The Storm God

Chapter 897 Awakened Consciousness! (Please subscribe!)

If you don't understand, just ask.

Bai Yu, who couldn't figure out the reason, immediately began to ask the little kid for advice without being ashamed to ask.


The little boy is indeed the spirit of the space-time shuttle.

Really well-informed!

After hearing Bai Yu's question, she smiled slightly and explained: "This is easy to understand! If the earth is regarded as a living organism, the so-called Gaia consciousness is almost similar to the body's self-regulation ability, immune ability...etc. The sum of the existence of the same kind, and all kinds of creatures on the earth are similar to the existence of 'brain'!"

"The two depend on each other to form a huge life system!"

"This life does not only refer to metabolism and reproduction in the usual sense, but refers to a system capable of exchanging energy and matter and maintaining its internal stability. Among them, the biological 'brain' plays a vital role, that is, Just like the brain of the human body, if it suddenly disappears, the various reactions of the body will also react together one after another, thus forming a state of balance!"

"Taking human beings as an example, when the activity of the brain disappears, the body will stop all activities, which is the so-called death; if it is converted to the earth, if the living things disappear and the metabolism disappears, all the components of the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere will disappear. Hundreds of elements will react together until no further reaction occurs!"

"At that time..."

"The planet Earth will become a hot, dead place without water vapor, no longer suitable for human habitation!"

"That's equivalent to death!"


The little kid talked eloquently.

The explanation was very detailed, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "From this hypothesis, it is not difficult to see that Gaia consciousness does exist, and the suppression of the earth itself is a comprehensive extension of all regulatory functions. Its existence , is to protect the normal development of the earth, just like the immunity and resistance of the human body, you can't feel it, but it exists incomparably real!"

"It's said above."

"The brain plays a vital role, as does the human body, and so does the Earth!"

"The brain controls the body's activities, energy intake, sleep and rest... etc. Once the behavior is improper, it will cause the disease of the body. At this time, it is the role of immunity, regulation... and so on, that is, Gaia's consciousness. At this moment, you may not feel it, but it really helps you recover your body!"


"Most of this adjustment and repair function is a very slow and long process. If the brain can actively cooperate with the adjustment, it will naturally speed up a lot. Otherwise, it will get twice the result with half the effort! This refers to the normal situation. If If you encounter special troubles, that's another matter!"

"It's like illness and trauma! There are big and small, mild and severe, and when facing various diseases, everyone's performance is different, that is, the immune system is also different. Will If its concepts are transplanted to the Dao planet, that is to say, Gaia consciousness also has strengths and weaknesses!"


Speaking of which.

The little kid stopped again so that his master could digest the content well.

Bai Yu was stunned.

Because this so-called Gaia consciousness is completely different from what he imagined.

But what the little boy said was reasonable and impeccable. Even though Bai Xiaofei's scientific knowledge was extremely rich, he couldn't find any loopholes or flaws for a while!

After a long while.

After he finally digested these contents, Bai Yu said to the little boy: "Continue!"


The little kid nodded.

Then he continued: "The master may have some doubts. If the earth really has Gaia consciousness, why is it reduced to such a state? Why not take action to punish human beings to ensure its own stability and normal development? Before explaining this problem, I have to first Tell the master about the hierarchical division of Gaia consciousness!"


Hearing this, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "This thing has a level?"


The little kid took it for granted: "Everything has its strengths and weaknesses and division of labor, and naturally has its corresponding hierarchy and order effects, such as human society, such as the ant class, such as animal territories...etc, Gaia consciousness Although it is miraculous, it cannot be avoided, just like the various muscle performances of the human body, which are divided into five levels according to their strength and awakening degree!"

"The first level is the most basic adjustment ability. All kinds of creatures on the planet can effectively adjust the temperature and chemical composition of the atmosphere, which corresponds to the basic resistance ability of the human body. Only with this level of Gaia consciousness can the planet itself It has the ability to breed life, otherwise it is a death star!"

"The earth is like this. After billions of years, it has this condition, and then it gradually evolves towards the second level, that is, various organisms on the planet affect the biological environment, and the environment in turn affects the biological environment. The process of evolution, the co-evolution of the two, such as the evolution of single-celled organisms, the birth of ancient organisms, and the origin and origin of human beings..."

"All of this originates from the Gaia consciousness at this level!"


Bai Yu was dumbfounded.

I just feel that my three views are about to be refreshed. What the kid said has completely subverted his cognition. It's really incredible!

At this moment.

The little kid continued to explain: "The third level is also a crucial level, because it is a watershed. After passing it, it will be a strong Gaia, but it will still be a weak Gaia. Its performance is that each This kind of creature and the natural world are mainly connected by a negative feedback loop, so as to maintain the stable state of the earth's ecology, just like the god in the world of Avatar - Eva!"


Bai Yu was taken aback, and dared not say anything: "You is the third-level Gaia consciousness incarnation?!"


The little kid nodded and said: "And it is still the top existence in the third level. It is only one step away from entering the fourth level, that is, the atmosphere can be maintained in a stable state, not depending on the biosphere, and in a certain sense for the biosphere. ! And speaking of this, I have to mention another very powerful consciousness—Alaya consciousness!”

