The Storm God

Chapter 857 Attacking Naruto! (Please subscribe!)

Zabuza is a long-established ninja.

As an elite ninja, Kakashi naturally recognized the opponent's identity at a glance, and his expression changed drastically, his one-eyed eyes were full of solemnity.




He immediately ordered with concentration: "Protect Dazna well, I will deal with this man!"


The three of them were shocked.

Especially Naruto and Sasuke, when they saw Kakashi exclude themselves, they were immediately unhappy, and they all said, "We can fight too!"


"This person is different!"

"Don't mess around!"

Kakashi said in a deep voice: "You are not his opponents, this person is the famous rebellious ninja, one of the seven ninja swordsmen, and the peach ground will not be cut! Even I... have to go all out! "

while speaking.

He has shown the sharingan of his right eye covered by the forehead.


"I didn't expect to meet Sharingan Kakashi here!"

"No wonder they failed!"


No longer standing on top of the beheading sword, looking down at Kakashi's group of people, without the slightest fear because of the large number of people on the other side, he said with a strange smile: "Kakashi, I only want that old man, You'd better not stop me, and you can't stop me!"


Kakashi said in a deep voice: "Then I have to learn it!"

It's not speculative, half a sentence is too much.

Seeing that Kakashi was determined to block him, his face turned cold in an instant, and he said, "It seems that I have to hit you before I can kill him!"

That's what he said, but the action he took in an instant was not aimed at Kakashi.

Instead, head straight for the nearby water!

"The technique of fog concealment!"

With the activation of ninjutsu, Zabuzhan disappeared.

The entire grove was filled with dense fog in a blink of an eye, which seriously blocked everyone's sight.

"Everyone be careful!"

Kakashi focused his attention and said: "The most famous technique of Zabuza is the silent killing technique. Maybe you will die before you come to your senses. My Sharingan cannot be fully used, so you must not relax your vigilance. !"


Everyone nodded in unison.

Then all of them hold kunai in their hands, form a "Swastika" formation, and stand ready.


the other side.

Bai Xiaoxing, who has been watching the good show through the light curtain in the Marvel world, is depressed.

Because of the thick fog, he couldn't see the scene clearly, so of course he was very upset! However, he has a very profound insight into the power of this ninjutsu. It seems that in such a large-scale thick fog, it is only a seal, and it is created after activating Chakra. It is really incredible!

If technology is used, even if it is black technology, it is probably not so convenient, right?

it seems...

Compared with advanced technology.

Sometimes, ninjutsu, superpowers, etc. are also very advantageous!

Bai Xiaoxing sighed with emotion.

This side of the scene.

Things have changed.

As in the original book, Zabuzhan did not attack Kakashi first, but rushed to the bridge-building old man from the beginning.


Kakashi is not a display either.

Immediately, a fierce battle started with them, avatars vs avatars, and each of them played 6 to no good!

The two sides have a double confrontation in which you come and go.

at last……

Still don't get better at cutting skills.

Kakashi was kicked into the river by his kick. He wanted to stay a little longer and prepare for a sneak attack, but unexpectedly, he miscalculated again and let Zabuzhan escape by water—the technique of water prison was trapped! Pitiful for his generation of strong men, copying the famous ninja, but being so unbearable, it really doesn't live up to the name!

Kakashi is under control.

The technique of concealing the fog, which was not cut anymore, has almost dissipated.

He shuddered with a strange smile, and then controlled the water prison technique with one hand, sealing Kakashi so that he couldn't move, and with the other hand, he created a water body with one hand, which made him face Naruto. Man they have launched an attack! It seems that they want to kill them, and finally kill the old bridge builder Dazner.


Either Naruto or Sasuke.

At this moment, they are far from Wuxia Amon, and their strength is not a little bit stronger than in the original book.

This is only about one-tenth of the strength of the water body. If you want to kill them, it is a joke. Although due to physical factors, the strength, speed, ninjutsu and experience of the two brats are still far It is not an opponent who will not be cut again, but it is not so easy to be defeated because of the martial arts skills taught by Bai Xiaofei!


With the help of the power of Ergouyu Sharingan.

As well as the tacit cooperation with Naruto, Sasuke actually seized a flaw in Zabushuishi's body and shot him in the waist with a dart!

The biggest weakness of the avatar technique is - it will be scattered when it is touched!

Especially lethal damage!


The body of water that was not cut was hit by a dart, and immediately collapsed into a puddle of water, flowing all over the ground!


"They... actually killed the water body that didn't cut (me) again?!"

"How can this be?!"


Seeing such a situation.

Both Kakashi and Zabuzhan were taken aback, their eyes full of disbelief.

Not only them, Shiro who came with Zabuzhan, who was hiding in a tree trunk in the dark at the moment, was also severely surprised by Naruto and Sasuke's outstanding performance.

Even Sakura, who has always been more familiar with the strength of the two, is no exception.

