The Storm God

Chapter 899 Small ecosystem! (Please subscribe!)


Huge and luxurious conference room.

Bai Xiaofei, Tiya, Dr. Ashford, Red Queen, and some local core project leaders, a total of more than 20 people, are all gathered at this moment, and they are reporting and summarizing the earth's sustainable development plan, and Many related issues have been raised, and everyone is discussing and proposing.


As the boss, Bai Xiaofei.

At this moment, he was sitting on the first seat, listening to everyone's discussion, and remained silent.

After this year, the development of Elysium Space World has achieved very good results. Whether it is population control, energy replacement and development, or environmental ecological management and improvement, almost all of them are on the right track. In terms of a major crisis in China, it's not enough, but it's a huge improvement!

Among the many planned projects.

The most prominent and remarkable effect is undoubtedly the replacement and development of energy!

With the support of Bai Xiaofei's miniature ark reactor, fire technology, anti-gravity technology, nanotechnology... and other black technology, the many factories on the earth have been effectively controlled. Under the condition of ensuring normal supply, millions of large factories have been closed and disconnected one after another!

Millions of large factories!

This is undoubtedly a very large and terrifying number, corresponding to the energy substances it can produce and manufacture, it is an existence that cannot be ignored! If there is not enough energy to replace and support, the industrial chain of Elysium Space will inevitably be greatly impacted and destroyed, which will cause a series of chain reactions, seriously stranded and hindered the implementation and implementation of various other project plans!


This huge loophole.

Because of the successful completion of the moon and Mars energy mining plans, it was easily solved.

Especially the plans for the moon!

Because the distance is close.

So the return is very fast!

The second is the mining of Martian energy. Although it takes several months to go back and forth because of the long distance, each return can bring extremely rich minerals and material energy to Elysium Space! The smooth implementation and generous returns of the two major interstellar development plans can be said to have greatly eased the energy consumption of the earth!

Not only that.

With these black technologies brought by Bai Xiaofei, the research team headed by Dr. Ashford and others have thoroughly understood, mastered, and further developed and improved them. Bai Xiaofei's most important interstellar immigration plan has also begun. It was implemented experimentally and achieved very good results.

There are currently only two options for the interstellar immigration plan, the moon and Mars!

The moon is the closest, so it is also the first to be deployed and the fastest to be effective. On the back of the moon, Baihou commanded countless intelligent robots to build a large artificial base with minerals mined from Mars. The magical plants that come out perfectly guarantee the living conditions of human beings in the base.

Because it is an experimental stage, the scale is not very large, and the population base can accommodate a population of about one million at most.

If there is more, the supply will be in short supply!

the other side.

It is the immigration of Mars.

Compared with the limitations of the moon, Mars does not have so many restrictions except for the distance from the origin, inconvenient transportation, and shortage of water resources.

after all……

Mars itself is very similar to Earth.

Coupled with the endless resources and minerals, which are readily available and completely self-sufficient, the progress and speed of the construction of the base is even faster than that of the moon!

So far, the moon has only carried out two phases of immigration projects, but Mars has fully expanded to six phases, and the construction area of ​​each phase is several times larger than that of the moon base. Both bases can accommodate a population of about 5 million. The two immigration plans have directly transferred the population pressure of nearly 30 million people on the earth!


Compared with the population base of nearly 100 billion on the earth.

A mere 30 million people is not even a drop in the bucket, so... the population pressure and energy demand on the earth is still a huge bottomless pit, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

Unless interstellar immigrants can develop and improve by leaps and bounds!


Without Bai Xiaofei's assistance.

With the ability of the Ultimate Bliss Dimension alone, and with only one year's time, they simply cannot complete this task! To be able to achieve the current results, that is already quite, quite good!

For this, Bai Xiaofei gave everyone considerable affirmation and praise.


Just solve the problem.

Bai Xiaofei's trip to Marvel this time can be said to be full of rewards. It is used to aid and enhance the technological strength of the Bliss Space, and solve energy consumption. Although I can't say that it can be solved 100%, it can also solve most of the problems! For example, the problem of water resources in the Mars immigration base.

Before leaving Marvel.

Bai Xiaofei collected a large amount of ice cubes and special fresh water resources from Jotunheim's ice and snow world.

It is more than enough to save the Mars base!


A trip to the universe of the Milky Way.

Bai Xiaofei has gathered a lot of interstellar black technology, especially those related to spaceships, steel batteries, remote control technology and warp space jumping. With them, the interstellar capabilities of Elysium can be greatly improved , Whether it is interstellar travel, interstellar development, interstellar immigration, interstellar exploration... etc., it can be said to be a shotgun change, one step to the sky!


Technology is technology, reality is reality.

Even with these black technologies, it does not mean that everything will be fine. They must be thoroughly studied before they can be put into large-scale use and planning. I don't understand, I don't know anything, I don't even know how to repair, test, or troubleshoot, so it's hard work!

But compared to having nothing before, it is definitely much better!

The arrival of these black technologies can at least reduce hundreds or even thousands of years of research and exploration in the world of Elysium, and greatly enhance their exploration, development, and colonization of the star universe. Once some of these technologies are mastered, there will definitely be a qualitative leap in the interstellar development plans for the moon and Mars!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei firmly believed it!

