The Storm God

Chapter 854 Super Gift Package! (Please subscribe!)


Sasuke clutched the wound on his left arm, lying on the ground in embarrassment, and murmured.

until now.

He suddenly woke up.

The person who easily defeated him turned out to be just someone else's subordinate!

The subordinates are so powerful, so how terrifying should the "boss" himself be? The most important thing is...he seems to know the situation of Uchiha Itachi very well!

All in all, all of this made him extremely shocked and horrified!

He stood there in a daze, his mind tossing and turning.

At this moment.

Naruto trotted over.

"Smelly Sasuke!"

"Come on, don't move, I'll treat your wound!"



The little guy looked like offering a treasure, and took out the alien medical spray that Bai Xiaoxing sent to him, and then, regardless of Sasuke's reaction, directly sprayed on the wound of the injured arm! Then... the terrifying scar on Sasuke's arm stopped bleeding and healed immediately at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye!

The whole process takes less than 5 seconds.


Seeing such a situation.

Sasuke couldn't help but gasped, not daring to say anything: "Naruto, what... what kind of medicine is this? It's so effective!"


Naruto raised his chin proudly.

Aojiao said: "How about it, it's amazing! I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, this is a magic medicine specially given to me by my boss. Save it as quickly as possible, in this world, there is no other person except me!"

"Before this, I have personally tested the effect of the medical spray. The wounds on my body have actually recovered as before, but I don't want to attract your attention, so I have been wearing a bandage. Also It is precisely because of this that I am completely relieved to let you compete with the boss's subordinates, otherwise... if you are injured and cannot be cured, how can I explain it to Sakura!"

Sasuke: "..."

Nimei ah!

Is this still the Naruto I know?

How on earth did he pretend to be so stupid with so many tricks and tricks? !


Hearing the title "boss" from Naruto again, Sasuke couldn't help being more interested in the boss Naruto said.

He hurriedly asked: "Naruto, who is your boss? What is his strength? Does he have any special purpose for asking you to lead me here? Does he...does he know my enemy—Uchiha Itachi? Where is he now? And his subordinate? Why did he suddenly disappear?!"

All right.

Sasuke has always been cold.

Under the stimulation of the "boss", he instantly became a chatterbox.

After a series of inquiries, Naruto was immediately dizzy, and he quickly stopped and said: "Stop! Sasuke, don't ask! I'm almost dizzy by you! My boss is here If you have any questions there, you should ask him yourself!"


Sasuke was stunned.

Then following Naruto's finger line of defense, he saw a huge light curtain suspended in mid-air.


Seeing Sasuke looking at him, Bai Xiaoxing smiled slightly, waved his hand at him, said hello, and then introduced himself: "I am the boss of Naruto, and my real name is Bai Xiaofei. What you see now is my wooden Duplicate, I will be named Bai Xiaoxing, nice to meet you, Sasuke Uchiha!"


Sasuke stared wide-eyed, speechless for a long time.

Obviously, he was deeply shocked by Bai Xiaoxing's existence and his rhetoric.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and then asked in a daze: "Bai Xiaofei? Bai Xiaoxing? are not from our world? Who are you? How do you know him?!"


Bai Xiaoxing smiled mischievously.

He shook his head and said to Sasuke: "This question is more complicated, so I won't explain it further, and you will understand later. The main question now is, do you want to become stronger? I have many methods , Ninjutsu, technology, bloodline stimulation, physical transformation, potential enhancement...there is nothing I can't do, the premise is that you have to pay a certain price!"

"after all……"

"There is no free lunch in the world! If you want it, you have to pay!"

"Even I am no exception!"


Bai Xiaoxing followed the advice carefully and kindly.


Sasuke was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth, stared at Bai Xiaoxing, and asked, "What do you want?!"


Bai Xiaoxing didn't talk nonsense.

Straight to the point, he said to Sasuke: "As long as you become my younger brother, then as the boss, I will naturally provide you with everything you need, and what you have to do is to collect some things for me. Other than that, I will never interfere with any of your freedom!"

"It's that simple?"

After listening to Bai Xiaoxing's words, Sasuke couldn't believe it.

He thought that Bai Xiaoxing would put forward some very strict conditions, but he never expected that what the other party wanted was so simple, and he just asked him to help collect some things. Compared with what he got, these so-called The price, other than being a little brother to others is a bit unpleasant, there is no harm at all!

Just look at Naruto.

He is Bai Xiaoxing's younger brother, if he doesn't say it himself, who would know that he is Bai Xiaoxing's younger brother? !