"This this……"

"Is this their true strength?"

"It's so strong!"


Sakura was dumbfounded.

Looking at the Ergodama in Sasuke's right eye Sharingan, the boss with his mouth open, dared not say anything: "Oh my god! Sasuke's Sharingan... the right eye has Ergoudama, when did this happen? I do not know how!"

"Ergou jade!"

Also shocked was Kakashi.

He knew about Sasuke's eyes opening, but he only knew that Sasuke was in a state of a hook.

But he never expected that in such a short period of time, Sasuke turned to the state of Ergouyu. Although it is only one eye, it is also very scary. The improvement brought by the Ergouyu state is absolutely not to be underestimated. The most important thing is, how old is Sasuke now!

Given time.

With such a terrifying talent.

As long as he doesn't die young, Sasuke will definitely become an extremely terrifying ninja!


Kakashi was surprised and delighted at the moment.

But Momochi will not be cut again, but he has heard a lot about the power of Sharingan. Although he doesn't know the specific mystery of it, it does not prevent him from knowing the awesomeness of Sharingan. In addition to being shocked, he was also moved to kill!

This kind of genius ninja with blood succession limit must not be allowed to become his enemy!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

He immediately formed a mudra with one hand.

Soon he condensed the water body technique again, and condensed two water bodies.

Each of these two water bodies has about one-tenth of his strength. With 2 vs. 2, I don't believe that Sasuke and Naruto can still deal with it if we don't kill them!


But the truth slapped him hard once again!

"I'm here this time!"

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"watch out!"


Seeing Sasuke show off once.

Not to be outdone, Naruto crossed his hands to form a cross and formed a seal. In a burst of "boom boom boom boom boom boom", the technique of multiple shadow clones was activated!


In the whole grove.

Almost all of them are densely packed with shadow clones of Naruto!

Take a cursory look.

At least one hundred people are needed!

Immediately afterwards, the more than a hundred shadow clones of Naruto all howled excitedly, displaying all kinds of martial arts stunts learned from Bai Xiaofei one after another. In the middle position, there are 2 water bodies that are in a daze at this moment!

In less than ten seconds, the battle will be over!


If you don't cut it, you will be dumbfounded.


"How is this possible?!"

"I do not believe!"


This moment.

The ghost's heart is broken if he doesn't kill him again!

No matter what, he couldn't believe that his two water bodies were beaten to death by a ninja kid who had just graduated!

Those are his water bodies, each of which has one-tenth of the body's strength!

I am one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

The key is……

The shadow clone of the other party's little ghost didn't lose much!

How can this be!


"What ghosts and birds, it sounds quite bluffing!"

"That's all!"


Get rid of the 2 waters that will not be cut again.

Naruto immediately started to tremble, and he patted his chest confidently, and said confidently: "Mr. Kakashi, this person is not as powerful as you said at all! Wait a moment, I'm going to save you from that damn water dungeon!"

The voice just fell.

"Come on!"

"With one bang, defeat the Birdman without killing him!"

"Rescue Kakashi-sensei!"



A large group of Naruto rushed towards Zabuzhan in the small river without hesitation.

No more chopping: "..."

so many people.

Even he is a bit difficult to deal with!

If it were normal, of course he wouldn't care, relying on his own strength, he would take it seriously!

But now...

His main energy is in controlling the Water Prison Technique. The biggest flaw of the Water Prison Technique is that the caster cannot leave, and must continue to cast the chakra-based water prison confinement. Once interrupted, the Water Prison Technique will collapse immediately, and the trapped enemies will also be released instantly. out!

in short.

While the technique of water prison traps the enemy, it also greatly restricts oneself!

This moment.

Facing the surging number of Naruto's shadow avatars approaching, even if he didn't kill them, he still felt a bit overwhelmed. Now he has only two choices, either let go of Kakashi and deal with Naruto! But in this way, his own advantage will disappear in an instant. One Kakashi is much more difficult to deal with than hundreds of Naruto clones!

But if you don't let go.

With my restricted body and strength alone, I couldn't resist the attacks of so many Naruto's shadow clones. The final result was still the same. The Water Prison Technique was broken, and Kakashi escaped. The advantages that were created disappeared in smoke!

In a time of desperation.


Seeing that Zai Buchou gritted his teeth fiercely.

Immediately after a flash of light in his eyes, he suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Bai! It's up to you!"


A voice suddenly sounded.

next moment.

Shiro, dressed in the costume of the corpse collection team of Mist Ninja Village, suddenly appeared in front of Zabuzhan. Then, in the astonished gazes of Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, their hands quickly formed seals, and they shouted coldly: "Water escape—the technique of water dragon bullet!"


The originally calm river immediately became choppy.

Countless streams of water converged in an instant, forming a very large dragon-shaped water monster, at least as long as three or four heavy-duty trailers. The shadow clone was very fierce, and directly "bited" it!


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