard's plan is almost finished, and now... only Jotunheim is left. Lau Fei, don’t worry! You won’t die in vain, I will do my best to benefit your group, I promise!”


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei cast space magic again—space confinement!

at the same time……

The space hole that Loki discovered.

The last wave of frost giants who were passing through it and intending to invade Asgard were horrified to find that the entrance of the cave was closed! Not only that, but they couldn't return to Jotunheim anymore, and they were completely sealed in this damn special space cave, with nowhere to go!

What awaits them is endless loneliness and death!


inside the base.

After sensing the situation on the other side of the cave.

Bai Xiaofei smiled darkly, and said to himself: "This way, there will be no worries, and the next... will be you!"


He took out Laufey's blood.

With a touch of your finger, the dna optimization ability is activated, and you start to analyze and absorb the strongest ability of Frost Monarch Laufey!


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