The Storm God

Chapter 862: Invading Kakashi! (Please subscribe!)


"this and that……!"


Hear Kakashi's question.

Naruto, who was yelling excitedly just now, immediately became hesitant.

Just when he was in a dilemma, wondering whether to tell Kakashi about the boss, Bai Xiaoxing's voice was transmitted through the contract, and rang in the minds of Naruto and Sasuke: "Naruto, Sasuke, tell him! Kakashi is very reliable and trustworthy, so it’s okay to tell him!"


Bai Xiaoxing said so.

Naruto and Sasuke naturally didn't hesitate anymore, they organized their language, and then began to tell Kakashi their experiences in detail.


It involves all the more secretive things.

Under Bai Xiaoxing's guidance, Sasuke and Naruto didn't tell Kakashi, not because they didn't believe him, but to protect themselves! Kakashi can believe it, but Konoha Ninja Village can't, there is too much darkness in it. It is absolutely necessary to keep some secrets and hole cards, so as not to be known by the enemy and put yourself in a situation where there is no redemption!

It's impossible for Sasuke and Naruto's age and mentality to understand the tricks in this, and they don't need to understand, as long as Bai Xiaoxing knows it himself!


He will naturally arrange it properly!

Not for anything else, just because this is the responsibility and obligation of being the boss!

"I see!"

After listening to Sasuke and Naruto's abridged explanation, Kakashi nodded clearly and said, "That is to say, both of you have been instructed by a world-class expert and accepted as disciples. It’s just that the other party is called the boss because of his young age, and these puppets, medical equipment, summoned beasts, and even Naruto’s special physical skills are all from him!”

"Am I right?"


The two nodded together and said, "It's almost like this!"


Kakashi pondered for a moment.

Then he asked, "Then...can I meet him?"

Naruto and Sasuke are still too young, Kakashi is afraid that they will be deceived by someone, and he also wants to see who the other party is, who has such a powerful skill, if possible, he must It was pulled into Konoha's lineup, so... Kakashi made this request.


Hearing this, Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other, and were about to ask Bai Xiaoxing for his opinion.

At this moment.

Bai Xiaoxing took the initiative to remove the invisibility of the light curtain.

Then he smiled and greeted the astonished Sakura and Kakashi, and introduced himself: "Hi! Nice to meet you, Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, I am the boss of Sasuke and Naruto, you can call me I am the sword fairy Bai Xiaofei, and what you are seeing now is just my clone, named Bai Xiaoxing!"

As for the bridge builder?

All right!

Someone just ignored him.

He's just a useless old man, he's not the main character, and he's not familiar with him, so Bai Xiaoxing doesn't bother to talk to him at all.

Dazna seemed to be aware of this too, but he didn't say much, and he was not qualified to speak. How could the other party be regarded as his savior, so what reason did he have to blame him? Besides, it's useless for him to know about such a big event among ninjas, and it may even bring his own life in danger!

Rather than that.

It's better to hide far away and stay out of it!

The old man who has become a bridge builder, smiled wryly, and greeted Kakashi and the others with a wink, and then silently retreated to the side.

Do not beheaded to death.

Bai was also caught and controlled.

At this moment, everyone's situation can be said to be completely out of danger. In addition, there are two very terrifying summoned beasts beside them, so there will be no danger at all.


For Dazna's silent retreat.

Kakashi didn't intend to stop him, and he wasn't stupid either. He was even more aware of the tricks than Dazna. Even if Dazna didn't leave, he would find a reason to drive him away. Because what he is going to say next will be the top secret of Konoha Ninja Village and must not be leaked!

See Dazna away from the crowd.

Kakashi didn't hide it any longer, and after some courtesy with Bai Xiaoxing, he started to get straight to the point.

His meaning is very simple, nothing more than wanting Bai Xiaoxing to join Konoha, and it is best to share the medical equipment that can bring people back to life, and in view of Bai Xiaoxing's special contribution, Konoha Ninja Village will also pay certain conditions. Repay Bai Xiaoxing! If Bai Xiaoxing has any special requirements, he can directly ask them!


Specifically answer or not.

Kakashi said nothing, he is not Hokage!

Besides, even Hokage is not arbitrary in Konoha. Hokage's opinions and decisions, especially major events, must be approved by the vote of the elders!

Kakashi just said that it can be considered, and he didn't say it directly!


After Bai Xiaoxing finished listening.

Smiling slightly, he said to Kakashi: "I understand what you mean, but I'm sorry, please forgive me for not accepting your proposal! I simply like Naruto and Sasuke, two hard-working children. It's not for any special purpose, I just want them to live better and be safer!"

"after all……"

"Your world is not a peaceful time and space!"

"not to mention……"

Bai Xiaoxing deliberately paused.

Then Chong Kakashi said meaningfully: "Compared with other villages, your Konoha Ninja Village is more harmonious and stable, but under the light, there may not be no darkness, especially those in high positions. I don't like to have anything to do with them, such as Danzo!"