After all, these black technologies all come from the universe of the Milky Way in Marvel. People have already realized interstellar travel and exploration, and even developed interstellar wars and plundering stages. There is such a ready-made incomparably mature The technology is for reference and reference, if you can't figure out something, then you are really a pig!

Are the people in the Elysium space pigs?

Obviously not all!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have developed the Bliss Space Station, and the medpod3000, a medical artifact that can kill human flesh and bones. It's just a guy who is so stupid that he is not as good as a pig, who is influenced by certain interests. The future direction of the earth is seriously skewed.

As long as the direction is corrected, its development potential may not be inferior to Marvel World! Of course... only limited to the development of the earth. If you include the universe of the Milky Way galaxy, the Nine Realms system, and the multiverse of the mage world, then there is no way to compare the two, right? This is not a concept at all!

At least……

Elysium gave birth to Gaia consciousness!

No matter how awesome you are in the Marvel world, the sky is full of gods and demons, does the earth in it have Gaia consciousness?

What's more, the world of Bliss Space also has Bai Xiaofei, who can travel through thousands of worlds, as its master. Various resources, black technology, and awesome characters are constantly sent in, improving its force and realm. Even if it is still not as good as the Marvel world, sooner or later, it will catch up with it, or even surpass it!

Closer to home.

The topic returns to the content of the meeting in Elysium Space.

With Bai Xiaofei's massive ice cube water resources and the launch of Marvel's black technology, almost all the problems encountered in the many project plans of Elysium Space have been solved, and everyone cheered for it!


The biggest problem facing everyone.

In addition to the huge population, it is the ecology of the earth!

This problem cannot be solved, even if the earth has Gaia consciousness and obtained the infinite vitality of the seed of the stars, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause!

to this end.

The core personnel present here.

One by one was arguing endlessly, and all kinds of suggestions and plans were put forward.

Some are reliable, some are unreliable, some are simple and easy to implement, and some have long-term goals and take a long route. Some people even propose to use the resources of Mars to build a giant artificial continent in the sea to relieve the earth's pressure. Population, thus solving ecological problems, but was quickly rejected by everyone!

Not to mention the manpower, material and financial resources needed to do so.

It is not so easy to solve the problems such as a series of floods and huge waves caused by the rising sea level caused by the emergence of an extra continent in the sea for no reason.


Even the above problems are not a problem.

Wanting to build an artificial continent that can relieve nearly 100 billion people is definitely not something that can be done overnight. Even if it is built according to the minimum scale requirements, it is conservatively estimated that it will take at least decades to complete the most basic construction, plus the rest of the houses, environment, vegetation... and other messy constructions, it will only take more time!



With so much time and energy, why not do something else!

at last……

Tiya's suggestion is the most feasible.

Her idea is to select a piece of land, or several pieces of land of different sizes, confine it, and use it for special protection to plant magical plants and reproduce creatures on a large scale, establish a small ecological circle, and then use this As a starting point, gradually radiate and expand to the surroundings, and slowly restore the ecological balance of the earth!

Simply put.

It is the route that encircles the city from the countryside.

I have to say that Tiya is really smart. This method, combined with the awakened Gaia consciousness, can definitely play a wonderful role. Although a little bit of a small ecological circle is nothing, but how many ants kill elephants! As the number increases, the earth's environment, ecology, and climate will inevitably usher in a new pattern and change!

"Ok, deal!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately made a decision on the implementation of this set of plans, and appointed Tiya as the overall person in charge of the plan.

appointed on this.

No one objected, and sincerely praised and supported it.


It is the place where the plan will be implemented and other related matters.

The so-called "three cobblers, the best Zhuge Liang!", so many top talents gathered together, similar to this trivial matter, it was completely done in a few minutes. After everyone's discussion, everyone agreed that the small ecological circle plan proposed by Tiya should be tested in the Australian mainland first!

The Australian continent is surrounded by the sea.

About 70% of the area belongs to the arid or semi-arid zone. Most of the central part is not suitable for human habitation, and the climate is special, dry and rainless, and drinking water resources are seriously scarce. For animals, it is almost like a paradise. Known as "the world's living fossil museum!".

at the same time……

Because of the special climate and conditions.

It is also the rarest piece of land in the entire earth, with environmental pollution and ecological destruction, and it is simply the most suitable for planting plants and living creatures in a small ecological circle. If the experiment is successful, it can improve the ecological environment there, and with the special geographical location of the Australian continent on the earth, it can definitely play a very huge radiation effect!

Coupled with the assistance of Gaia consciousness and the function of infinite vitality, the effect will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!


The intermediary between Bai Xiaofei and Gaia's consciousness communication - the giant ancient tree of life (similar to the home tree in Avatar).

It can also be built on the Australian road. In addition to being used as a signal tower for signal transmission and communication, it can also be used as an ecological balance protection mechanism for the Australian continent to resist and prevent the pollution and radiation clouds outside. Harmful substances in the Australian mainland can be said to be multiple in one fell swoop!

After the meeting.

Bai Xiaofei felt that the ecological problem should be resolved sooner rather than later.


Early the next morning, he brought Tiya, Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Bailei... and several other core personnel, driving the Light of the Milky Way, to the Australian mainland, ready to start the implementation of the plan for the small ecological circle, and work with The intermediary of the Gaia consciousness communication on the earth - the planting of the giant ancient tree of life.


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