The Storm God

Chapter 891 Fusion and optimization! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

A month passed like this.


The world is very quiet.

Nothing messy happened, and the famous Iron Man did not go out to fight for justice. Under the supervision of Heavenly Sword Sanctuary, the early prediction of Zola algorithm, and the security management of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Hydra), everything Criminal actions, intrigues and so on, are almost all killed in the cradle!

Even if there are occasional mistakes and things that are beyond calculation, they are all like stones thrown into the sea, and they are completely submerged before even a wave can churn! In short... the Marvel world should have been chaotic and full of crimes, but because of Bai Xiaofei's appearance and intervention, a very special order has been formed.

The world has become more harmonious than ever because of him.

In view of this.

Tony, who is a madman of science, is happy to be at leisure. He spends his days with Little Pepper, showing off his love and having sex, or he dives into the laboratory, studying all kinds of things he got from Bai Xiaofei day and night. black technology. Of course... daily operations such as upgrading and improving the Mark Armor are even more essential!

And Tony deserves to be one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe.

Come this month.

All kinds of black technology products have appeared on the earth.

And they.

Almost without exception.

All are from the hands of Tony Stark, produced by Tony, must be a boutique!

Of course……

as a technology provider.

Bai Xiaofei, and the Infinite Technology Company under his name, have also gained a huge reputation and profits because of this. With the help of various black technology products emerging one after another and good reputation, they quickly reached the level of Stark. The level of the enterprise is almost the same, and it has become the world's leading super group!

But even so.

Bai Xiaofei, who is at the helm of the group, is still not satisfied!

Such as Hanmer Military Industry, Aim Technology, Osborne Group... etc., these are his goals, and he is gradually launching plans to annex and acquire them! Bai Xiaofei's goal is to acquire all the well-known enterprises and groups, network the geniuses of the whole world for my use, and build an ideal utopia together!

Hanmer Military Industry was cast aside by the world because of the huge chaos and losses caused by the technology exhibition, and the losses were extremely serious.


It undoubtedly became Bai Xiaofei's first target!

The acquisition plan of Hanmer Military Industry is going very smoothly. Under the huge money and prestige offensive of Infinity Technology, the old American government struggled for a while, and it simply sold Hanmer Military Industry to Infinite Technology. company! The Hanmer military enterprise is involved in the manufacture of weapons. It is impossible for ordinary people to acquire such a heavy enterprise!

But who made Bai Xiaofei rich and someone else!

Under the temptation of super huge interests and the intervention of SHIELD (Hydra), no matter how hard Lao Mei twists, she can only obediently surrender!


Believe it or not, my buddy will give you a shot of nanoworm solvent!

In the Marvel world.

The president or something is almost a decoration!

Those who really control the power of the country are those secret organizations hidden behind, such as the S.H.I.E.L.D. (Hydra).

As the most powerful organization in the world, SHIELD (Hydra) has been completely controlled and infiltrated by Bai Xiaofei, and it has been completely developed into a force of his own younger brother. With their presence and intervention, let alone the acquisition of Hanmer Military Industry Well, even if Bai Xiaofei wanted to get a presidential suite in the Pentagon, he probably wouldn't have the slightest difficulty!


Bai Xiaofei is not that boring.

Compared with a pure office place like the Pentagon, my paradise island is like a fairyland. Only a fool would move into that kind of garbage place!

As for Aim Technology, Osborne Group... and other well-known conglomerates, Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry at all. It is inevitable that an accident will happen due to his own intervention, resulting in the superhero (Spiderman) or the super drug ( Extremis virus), and died directly, Bai Xiaofei didn't attack them directly, but sent some people to sneak in, and hibernate quietly!

There are many, many more like this!


Outside of the plan, everything is going well.

At the same time, the research situation on Paradise Island has also been fruitful and rewarding!

Such as spaceships, energy weapons, portable space suits, etc., are derived from black technologies in the universe of the Milky Way. Because of complete technical information, as well as mature and perfect technological models for reference, research and development are the fastest , It took a few days to successfully reproduce it!

However, the genetic modification technology of the Sovereign planet, the ultra-advanced remote control technology, and the steel battery technology comparable to the miniature ark reactor, because they surpass the technology of the earth too much, so the research progress is relatively slow. Even with super geniuses like Dr. Helen Zhao and Dr. Banner, it's the same!


This is relative!

If the object of comparison is replaced by earth technology.

Then the success and progress of these researches are undoubtedly very remarkable and awesome. I believe that in less than two years, these geniuses under Bai Xiaofei will be able to thoroughly understand and comprehend all these black technologies that have surpassed the earth for thousands of years. It is not impossible to develop it even better!

on the other hand.

The results of Dr. Zola's research and technology development are also very gratifying.

After this month of painstaking research, although he has not yet successfully developed a black technology device that can extract the power of the universe spirit ball (power gem), he has a fairly deep understanding of the power characteristics of the universe spirit ball , and experimentally made an energy controller, trying to control the energy output of the universe spirit ball!

Bai Xiaofei used the mirror image space and experimented in it. Although it failed, it was not completely ineffective. As long as we make some improvements, and special screening and forging of materials, I believe that the next time the energy controller will be manufactured, There is bound to be a huge effect improvement!

Anyway, there are still a few months before leaving the Marvel world, Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry, just wait slowly!

Speaking of time.

I have to mention Bai Xiaofei's DNA optimization ability.

