The Storm God

Chapter 894 Promise and return! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei who came back from Asgard.

The mood at this moment is unprecedentedly good. It can be described as proud, full of ambition, and infinite coquettish!

There is no other reason.

This trip to Asgard.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei has gained a lot. Not only did he get more raw Uru metal ores from Loki, he also got a lot of precious and rare resources from several other countries, including magical animals and plants, and special minerals , and even completely different civilization technology, greatly enriched Bai Xiaofei's private collection!

As for Loki?

He should be in a bad mood after being caught empty-handed.


Bai Xiaofei is not stupid either.

How could things be so heartless and unsatisfactory!

After obtaining a large amount of supplies that Loki worked so hard to obtain, Bai Xiaofei found out with conscience, and taught Loki a set of very powerful marksmanship skills. This set of marksmanship skills alone cost Bai Xiaofei several million energy points, which is enough to be worth the supplies of Loki!


Anyway, Bai Xiaofei thought so.

Whether Loki thinks so, only he knows. However...the power of this set of marksmanship skills is beyond doubt. After learning it, it can greatly enhance Loki's melee strength, especially the strength of marksmanship. After all...he is now the bright face of the Eternal Spear Owner!

With such a powerful super artifact in his hand, if he can't make good use of it and exert its maximum power, it will be too violent!

In the original plot, Loki used the Eternal Spear, and with two shots, he killed the Frost Lord Laufey who was second only to Odin in strength, but when he met his brother Thor, he seemed to have taken a fake Like the Eternal Spear, it doesn't have any power at all, and it will be beaten away by Thor every now and then!

It's a super artifact like the Spear of Eternity in vain!

It's really speechless.


Since Loki is his ally.

After I left Marvel, many things on Earth and Jotunheim still needed the help of Asgard, the God Realm, and Asgard was under Loki's control. Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not sit idly by and continue to Let Loki "not do his job properly", so he didn't hesitate to spend millions of energy points to buy a set of marksmanship stunts to teach him!

In this way.

Not only can it be used as a reward for materials, but it can also make up for Rocky's shortcomings in strength!

And Loki is stronger.

Earth and Jotunheim are more secure.

When facing the alien forces in the universe in the future, Loki will be able to kill the enemy more bravely and shock the universe!

It's just one stroke!

how to count.

It seems that Bai Xiaofei took a huge advantage!

at this point.

Bai Xiaofei was very clear.

As the god of intrigue and scheming, Loki is best at psychology and calculations. Of course, it is impossible not to see the tricks in it! It's just... due to Bai Xiaofei's strength and mystery, as well as the fact that he is on the passive side because of his need for others, even if Loki knew it was a trap, he could only grit his teeth and jump down!

Although it is true that I feel a little uncomfortable, but being used to being squeezed by Bai Xiaofei, Loki seems to have gotten used to Bai Xiaofei's style of doing things!

The key is……

Rocky also got enough benefits, didn't he?

With his current status and status, as far as Loki is concerned, messy foreign objects are of no use at all, unless they are very, very awesome treasures like ice treasure boxes or infinite gems, but this kind of stuff, Bai Xiaofei didn't have many of them himself, so how could he give it to Loki!

After getting to know Ronan the Accuser, Mad Titan Thanos and other awesome characters.

Loki has only one goal now——

Become stronger!

Only strong enough.

Only then can I get everything I want, reputation, status, rights, and even more!


Without strength, everything is useless!

A set of marksmanship stunts, which may seem shabby, can greatly enhance Loki's power against the Spear of Eternity, allowing him to have a leap in strength. This kind of help, compared to those who are dispensable As far as foreign objects are concerned, they are undoubtedly very precious and scarce, and they are also rare!

Except Bai Xiaofei.

Who can give Rocky such opportunities and help?

almost none!

Using the materials scavenged from several major countries in exchange for the growth of one's own strength, thinking about it carefully, this deal is not too bad!

It was precisely because of this that Loki agreed to the deal!

Otherwise, you really think he is stupid!


Regardless of how Loki reacted.

After Bai Xiaofei returned to Earth, he immediately started to get busy.

