The Storm God

Chapter 859 Resurrection of Dazna! (Please subscribe!)


The big knife is extremely fast.

Everyone didn't react at all, they only heard a sound of "bang bang bang", and several shadow clones of Naruto were cut into white smoke in an instant and disappeared.


With the buffer of Naruto Shadow clone.

Only then did Sakura have a chance to defend herself, but it was very reluctant.

This no longer chopping is not something like a water body, but a real body, extremely powerful, and it is simply not something that a weak female ninja like Sakura can compete with! As soon as the Kunai in her hand touched the beheading sword, the whole body was blown away by the tremendous force!

Just for a moment.

Naruto's shadow clone, Sakura, was defeated successively.

at the moment.

Without the protection of the two.

The old man who built the bridge, Dazna, was exposed naked in front of Zabuku!

The big knife sweeps non-stop!

If there is no accident, this blow will definitely kill him!


"This is bad!"

"Damn it!"


Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura, seeing such a situation, were impatient, but they were helpless and helpless!

With their current positions and speeds, they simply can't keep up with the speed of Buzha!


Bai on the other side was very happy.

Although this action was a bit beyond imagination and there were frequent accidents, in the end, they won the final victory and killed the final goal of the mission!


The sound of sharp blades cutting flesh resounded!

Crimson Splash!

Crazy blood spray!

The huge and ferocious beheading knife, like cutting tofu, easily cut open the old man's chest, almost splitting it in two!


Dazna's eyes widened.

His gaze was full of confusion, fear, despair, unwillingness... and other emotions, but in the was completely turned into nothingness, and with the sound of the body falling to the ground, it turned into darkness!

Dazna old man, died on the spot!



The first to rush over was Kakashi, who was the most powerful among the four.

Seeing that his mission target was brutally killed by Zabuza, Kakashi also went berserk. Under the rage, his attack became more fierce and powerful, forcing Zabuza to retreat again and again! And Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura followed closely behind, and all came to the dead bridge-builder.


"Dead, dead! Grandpa Dazna is dead!"



All three were in great grief.

Especially Naruto, under the emotional agitation, the power of Nine Tails in his body showed signs of a riot.

the other side.

Bai didn't take the opportunity to attack the three of them.

He just looked at them silently, and said coldly: "That's how the ninja world is, either you die or I die! It's very cruel and severe! The mission target has died, and your mission is a complete failure. If you continue to fight, you will die." What's the point? I really don't understand your thoughts!"


I turned my gaze.

It landed on Zabuza who was fighting Kakashi.

At this moment, both of them showed their real skills, and the fight was so intense that it was impossible to beat it!


Marvel world.

Seeing that the old man who built the bridge was killed by Zabu Behead.

Bai Xiaoxing was also slightly taken aback, his face full of astonishment, and he said in amazement in his heart: "He was killed! Is this the battle of ninjas? Is this the strength of elite ninjas? Sure enough, it is more weird and unpredictable than in the anime, even if the situation is big. When you have the upper hand, if you don't pay attention, you may lose everything, amazing!"


He immediately started contacting Naruto and Sasuke.


Naruto World.

Naruto and Sasuke, who were regretting endlessly, couldn't help being stunned when they heard Bai Xiaoxing's voice.


"Grandpa Dazna is still alive?"

"How can this be?"


The two were astonished.

But until now, they couldn't help but not believe it!

Holding the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, the two immediately followed Bai Xiaoxing's request and started to act.

Naruto took out the medical spray and sprayed it on the dead old man who built the bridge. Under the action of the heaven-defying medicine, the body, which had been cut into pieces and was almost dismembered, started to stop bleeding, and slowly healed. Healed up, but compared with the living, the healing effect of the dead is obviously worse by more than one level!

But even so, it was terrifying!


"Naruto, you... what are you doing?!"

"His body actually..."


Sakura was taken aback by the situation in front of her, and immediately forgot her sadness and remorse, and just stared blankly at Naruto's actions.

And Sasuke.

Then he turned around and rushed towards Bai.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Sasuke, who exploded with all his strength, was extremely fast, and came to Shiro in a blink of an eye.

The two immediately started fighting. Because he had used up all the concealed weapons he carried with him before, and now he is on the shore, and there is not enough water for Bai to use the water escape or ice shield, so... in desperation, he could only Sasuke It's melee!


While dealing with Sasuke, he asked puzzledly: "The target is already dead, why do you insist on it?!"


Sasuke snorted coldly: "Who said he's dead!"


Bai Hearing this, he couldn't help but startled.

At this moment.

