The Storm God

Chapter 912 Miles Rebellion! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Jack's avatar is back.

This made Dr. Grace, Parker, and Colonel Miles very happy. After hearing the news, they all ran over and asked how Jack escaped.

Bai Xiaofei also followed, he wanted to see if there was anything tricky about it.

"I was..."

In the face of people's inquiries.

Jack took the trouble to tell his story over and over again, and finally said: "It's basically like this, the Nawei people took me in, otherwise I might have become the beast's dinner now!"

"Ha ha!"

"Jack, this is a blessing in disguise for you!"

"Good! Very good!"

"keep it up!"


Colonel Miles patted Jack on the shoulder and said with a smile.


Parker and Colonel Miles left.

Jack is fine.

Unexpectedly, the plot was reversed so quickly, not only did they escape danger, but they even managed to break into the inside of the Nawei people. They were so happy!

Equally excited was Dr. Grace.

Because of the shooting incident.

The trust between his foreign teacher school and the Na'vi people has almost completely collapsed.

Jack was able to be integrated into the Na'wei people's group and spent the night in it, which she never thought of in her dreams. Anyway, this is definitely a good start. With Jack's relationship, Ge Lace believed that as long as Parker's group of pigs stopped messing around, she would definitely be able to regain the trust of the Nawei people and get along with them again.

This is of great help to Grace's research!

Bai Xiaofei has been listening quietly, silently watching Jack talking with Parker and others, without saying anything, until they all left, Jack is about to enter the Avatar connection again, and continue to investigate and research with Grace and others, Bai Xiaofei then took the opportunity to activate the illusion, confusing the people around him.

follow closely……

The power of the mind expands!

Bai Xiaofei instantly invaded Jack's world of spiritual consciousness.

As if entering his own back garden, Bai Xiaofei invaded in very easily, and then... Everything about Jack was presented in front of Bai Xiaofei without reservation, including everything that Jack experienced yesterday, Bai Xiaofei Carefully, carefully checked several times, but found nothing.

Jack's memory is similar to the original book.

First, he was rescued by jumping off a cliff, followed by an attack at night, and then he met Knightley, and was invited to enter the home tree of the Omatikaya tribe for the night, and returned after dawn.

There is nothing suspicious about everything.


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly stunned.

Looking at Jack's memory, it seems that there is no problem, but yesterday Eva made a move and blocked Bai Xiaofei's pursuit, so it couldn't be that Eva simply had trouble with Bai Xiaofei, could it?

There must be something in it that I don't know!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei firmly believed in it!

He couldn't find anything tricky for the time being, so he had no choice but to stop there.

After all, Dr. Grace is still waiting for Jack's Avatar to connect. It is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to ponder the details here for a long time, but it is absolutely impossible for Bai Xiaofei to give up.

After recovering his psychic power, Bai Xiaofei also got up and left here, and then came to Dr. Max, used illusion and hypnosis, and got a place to go out for an investigation from another scientist. Bai Xiaofei's idea was very simple, that is, to follow Jack all the way Beside the incarnated Avatar, 25 hours (25 hours a day on Pandora) uninterrupted surveillance!

Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it.

I followed Jack all the time, if Eva's bitch really did something to Jack, wouldn't he be able to tell the truth?

But don't know.

Eva did do something to Jack.

It's not about seizing the house, but about parasitism!


just now.

When Colonel Miles patted Jack on the shoulder.

Eva's condensed consciousness, most of her will and strength, were all transferred to Colonel Miles.

In the current Jack, there is only a little bit of Eva's consciousness parasitic on Jack's Avatar. As long as Eva does not activate its monitoring function, these powers will be completely integrated into the Avatar's body, achieving perfect camouflage and lurking. No matter how strong Bai Xiaofei is, he still has no way of identifying and discovering it!

Gaia consciousness is too mysterious.

Even Eva after relegation is not at the level of Bai Xiaofei's level, and she can easily see through and see through, otherwise she would not be the macro force of Pandora.

Just for a moment.

Colonel Miles was parasitized by Eva.

After Bai Xiaofei went out with Dr. Grace and others to investigate, Eva emerged from parasitism and lurking, and then completely controlled Colonel Miles' actions and absorbed all of Colonel Miles' memories. Immediately... Colonel Miles, who was controlled by Eva, smiled sinisterly, and then walked towards the barracks.

After a while.

An order for urgent assembly spread throughout the gates of hell.


The mercenaries under Colonel Miles.

Except for some patrols and guards, who couldn't leave their posts, all the remaining soldiers gathered in the barracks urgently.


These poor soldiers.

Before they understood what was going on, they were all parasitized by Eva.

And its accomplices.

It is a special Pandora plant.