Everything that needs to be deployed has almost been deployed. The black technology and precious resources that should be collected have also been collected very, very much. In terms of energy value, after 10 months of crazy absorption and sales of black technology technical materials As a result, Bai Xiaofei's balance has already broken through the 10 billion mark very well!

to this day.

Bai Xiaofei's harvest in the Marvel world can be said to be a lot of money!

Absolutely worthwhile trip!


The three infinity stones cannot be taken away!

Otherwise it would be perfect. But it’s not too bad. When I come next time, the space-time shuttle has definitely been upgraded successfully, and it’s not too late to take them away, and if I can catch up with the Avengers plot and Thor 2, Bai Xiaofei might be able to Collect the mind gem and ether particles together!

At that time.

Except for the extremely mysterious soul gem.

Among the six infinity gems, Bai Xiaofei has five infinity gems, plus the infinity gauntlet (right hand) he stole from Odin, Bai Xiaofei's strength can definitely increase to an extremely terrifying level ! Even if Thanos saw him, he might have to walk around, dodging as far as he could!

Dare to stab.

Bai Xiaofei wiped him out in minutes!


That's all later.

Now Bai Xiaofei can only think about it.

He waited and waited, and after seeing it for more than 10 months, the reunion plot he was looking forward to has not had any movement. It seems that it is impossible to happen in a year or two. The Marvel world is still a scene of prosperity and harmony. Feeling bored, Bai Xiaofei had the idea of ​​leaving Marvel.

And he is now.

Just making final preparations for leaving Marvel.


After a few days.

The island of paradise, the palace of the god king.

After tidying up, Bai Xiaofei, together with Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei, was finally ready to leave.

After more than 10 months of getting along with each other, Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei have established a very deep parental relationship. Of course, it is impossible for him to put such a cute and cute daughter in the Marvel world. What if something happens? ? After thinking about it, it's better to bring it with me, don't worry about it, and cultivate Xiao Bailei's potential well!


There is another reason.

That is Nie Xiaoqian's strong will!

But Nie Xiaoqian said, if Bai Xiaofei doesn't take Xiao Bailei away, she won't leave either, and stay with her!

What can Bai Xiaofei do?

"Little Fei!"

Zhao Hailun looked at Bai Xiaofei pitifully, her face was full of reluctance, her big black eyes were full of tears, she said to Bai Xiaofei with a trembling voice: "Take me along?"


Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly.

Looking at Zhao Hailun who was crying into tears, he felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't help it. Due to the rules of the space-time shuttle, in the world of series movies, the follow-up plot and the characters related to the scene, with Bai Xiaofei's current ability, he couldn't help it. Take it away, otherwise it will cause the collapse of the plot, and thus lose the right to travel through this time and space!

It is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to lose the big because of a small one!


It's useless even if he wants to!

The rules of the space-time shuttle make it impossible for him to have the right to choose this option!

This is a mandatory passive rule that cannot be changed!

There is no need to change it!

It's not just Helen Zhao.

Dr. Banner, Dr. Zola, Winter Soldier, Tony, the old king and his son, the Supreme Master Ancient One... a group of people are extremely reluctant to leave Bai Xiaofei, even some of them, such as Dr. Zola, Winter Soldier , They also all want to go out with Bai Xiaofei, seek adventure and excitement, and continue to fight side by side with Bai Xiaofei!

But it's a pity.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't have that ability yet!

Looking at the people with sad faces, Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and said to everyone: "Please! I'm just leaving for a while, and I'm not going to die and never come back. Can you stop putting on a funeral look? It makes me feel very upset, you know, come on! Let’s all smile, so that we can leave with peace of mind!”


Upon hearing this.

Zhao Hailun couldn't help bursting into tears immediately.

She patted Bai Xiaofei's chest lightly, gave him an annoyed look, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiaofei, how can you say that about yourself, and don't expect yourself to be better. If something happens to you, what will I do?" ah?"

The tone is coquettish, blaming, and full of worry, which can be described as extremely complicated!

And all of this comes from love!


"Xiao Fei, your mouth is still so poisonous, you don't even let yourself go! There is really no one else but you!"

"That's it!"

"Xiao Fei, you see that Helen has such deep affection for you,'s not too late to leave after the two of you are done. Helen has something to think about and hope for, right? Because you are so unreliable, who knows when you will come back!"