After more than a month of absorption, the power of ice has been fused successfully, and its power is simply overwhelming, no less than Frost Lord Fez, of course...if the environment around Bai Xiaofei is a world of ice and snow like Jotunheim , the power of this ice power will become even stronger, like a tiger with wings added!


Bai Xiaofei didn't continue to upgrade other abilities.

Instead, he directly chose to fuse and mutate the DNA optimization ability and the infinite evolution ability obtained from Xiaolonglong. After about 10 years, he finally successfully upgraded to [Infinite Optimization], which is two times better than Or any individual ability must be awesome and explosive!


On the day of capacity formation.

Infinite optimization first optimizes and improves all the abilities that Bai Xiaofei currently possesses!

Such as the power of the earth, the power of ice, the art of resisting fire, the ability to control metal, the power of the wood escape of the body of the wood escape, the ability of the golden body... and other abilities involving the change and use of elements, in the infinitely optimized Under the effect, they all merged into one, and directly changed into a very explosive skill-element mastery!

This so-called proficiency is different from the previous skill proficiency. It has no grades at all. It is a completely passive skill. Its power and use, as well as its means and expression, etc., all depend on Bai Xiaofei himself, he thought Play how you want!

As for whether he can play well, it depends on Bai Xiaofei.

The more powerful Bai Xiaofei is, the stronger his spirit, the more active his mind is, the more elemental power he absorbs, and the more powerful the power endowed by his mastery of the elements, the more explosive it will be!

Simply put.

This is a skill with great potential!

There is a huge room for improvement, and there is no side effect when using it. Wei Neng follows Bai Xiaofei all the way. It is incomparably tall, and it can be said to be a necessary skill for home travel!

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, so excited that he jumped up on the spot!

He simply loves this element to master skills. With it, Bai Xiaofei no longer needs to spend a huge amount of energy to upgrade messy skills in order to increase power, which directly reduces his countless expenses. Although Only limited to the power of elements, such as infinite rampage, blood puppet magic pupil... These abilities are not included, but they are also very cost-effective!

Not only that.

under the influence of infinite optimization.

Bai Xiaofei's body density has also been doubled, allowing his overall physical fitness to go up to a higher level, and his strength greatly increased!

Such as infinite rampage, blood puppet magic pupil, and spiritual power have also been greatly improved, and those who are proficient in various passive classification skills, such as spear fighting skills, sword skills, etc., some lower-level skills Skills, even directly improved by 1-2 levels, but Bai Xiaofei was very happy!

"As expected of a god-defying skill, there is no one else with such power!"

"Continue to optimize!"


The excited Bai Xiaofei.

Excited, he immediately began to absorb and optimize. Heimdall's clairvoyance, wind ears, and Xingjue came from the light of life of his innate protoss father; from Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan bloodline... Many incomparably powerful abilities have been integrated into Bai Xiaofei's body one by one through infinite optimization!

to this day.

These abilities have all been absorbed by Bai Xiaofei's body, and under the effect of infinitely optimized abilities, they have been greatly improved and optimized!

The light of life originating from Xingjue, the bloodline is not pure, only about half of it, and there is no way to compare it with Xingjue's father, Yi Ge, who is a cosmic god, without Yi Ge's life center as The introduction will not be able to play a role, and with the ability of infinite optimization, its bloodline and power have been greatly improved!

Although Bai Xiaofei is still not like Yi Ge, who can control and condense the microscopic matter in the universe, and use it for me to form his own life domain, he is still much stronger than Xingjue's half-blood! I believe that as long as we get some more opportunities and promotions, it may not be impossible to become the second cosmic god like Yi Ge!

The second is the wind ear.

This ability is bound to clairvoyance, and clairvoyance, as well as the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, belong to the supernatural powers and abilities of eyes, and there is an ability conflict with Bai Xiaofei's own blood puppet demon pupil, so there is no Exceptionally, fusion and mutation occurred, and as a result, it evolved into an even more powerful and domineering one——Myriad Demon Blood Eyes!

Even Shunfeng's ear has been greatly improved, and has evolved a very special ability - listening to everything. With the ability to listen to all things, Bai Xiaofei can communicate with any animal, plant, or even some special life and consciousness, which is amazing!


What excites Bai Xiaofei the most is Wanmo Xuetong!

Under the influence of infinitely optimized abilities, the fused and mutated Myriad Demon Blood Eyes can be said to be a combination of the strengths of the three major eye-type supernatural abilities in one body. It is so easy to have no friends, and it does not require any mental stimulation and torture, and it can be opened directly. Awakened the kaleidoscope realm originated from Sharingan, and awakened Bai Xiaofei's pupil technique!

It's hard.

Unlimited optimization does not optimize its side effects together, and you will still be blind if you use it too much!

It's just that this "many", compared to the people of the Uchiha clan, it is very, very much! If the Uchiha Clan's Kaleidoscope Sharingan can be used up to 100 times, then Bai Xiaofei's Sky-Defying Pupil Technique awakened by Myriad Demon Blood Pupils can be used up to 1000 times!

It is exactly ten times their size!

Even more ***********s: Thanks for subscribing! 2 more! Thanks to [Fat V Boy] for the reward of 500 starting coins, [He Rishanshui], [Furious Pond Ice], [Elegant Language Cool], [Slingshot without a rubber band] for the reward of 100 starting coins, I am very grateful! At the beginning of the month, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Worry-free thanks everyone!

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