"Alaya consciousness?"

Bai Yu was stunned again, what the hell is this? !


The little kid explained: "Alaya is the general consciousness of the biological collective, which is opposite to the Gaia consciousness. The Gaia consciousness is the restraining force of the planet itself, and the Alaya consciousness is the restraining force of the living beings. The generation of Gaia consciousness , is to protect the normal development of the planet, and the emergence of Alaya consciousness is to maintain the normal development of living things!"

"It's said above!"

"In the huge system of life, the biological 'brain' plays a vital role. Where is the brain? That is the environment for the storage and work of consciousness! The conscious behavior of the human brain affects the cycle of its own life system And the ability to adjust, and transplant it to the planet, that is, the consciousness of Alaya dominates the consciousness of Gaia!"


Bai Yu was dumbfounded, is there such a saying?


The little kid sighed.

Seeing that Bai Yu seemed to understand a little bit, he explained: "In fact, this is not difficult to understand, just like the magic in the Marvel world, because the spirit has carved the material, so magic is difficult to cast; the human beings in this world, as the dominant creatures of the earth, the number Incomparably huge, their collective thought and path of progress, that is, the Alaya consciousness, seriously affects and limits the Gaia consciousness!"

"With the continuous development of industry, the unrestrained waste of resources, and the reckless behavior of ecological balance, the Gaia consciousness of the earth is like a sick person, but instead of taking medicine and injections, he continues to behave mischievously and does not give himself up Just like a death oath, when the disease is severe enough, the body's immunity and regulation will be severely damaged, or even disappear completely!"


"Gaia consciousness can evolve to the fourth level!"

"In this way, it can stabilize and balance its own life system without relying on Alaya consciousness, and can even control Alaya consciousness in reverse! For example, Eva in Avatar can control animals except plants and Na'vi people , to resist the human army, to ensure that your life system will not be destroyed, and if you go one step further, you can complete the evolution and reach the fourth level!"


"Such a planet is very rare!"

"However, there are countless individual cases similar to the body function that counterbalances brain activity, which is obvious!"

"For example—zombies!"


Bai Xiaofei's face was full of disbelief, and he exclaimed: "Is this thing counted?!"


The little kid pouted.

Shrugging helplessly, he said: "Zombies, although most of them are transformed into this form due to external forces, but in the final analysis, their essence is still the same! If we go one step further, various creatures can adjust their substances. environment, in order to create optimal living conditions for all kinds of creatures, that is the top fifth level—the realm of God!"

"For example, for the zombies in "I Am Legend", when the functions of the body completely affect the brain activity and form a perfect balance, a brand new species and civilization will be born! Of course... this is the worst kind of existence. The awesome guy... Well, in the Marvel world, Star-Lord's father Egg is the best example!"


hear this.

Bai Yu couldn't help being slightly startled, Yi Ge is a Celestial God Race in the universe, why is it related to Gaia's consciousness again?


It looks like Egg's body.

It is the core center of a planet, and it can perfectly control everything on the planet, even microscopic substances, and even rely on them to colonize other planets and swallow them, so as to achieve the purpose of expanding and dominating the universe. In this way, If he is really successful, then the next step for Yi Ge should be to create organic life, or even intelligent races, so as to create his own cosmic civilization? !

So far.

Bai Yu was like enlightened, all kinds of puzzles and doubts in his mind suddenly became clear!


human body!


Even the universe!

In the final analysis, they are all the same existence!

Whether it is a microcosmic creature that is so small that it is invisible, or a galaxy universe that is as large as the vastness, all of these have their macroscopic Gaia consciousness and the microcosmic consciousness of Alaya. The two balance each other, Develop together to form a perfect system and circulation system!

In general.

Alaya consciousness dominates Gaia consciousness, and the two coexist harmoniously. When it is strong enough to a certain level, it can overwhelm or even eliminate Gaia consciousness! Just like the human beings in the Elysium, with the crazy development of hundreds of billions of people and the destruction of the environment, the earth has lost its self-regulation ability and is heading for extinction!

Another example is Ego in the Marvel world!

Relying on the powerful ability of self-awareness, he continuously swallows all the creatures of other planets, so as to attribute all their biological consciousness to one body. When he is the only one left in the whole universe, he is the incarnation of Alaya consciousness. It is completely possible to strengthen the Gaia consciousness of the entire universe and become the master of the universe, the creator god!

If the consciousness of Gaia awakens and evolves to a high-level realm, it can also check and balance the biological group with Alaya consciousness, such as Eva in Avatar and the loss in the end-time movies. They are at a lower level. If you go further If so, what Nawei people, what brain awareness, is it important?

With them or without them, I can still survive and evolve, and ghosts will take care of them!


Hot tempered.

It is not impossible to take the initiative to come and destroy them, so as not to be restrained and balanced by them in the future!

Like 2012!

Those disasters or something.

Bai Yu dares to assure you that it must be the Earth's Gaia consciousness who made a fool of it!