"That's right! I believe Miss Xiaoqian will not embarrass you at this time, and I strongly urge you to make villains together!"

"That's a good proposal, second it!"

"Second proposal +1!"

"Secondary +2!"


A group of bad friends headed by Tony.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, and seeing Zhao Hailun's deep affection and reluctance for Bai Xiaofei, they immediately began to boo.


Miss Zhao Helen is from every family.

Have you ever seen such a scene with no morals before, you were immediately blushed, and lowered your head shyly.

But she did not object.

It is clear.

Proposals for everyone.

Zhao Hailun, who didn't express her refusal, tacitly wanted to do something with Bai Xiaofei.

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei was also moved.

If it were another occasion, Bai Xiaofei might have nodded in agreement. Zhao Hailun was originally a great beauty. Under the fine-tuning of the regenerative cradle that integrated all the functions of medpod3000, no matter in figure or appearance, she became even more glamorous and attractive. He had long wanted to find someone Opportunity to win Zhao Hailun!


There was a little Bai Lei beside her.

Not to mention Zhao Hailun, a great beauty, even Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Xiaofei couldn't touch her easily.

no way!

Who made little Bai Lei look like a brown candy.

She has to sleep with Bai Xiaofei to sleep, the little girl is only 5 years old, so she can't do something unsuitable for children in front of Xiao Bailei, right? You know, little Bailei is not an ordinary child, her physical fitness is terrifying, her spiritual sense is also very terrifying, if something happens, she will wake up the little girl...


That would be so embarrassing!

It is estimated that the image of a father that he had built up with great difficulty was immediately destroyed and wiped out in ashes!


This is a period of up to 10 months.

Bai Xiaofei can be said to be like a monk, living a rather "poor life".

Ordinary people would be choking on nothing for 10 months, not to mention Bai Xiaofei, who is pregnant with the terrifying reproductive ability of the alien queen and whose desires have been greatly magnified. Just moved her index finger, wishing to take her away on the spot, and then have a good love!

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's rationality was not dominated by desire.

He quickly suppressed it.

"Don't make trouble!"

Bai Xiaofei first waved his hand to signal everyone not to make noise.

Then he looked at Zhao Hailun with an apologetic face, and said softly: "Helen, now is not the time, I know what you mean, but that is too irresponsible for a man! I can't do this to you! Wait until I come back Let's go! When we meet again, we will be together, how?!"


Zhao Hailun nodded heavily, and said to Bai Xiaofei resolutely: "Xiao Fei, no matter how long, I will wait for you!"


Gently stand on tiptoe.

Under the gaze of everyone, he kissed Bai Xiaofei forcefully.

After a long time.

The two parted reluctantly.

Glancing at everyone reluctantly, Bai Xiaofei raised his arm, waved goodbye to everyone, and then used the monster-receiving gourd to take Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei in. Appearing in the real world, will be wiped into nothingness in an instant).

Under the watchful eyes of Tony and his group, Bai Xiaofei's figure finally "swished" and disappeared!

They all know.

Bai Xiaofei's disappearance this time is different from the previous ones.

Instead, it really "disappeared", like the world evaporated, and for a long time to come, everyone would never receive any news about Bai Xiaofei again!

So far.

Everyone is a little melancholy and depressed.

Tony's mentality was the best among the crowd. He quickly recovered from the sadness of Bai Xiaofei's departure, and then encouraged everyone: "Hey! Guys, don't be so depressed! Bai Xiaofei It's not that he won't come back, let's treat him as a tourist! As his loyal backing, we can't just let it go!"

"That's right!"

After hearing Tony's words.

Dr. Zola immediately cheered up, and said in a deep voice: "Although the boss has left, he still has a lot of research work that needs us to continue to develop. Get up, work hard to do your job well, and when the boss comes back, we must give him a big surprise!"

"well said!"

"In the past, it was Bai Xiaofei who surprised us, but this time, it's our turn to surprise him!"

"Yes! Everyone cheer up!"

"keep it up!"



ps: Thanks for subscribing! 2 more! It's the beginning of the month, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! Marvel is finally over, huh... I can't hold it anymore as I write it, it's finally over for a while, the next world is about to start! Friends, please support me!

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