The Zhenjin Flying Sword that Bai Xiaoxing sent to Sasuke just happened to be sent, Sasuke didn't hide it, he chose to receive and extract it directly, took it on the spot, and slammed it at Bai. Then... Poor Bai, he suffered disaster immediately, the Kunai in his hand was as fragile as tofu, it was cut into pieces after he blocked it twice!


"This, this is impossible!"



The weapon in his hand suddenly exploded.

Caught off guard and stunned, Bai was immediately cut by Sasuke and injured his arms, and then Sasuke put his sword across his neck in an instant, losing the ability to resist!

at the same time……

Under Bai Xiaoxing's remote control.

The nano-worm robot on the Zhenjin Feijian immediately followed Bai's neck all the way up, from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, directly invaded Bai's body, and sang all the way forward. After a while, it completely invaded Bai's body. The central area of ​​the brain began to ruthlessly brainwash, as well as memory plunder and change work!

the other side.

Naruto's teleportation was also completed quickly.

He was also like Sasuke, without any hesitation or concealment, he directly extracted the item sent by Bai Xiaoxing in front of Sakura!


The space card is opened.

Two intelligent robots pushed the medpod3000 and walked out quickly.

follow closely……

In the incomparably astonished gazes of several people at the scene.

They skillfully moved the old man Dazna's body to the medical bed, and then started testing and scanning. Because the old man who built the bridge died too early, his brain was well preserved, and he was not brain-dead, so... there is still rescue, It only takes a few minutes to snatch it back from the realm of the dead!


medpod3000 started the treatment function!

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, who came over with Shiro under his arm, immediately showed extremely horrified and unbelievable expressions when they saw this situation.

"Oh My God!"

"Boss really didn't lie to us, Grandpa Dazna really saved us!"

"This instrument is simply amazing!"


Naruto and Sasuke were very surprised.

Sakura is just like that, but at the same time of surprise, she is also extremely curious, who is the boss that Naruto and Sasuke talk about? Could it be that the mysterious instrument and metal puppet in front of him belonged to the boss? I had clearly tested it just now, and Grandpa Dazner was indeed dead!


This mysterious instrument was rescued alive from the kingdom of death in a daze!

It's incredible!


Am I not dreaming?

Sakura, who couldn't believe everything in front of her eyes, was surprised and couldn't help pinching Naruto next to her, and the poor Naruto jumped up in pain on the spot.


He shouted with displeasure on his face, "Why are you pinching me?"

Sasuke also looked over curiously.


Sakura smiled mischievously.

Hehe said, "I just want to make sure if I'm just dreaming!"

The two immediately said: "..."


the other side.

Kakashi and Zabuzhan, who were fighting fiercely and inextricably, also noticed the abnormality over there because of Naruto's yell.


The two were astonished.

They all stopped in a tacit understanding to observe the situation on Naruto's side.


Kakashi asked, "What's going on with you?"

They were a little far away from where Sasuke and the others were, and they couldn't see the specific situation there at all, so they could only ask aloud.

No more beheading is no exception!


Bai has been restrained by Sasuke.

Immediately afterwards, he was brainwashed by the nanoworm robot, and his memory was changed. The whole person was in a state of sluggishness, and he couldn't answer him at all.


"Mr. Kakashi, we are fine here! Grandpa Dazna was rescued by us!"

"Bai was also caught by us!"

"It's up to you!"


Naruto yelled happily.


After hearing Naruto's words, no matter whether it was Kakashi or Zabuzhan, they were all taken aback, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Dazner rescued?"

"Bai was arrested?"


The two looked at each other.

Following Qi Qi's movements, he approached Sasuke and the others.


They saw an unbelievable scene.


The cover of medpod3000 is opened.

Medical bed.

The healing operation has been completed, and the old bridge builder Dazna, who has completely recovered, sat up with a dazed face, looking at Sasuke and others who were full of surprises, as well as Kakashi and Zabuza who were full of shock and horror. , Dazna puzzled: "Ah! This is... what's going on? You... are you dead too?!"

Kakashi: "..."

No more chopping: "..."

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura jumped up excitedly.


"Grandpa Dazna, you are finally alive!"



The three cheered happily.

Just at this time, Bai Xiaoxing had already started to transfer the pet to Naruto and Sasuke, at this moment, the transfer was finally completed! As a result... the two little guys were so excited that they completely forgot that there were other people around at the moment. One didn't pay attention, and directly chose to receive and extract!


The cute little pig Ke Qiusha.

And the mighty and domineering pet male dragon, which is more than a hundred meters long and tens of meters high.

Just like that, his wings were exposed in front of everyone!



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