Eva mixed her own consciousness into the aroma of this plant. Although Eva's current level and realm have dropped drastically, even the level has dropped, but it is not something ordinary soldiers can resist. , Anyone who smells the fragrance will be parasitized and taken away instantly!

After controlling all the soldiers.

Eva laughed out loud, her face was full of arrogance and complacency, and she ordered: "Now a team of people will go to the arsenal immediately, and get all the armor, tanks, planes, weapons and ammunition under control; The team went to the space launch site and cut off the connection between this base and the Star of Entrepreneurship!"


The two teams led the way.


Miles continued to order: "The rest, give me control of the rest of the people, I want to control them all, especially the wife named Bai Xiaofei and the two children! Hehe! When Bai Xiaofei comes back, but Finding out that my wife and children have been given to me... Hahaha! He must have a pretty face!"


A group of people held weapons and went away aggressively.


Foreign teachers' schools in the base.

Nie Xiaoqian was laughing and playing with little Bailei, Queen Bai.


Little Bai Lei is really playing.

And the White Queen.

While playing with Xiao Bailei, he was also collecting and monitoring the situation of the entire base.

Everything was fine, nothing unusual.

Until Miles went to the barracks.


Monitoring is interrupted.


Queen Bai was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly and said, "Strange! Surveillance has been interrupted. Except for the barracks, everything else is fine. This Colonel Miles gathered almost all the soldiers in the base, and even destroyed the barracks' surveillance system. What does he want? Huh? There are two teams coming out, what are they...?"

After a careful analysis.


The White Queen saw their actions.

Immediately, his expression changed again: "Weapons in the military factory, the space launch site? Could it be... Colonel Miles wants to rebel?!"

follow closely……

Another group of people rushed out of the barracks.

I saw them holding weapons one by one, and they looked aggressive, and they had bad intentions at first glance!

These soldiers were divided into several groups, some went to the mining department, some went to the research department, some went to the defense department, and a group of troops rushed towards the foreign teacher school! Among them...the biological laboratory of the research department is one of the places closest to the barracks. Through the monitoring in the base, Bai Hou clearly saw that this group of people controlled everyone in the laboratory.


The monitoring system was destroyed by them!

"not good!"

The White Queen was startled, and secretly said: "This Miles is really going to rebel! There is a group of people rushing towards this side. Could it be that their target is... the three of us?!"

Think here.

She quickly told Nie Xiaoqian what she saw.


Hearing this, Nie Xiaoqian frowned.

Although I don't know what this guy Miles is doing, he obviously has no good intentions. No matter what their goals are, Nie Xiaoqian will not let them succeed. She didn't hesitate at the moment, first she called the little Bai Lei who was bouncing around and playing to her side, and then immediately said after the conversation: "Let's go!"


The Queen nodded yes.

Immediately, he used his ability to take the first step and controlled a Samson transport plane in the base to fly towards this side.


The opponent's speed is too fast.

In addition, the foreign teacher school is near the biology laboratory, which is not far away. Before the Samson transport plane arrived, this group of Miles soldiers rushed here first. As soon as they saw Nie Xiaoqian and the three of them, They raised the tranquilizer guns in their hands and shot without saying a word!


Anesthesia bombs flew wildly.

Seeing that the other party was so vicious, he raised his gun and shot without saying anything, Nie Xiaoqian became angry immediately, her face changed, and she snorted coldly, "You're looking for death!"

While shouting angrily, the demon power surged wildly, and Qingqiu's secret technique was activated.

The plain hand waved suddenly.

next moment.

A wave of vigorous force surged up in an instant.

All the anesthesia bombs that flew over were blown back by Nie Xiaoqian's demon power like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Its speed is more ferocious and domineering than before!

"Puff puff!"

Blood splattered, flesh and blood flew everywhere!

It was obviously just an anesthesia bomb, but under Nie Xiaoqian's demonic power, it produced an effect comparable to armor-piercing bullets and explosive bullets. A dozen soldiers who fired were reflected into briquettes on the spot, and then exploded to death. Killed countless fragments, and died so hard that he couldn't die anymore!

Such a horrible method.

All the soldiers on the scene gave Qiqi a big jump, their faces were horrified!


They were all parasitized by Eva.

After the complexion changed drastically, they quickly recovered, and then all of them showed excited and strange smiles.

One of the soldiers in the lead laughed wantonly and said: "Hey! She is indeed the wife of that guy Bai Xiaofei, and she is really not easy to mess with. It is interesting and interesting! It seems that this time I can't even think about the real thing. Listen, everyone. Put live ammunition on all of them, and shoot freely, regardless of life or death!"


"Ka Ka Ka!"

Everyone swiftly replaced with live ammunition, and then quickly separated, completely surrounding Nie Xiaoqian and the three of them.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became desolate.

The battle is imminent!


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