The Storm God

Chapter 893 Late for the assembly! (Please subscribe!)

The conversation between the two went very smoothly.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei has psychic powers and a charismatic aura, and he is born to be close to others. In addition, Bai Xiaofei has brainwashed and hypnotized Jack before. If he wants to learn some information about the earth from Jack, it will not be easy. That's right, Bai Xiaofei was able to trick out almost everything Jack knew.

According to Jack.

The earth in 2154 has been destroyed by human beings.

On the entire earth, there is hardly a trace of green, population expansion, energy depletion, ecological destruction... and other messy problems, even worse than the situation in the Elysium Space, it has become a veritable "earth" , In addition to the house is the house, such as the former tropical rainforest, has been transformed into a high-end residential area.

The most important thing is the gap between the rich and the poor, it is simply hesitation!

Jack's disabled legs can actually be cured, but the cost is simply not what he, a retired marine, can afford with his allowance. This situation is also very similar to the Elysium Space, where the rich enjoy health, and even longevity, while the poor are reduced to exploited slaves.


rda company is the most famous representative.

Its existence is like the umbrella company in "Resident Evil", it can be said to be extremely powerful, but in terms of military power, it is inferior, it only has paramilitary power, like some weapons of mass destruction , such as laser weapons, nano weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, etc., the convenience of the earth is absolutely not allowed to be owned by rda companies.

But even so.

RDA's military strength is also very strong.

It is the largest non-governmental organization in the human society on earth. Its business scope includes mining, transportation, transportation, weapons, communications, technology, etc. It is simply stronger than the absolute majority of governments, such as the planet Pandora, and On other extraterrestrial planets, rda company has an absolute monopoly on the development and transportation rights!


Except in terms of military power.

In other respects, the rda company is simply trying to slap the earth's government in various ways.

It is also because of this that many people who depend on the government and the country for food have no choice but to join the rda company and become one of them, including many army soldiers and elites. If you have no money in your pocket and can't support a bunch of subordinates, you can't let them work part-time, right?

In order to "harmonize" the overall situation, the Earth government can only turn a blind eye.

What can they do? Also very desperate!

"I see!"

After listening to some inside news from Jack.

Bai Xiaofei nodded suddenly. When watching the movie, Bai Xiaofei felt strange. It is reasonable to say that the power of the earth can carry out interstellar travel, but he can't beat a bunch of Neolithic aborigines. Although he has the help of the traitor Jack , and Gaia's beast army led by Eva, but it's still a bit unreasonable!

What a dream.

This is such a large-scale alien base.

It turned out to be only the power of a mere company, and it was still severely restricted by weapons of mass destruction!

No wonder!

If not, RDA would not have spent several years transporting so many explosives and guns from the earth to deal with the Nawei people and the natives, just use the cosmic orbital gun to overturn the ground! Don't doubt, Lao Mei will never talk to you about things that can be solved with fists!

They had no choice but to use the "Avatar Project" to negotiate with the natives. Otherwise, they would have to spend more money and time to transport warriors from the earth to fight the local natives. It's a waste of time, if you can't quickly produce ore and go back to make a profit, once the capital chain is broken, even rda companies will face the danger of collapse!

After figuring this out.

Bai Xiaofei was about to ask some more detailed content, such as how advanced the earth's military weapons are.

But at this moment.

"Attention everyone!"

A warning sound from a loudspeaker sounded: "The spaceship is approaching the destination. Please sit at the designated position and obey the arrangement! Everyone pay attention! Everyone sit at the designated position and obey the arrangement!"

"We should go!"

Hearing this voice, Jack's expression changed immediately, and he said to Bai Xiaofei.

Of course Jack was anxious.

Because he is disabled, his legs are paralyzed, and he can only use a wheelchair to move around, which is extremely inconvenient. If he fails to arrive at the designated location for assembly within the stipulated time, he will inevitably be reprimanded, and he may be deducted this time. Brother, how about the reward for carrying out the "Avatar Project"!


Bai Xiaofei nodded helplessly.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, and it's not too late, not to mention... He also really wants to see the elegance of Pandora as soon as possible.


He didn't go to the assembly with Jack.

Instead, he found a reason, went to the bathroom, and secretly released Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Bailei, and Queen Bai from the monster-collecting gourd and space cards.

When Bai Xiaofei talked with Jack just now, Bai Cass had already returned to the Aries Saint Cloth he carried with him, and told Bai Xiaofei that he and Nie Xiaoqian had all arranged their identities for him and Nie Xiaoqian. staff, while Xiao Bai Lei and Bai Hou are their two daughters.