But what he got was an obvious great benefit!

"That's right!"

"It's that simple!"

Bai Xiaoxing nodded and said: "If the two of us reach an agreement, we will sign a contract document with special power at that time. The terms and rules in the contract have great power. No one can violate it, otherwise they will be punished by God. His punishment is worse than death!"

"With the contract as a bond, the interests of both of us can be fully guaranteed. You can rest assured about this!"

"If you are interested, I can show you the contents of the contract!"

"Naruto, accept the contract document!"

"Yes, boss!"


Less than half a minute.

A brand new mercenary contract was presented to Sasuke through Naruto's hand.

Naruto patted his chest and assured Sasuke as if he had come here: "Sasuke, don't worry! My boss is fine, this contract or something is actually just a decoration. Its biggest use is not to restrict you. It just makes the communication and item transfer between us easier and more convenient!"

"after all……"

"My boss is not from our world, and he is usually very busy. If there is no special means, it is almost impossible to contact us. Just like me, I also happened by chance. Only after signing a contract with the boss, the boss can contact and send me items!"

"well said!"

For Naruto's divine assist, Bai Xiaoxing gave him thirty-two likes.

the other side.

Sasuke ignored Naruto at all.

A pair of eyes focused on the content and rules of the contract. He didn't believe in Naruto, but...he knew Naruto's personality too well. Sasuke dared to pack the specific content and rules in the contract. Tickets, Naruto will never be able to recite a few, this guy is just like that, sometimes he is sold and counted for others!

It's about his own destiny, Sasuke is not Naruto's kind of personality, he just handed over his destiny to others, he must choose and decide very carefully!

Because he can't afford to lose, he still has the revenge to avenge the extermination of the clan!

on this...

Bai Xiaoxing was not in a hurry.

The conditions have already been agreed, whether to cooperate or not, whether to sign or not, depends entirely on Sasuke's own wishes, and no one can impose it.

It's best if he succeeds, but Bai Xiaofei can gain a younger brother with great potential. Even if he fails, he has nothing to lose. Anyway, Majin Buu has already collected Sasuke's blood. With Bai Xiaofei's means, whether it is to absorb Whether it's the ability to write sharing eyes, or to clone and copy Sasuke, he won't lose any money!

After a while.

Carefully read the content of the mercenary contract several times.

Sasuke finally made up his mind.


He said nothing.

Immediately, he bit his finger and wrote his name on the mercenary contract with his own blood.

The action is crisp and neat, without muddle along!

Perfect Sasuke style!


Suddenly raised his head.

Staring straight at Bai Xiaoxing, Sasuke smiled evilly: "Is that all right?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaoxing smiled in surprise.

Then he ordered Naruto to send over the mercenary contract, and wrote his name on it.

next moment.

The mercenary contract takes effect.

The immense power instantly acted on the souls of Bai Xiaofei and Sasuke, causing them to form a very special connection.

——The contract is established!

From now on.

Uchiha Sasuke is Bai Xiaofei's fifth mercenary!

Before Bai Xiaoxing had time to be happy, he received a thought connection and request from Sasuke: "I just felt a very strange and powerful force. If I expected it to be right, it should be the power of the contract, right? You You really didn't lie to me!"


"Shouldn't you say something?"


Sasuke chuckled.

"This guy!"

Bai Xiaoxing shook his head amusedly, it was because he wanted a meeting gift.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "As expected of the protagonist of the Naruto world, even if he is just a little kid now, his face and mind have been tempered so well, and his future achievements must be limitless! No matter! Now that I am my little brother, I can't treat one more favorably than another, just give Naruto benefits and not him!"

make up one's mind.

He got into action right away.

Not for a while.

A super gift package was sent to Sasuke.

When Sasuke excitedly opened the gift he received, he was completely stunned, because... Bai Xiaoxing gave him not the martial arts secret book that Sasuke imagined, but a flower and a mess of bottles and jars Cans or something, it looks like some special medicine!

Not only him.

Even Naruto, who looked over curiously, froze in place.

His face was full of doubts and incomprehension.


Sasuke said speechlessly: "Boss, what are these things...?"

"Super potion!"

for their reaction.

Bai Xiaoxing had expected it a long time ago, so he didn't feel any surprise or surprise. He just explained with a slight smile: "Sasuke, Naruto, don't underestimate that blood orchid and super potion, as long as you take them, I can guarantee that you will be able to recover." Your physical fitness and Chakra will definitely have a qualitative leap and improvement!"


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