"as far as I know."

"The demise of the Uchiha clan back then was inseparable from him. If it weren't for his help, how could it be possible for Uchiha Itachi to destroy the entire Uchiha clan? It's true that they are all weak chickens. Can people be slaughtered at will? I'm not a fool!"

"There is also Naruto, the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, who is obviously the hero who saved the village, but was treated as a demon fox, and endured so much pain and ridicule. If there is nothing tricky in it, I would not believe it! There are many other things, such as your father, Konoha Baiya, etc., I will not list the darkness in it!"

"So, let's forget about the alliance!"


A sharp tip from Bai Xiaoxing.

Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and the four were stunned on the spot.


"There is an inside story about the demise of the Uchiha clan?!"

"I am the Son of Naruto!"



The four were shocked.

Especially Sasuke and Naruto, after all, this is related to their own family affairs.


The two showed the most excitement and shock.

Sasuke looked extremely complicated, and he hurriedly asked: "Boss, you... what you said is true? The extermination of the Uchiha clan back then was really not the fault of my brother alone?! What else do you know? Can you Tell me all, I...I want to avenge those clansmen who died tragically!"

In the end.

His whole face became extremely hideous because of extreme anger.


"You, you said that my father is... the Fourth Hokage-sama?"

"How can this be?"


Naruto followed suit.

His tone was full of disbelief, what Bai Xiaoxing said was so unbelievable that he couldn't accept it for a while!



Sakura and Kakashi.

Seeing this, the two looked at Sasuke and Naruto, and their eyes became extremely complicated in an instant.

They could clearly feel the pain of Sasuke and Naruto.

But nothing can be done!

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaoxing first admitted what he said was ruined, and then flatly rejected Sasuke's request.

He said earnestly: "Sasuke, the truth of the demise of the Uchiha clan is too involved. With your current strength and realm, you can't understand it at all, and you can't handle it. Maybe you will put yourself in it, so... I won't tell you the truth until you grow to a certain level!"


"Nothing but!"

Seeing that Sasuke was unwilling to say something, Bai Xiaoxing immediately interrupted: "I am your boss, so I have to be responsible for your future! Sasuke, don't worry, I will let you fully understand this matter sooner or later, but Now... let's stop here, and no one is allowed to mention it in the future!"


"Then don't take my boss seriously!"

"do you understand?"


Sasuke gritted his teeth.

In the end, I still suppressed the anger and hatred in my heart, and agreed: "I understand, boss! I will listen to you!"

"very good!"

Bai Xiaoxing nodded and said: "A good boy is obedient!"


He turned his gaze.


Then he said to Naruto who was in a daze: "About your father, you can ask Kakashi later, because he was one of your father's three major disciples back then! For your father and some of your mother's Things, I believe he should know better than me, I have limited time, so I won't go into details with you!"

"Ms. Kakashi?"

After hearing Bai Xiaoxing's words, Naruto couldn't help being startled again: "He, he is actually my father's disciple?!"

Kakashi: "..."

At this moment.

A message from the nanite robot.

Bai's brainwashing, as well as memory copying and modification work, have all been completed.

Bai Xiaoxing was overjoyed immediately, and immediately asked Sasuke to treat Bai as an item, and through the power of the contract, he began to teleport it to him. But because Bai is a living person, not a dead thing, so to teleport to another world, Bai Xiaoxing needs to pay an additional travel fee—50,000 energy points!

A mere 50,000 energy value.

This small amount of money, in terms of Bai Xiaoxing's current financial resources, is not even a drop in the bucket!


In the Naruto world.

As the transmission progressed, Shiro's figure suddenly disappeared, which surprised Kakashi and Sakura.

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Sasuke quickly explained: "The boss sent him away!"


Kakashi and Sakura were suddenly surprised.

Such a method without anyone noticing it is really incredible!

After being shocked, Kakashi immediately became more in awe and fear of Bai Xiaoxing's strength in his heart, thinking to himself that fortunately the opponent is not an enemy, otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable!

I am feeling it.

Sasuke suddenly came to Kakashi.


Kakashi was puzzled.

But Bai Xiaoxing said with a smile: "Kakashi, I have a meeting gift for you here, and I hope you can accept it!"

As he speaks.

Sasuke handed a small box to Kakashi.


Kakashi took the box that Sasuke handed over suspiciously, opened it without thinking too much!


A group of emerald green "smoke" was sprayed out in an instant.

The smoke seemed to be alive, and they all surrounded Kakashi. Their speed was so fast that Kakashi was so startled that he had no time to react, and was instantly wrapped around his entire head, and within two strokes, all these green "smoke" invaded Kakashi Inside the eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

follow closely……

Kakashi didn't even hum, he just fell to the ground and passed out!

"Mr. Kakashi!"

This sudden scene immediately shocked Sakura, Sasuke, and even Naruto, and couldn't help screaming.


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