Originally, according to the regulations, it was impossible for children as old as Xiao Bailei and Bai Hou to be taken on the spaceship, but because Bai Xiaofei and Nie Xiaoqian had made outstanding contributions to the "Avatar Project", rda made an exception and agreed As a reward, Bai Xiaofei's family can go to Pandora planet together!

Regarding the identity information arranged by Bai Cass, Bai Xiaofei has no objection, and the same goes for Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei. After all, they are a family, so they don't need to act at all. But Bai Hou obeyed Bai Xiaofei's words and followed his lead, so naturally she had no objection.

Explained a little bit.


Mainly to Xiao Bai Lei.

After all, children are relatively simple-minded. If you don't give special instructions, if you are tricked by the old fritters here, you will be in trouble!

Although Xiao Bailei is small, she is extremely smart and can understand almost everything she says.


The little girl patted her chest and said, "Leilei promises not to let others cheat me!"


Bai Xiaofei praised Xiao Bailei.


A group of four people.

After changing clothes.

Just like that, he walked out of the bathroom swaggeringly and rushed towards the place where the crowd gathered.


Assembly point.

Hundreds of men and women were having intense conversations.

And the topics they talked about were undoubtedly related to the planet Pandora. For the first time in their lives, they left the earth and went to a mysterious unknown place. Anyone would be very excited. Although most of the people here did not know each other, this did not Don't get in the way of everyone's excitement!

Just at this time.

Pushing the wheelchair, Jack slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.


Everyone was taken aback.

I don't understand why a person with disabled legs is on the Star of Entrepreneurship!

To know.

Although Pandora has a beautiful environment and is known as a fairyland on earth, it is also bred with infinite dangers, deadly poisonous gas, ferocious beasts, and magical plants. If you are not careful, you may lose your life here, even the bravest As a special soldier, it doesn't matter if he can survive 100%, let alone a guy with disabled legs!

Isn't this a clear way to give people heads and extra meals!


Even the person in charge of the assembly point.

A fierce and burly man in military uniform also had his eyes widened at this moment, with an expression of disbelief all over his face.

Although he is the person in charge, he is only a small leader. It is impossible for him to know and understand all of the thousands of people in Entrepreneurship Star, so... After being surprised, he quickly looked through Information, so as to confirm whether this guy with disabled legs is a stowaway.

"What's your name?" He asked coldly.

"Jack Sully!"

The disdainful eyes of the people.

Jack has long been used to the strangeness, and when the person in charge asked his name, he replied lightly.

"Jack Sully..."

While muttering, the person in charge manipulated the smart device in his hand and began to search. Then within a few seconds, he found the information about Jack, which was clear, detailed, and without any questions, that is to say...he was not the stowaway he had imagined at all!

"It turned out that he replaced my brother to control the Avatar!"


The person in charge glanced at Jack suddenly.

Avatar only needs the connection of the nervous system and DNA matching. As for whether it is disabled or not, there are no restrictions or requirements.


He nodded at Jack.

Then he pointed to an unknown nearby, and said, "Jack, you should be right here!"


Jack pushed himself and walked over as he said.

Everyone sees it.

I was taken aback for a moment, this disabled person is not a stowaway, but a researcher of the Avatar project, what luck!

Then the lively situation just now resumed.

Talk about it!

Several people in charge stood there.

It is busy counting the number of people and checking who has not come to gather. The Entrepreneurship Star is about to reach the scheduled Pandora planet guard orbit. If someone is too late, it will delay the transportation plan and time of the personnel. They will definitely reflect their bad information on the above and deduct the other party's remuneration!


The burly man immediately read Bai Xiaofei's name.


Everyone was silent.

Seeing that no one responded, the person in charge suddenly frowned. There was someone who was late, and this was the first one!

"Bai Xiaofei!"

He called again.

Still no one agreed, everyone just looked at me and I looked at yours, they were all curious about who Bai Xiaofei was?

How dare you be late!

Do you still want rewards and bonuses? !


The person in charge frowned, cursed secretly, and was about to mark Bai Xiaofei as a major demerit and withhold his salary.

Just then.

Bai Xiaofei and Nie Xiaoqian suddenly appeared.

One by one in each hand, they pulled Xiao Bai Lei and Bai Hou, a family of four dressed in uniform and appeared in front of everyone with smiles on their faces.


Everyone was stunned again on the spot.

The person in charge is no exception.


There are actually two children on Entrepreneurship Star? !

How can this be!


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