The same is the earth!

The same is ecological damage!

The difference is that the earth in 2012 acted first, while the earth in the Elysium space world has such a good temper. By the time he wanted to resist, it was already too late. Hundreds of millions of human beings are crazily destroying and destroying the ecology, causing it to almost die and disappear!

The reason why it suddenly popped up now.

Probably because of the appearance of the star seed, it feels infinite hope and vitality, just like a person with terminal cancer, who was already hopeless, ready to break the jar, but because of the special medicine The appearance, and the passion from instinct broke out again!

This humming.

It is the request of Gaia's consciousness that the earth is in peril!

It longs to be helped, to be healed, to be reborn, to recover, and... to take revenge on mankind!

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's ability to listen to everything, an ordinary person might not be able to notice it at all. One is because the macroscopic Gaia consciousness is too magical and weird, and the other is because it is too weak. Even Avatar In the world, Pandora's Gaia consciousness, Eva's awesome existence, can easily go unnoticed, let alone a terminally ill guy!

Figured it all out.

Bai Yu now naturally understands the desire and demands of the Gaia consciousness on the earth, and then she is slightly taken aback.

The other white feathers don't matter, but to take revenge on humans...


This is not allowed!

It's not that Bai Xiaofei is a bitch or something.


Once Gaia's consciousness is shot, it will be earth-shattering!

Just look at the scenes in the movie 2012. Elysium is his own small world, how could Bai Xiaofei let Gaia's consciousness run amok, besides...Although the human beings on the earth are hateful and are purely self-defeating, most of them are now I have corrected my evil and turned to the right, and I have been working very hard to make up for my mistakes!

Giving them a Noah's Ark-like ethnic cleansing at this time would be too unreasonable, and it would also cause immeasurable losses to Bai Xiaofei! It took a lot of effort to manage the Bliss Space in an orderly manner, and everything is developing for the better, but you are about to see the end of the world!


Of course Bai Xiaofei disagreed!


"that whoever!"

"Can you hear me? If you can, please show me!"


Bai Yu said helplessly to himself.

Although he can hear the voices of all things, it does not mean that he can communicate with all things.

The current inquiry is only with the attitude of giving it a try. If it doesn’t work, the awakened and recovered Gaia consciousness of the earth will take revenge on human society and launch the end of the world, causing immeasurable troubles to oneself and improving the earth. Regarding the environment, Bai Xiaofei could only think of other ways.


Gaia consciousness is very powerful.

Not only did it hear Bai Yu's words, but it also made a gesture, and an imperceptible low hum came over.

"very good!"

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, and then began to explain the current situation to the Earth's Gaia consciousness.

The meaning is actually very simple. It is nothing more than that the human beings on the earth have changed their ways and returned to the right. I am their boss and master, and I will also be your boss and master. Since we are all a family, don’t dwell on the past anymore. Let us work together to move towards prosperity and a better tomorrow!


In the verbal conversation, Bai Xiaofei also inevitably revealed a hint of coercion and temptation.

All in all, one word -

Those who follow will prosper!


You can figure it out yourself!

Although the Earth's Gaia consciousness is on the verge of death, it is not mentally retarded. It is obvious that Bai Xiaofei's strength and strength can be felt. In addition, this world belongs to Bai Xiaofei, and he has great dominance power and luck. The power of power, power of will, etc., the aura is incomparably heaven-defying and terrifying!


This guy is very spineless!

Pidianpidian expressed that he was willing to follow behind Bai Xiaofei, to be a pony boy, to be on the saddle, to do his best, and so on. He had no morals at all!


Hearing this, Bai Yu was stunned for a while, seriously suspecting that he had encountered a fake Gaia consciousness.

After a long while.

Only then did Bai Yu come back to his senses.

Then he said speechlessly: "It's best that what you say is true, otherwise... if you dare to deceive me, I will... I will make you completely a death star! Don't doubt me, you should know that I have That ability, as long as I plant the stars on Mars, it will become a second Earth!"


He took the second pill.

It was also the last seed of the star that was summoned.

Gaia, who was fooling the earth with white feathers, said: "See, there are a lot of geniuses and treasures like this. If you are obedient and obedient, I will guarantee that you will be popular... Cough cough, I will ensure that you can get enough evolution, even In the future, it is not impossible for your consciousness to have a physical incarnation of life!"

It's a proper posture of the big bad wolf to deceive Little Red Riding Hood.

The pure Gaia consciousness was so suspended that Bai Yu didn't fool him on the spot. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei has so many good treasures that can make him evolve, he immediately agreed to all the other's requests in a hurry!

As for morality or something?

Feel sorry!

It doesn't even know what it is!

"very good!"

Bai Yu, who succeeded in plotting, laughed and said, "Then I will treat your illness right now!"


Bai Yu thought about it.

Integrate the star seed in his hand into the rock formation in the core area.


ps: Thanks for subscribing! 2 more! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! As I write, I write too much. The two major consciousnesses involve the future plot and upgrade route, so the pen and ink are a bit heavier. Warm welcome!

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