The Storm God

Chapter 925 The problem of giving birth to monkeys! (Please subscribe!)

The meeting ended quickly.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei got too many resources in the Avatar world this time!

So much to scare people to death!

To know.

That's the resources of an entire planet!

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't plunder all of them, it was still about 70%.

How huge is this!

In the world of Elysium, no matter which plan or project it is, with the support of such massive resources, it can get great help. Especially the earth's ecological problems, with the establishment of a small ecological circle, coupled with the addition of many animals and plants from the planet Pandora, as well as the addition of suspended giant mountains, it is bound to be greatly alleviated and their deterioration restrained!

Not only that.

There are massive amounts of superconducting ore.

The plan for Sky City can also be implemented and developed quickly.

The population problem of the earth is bound to be greatly alleviated because of this, which is much more efficient than interstellar immigration, and can directly increase the habitable area and green area of ​​the earth several times in an instant!


All this is easier said than done.

No matter what the plan is, there must be a process, no matter how abundant the resources are, no matter how many people there are!

Fortunately, with the support of Pandora's rich resources, various problems on the earth can be greatly alleviated and restrained. In addition, Bai Xiaofei has countless younger brothers, and the black technology is good enough, so he can get twice the result with half the effort, so... It won't take much time for the city in the sky to see initial results.

By then...

Once the earth's population problem is eased and evacuated.

Whether it is resource consumption, ecological damage, or other messy big problems, it can be relatively reduced by more than half! Coupled with the implementation of other project plans, such as the expansion of the small ecological circle, the large-scale planting of various green vegetation... etc., the ecological scene of the earth is bound to become better and better!

What it comes down to.

The population of nearly 100 billion is the most important foundation of everything!

this process.

In the past, the Elysium Space could not afford to wait.

but now……

With the massive supply of resources from Pandora, it can afford to wait even ten years, let alone one year!

Besides, with the ability of Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, how could it take a year so long! According to the simulation analysis of the three major artificial intelligences, White Cass, Red Queen, and White Queen, if all the plans go well, within a month, the small ecological circle will expand to more than a dozen places, and the Sky City project will be on track!

Once the two major plans successfully enter the mature stage.

other problems.

Then it's not a problem!

As time goes by, they are bound to be resolved one by one, or even eradicated completely!


It's all the other side's plan.

Bai Xiaofei didn't intend to participate in it himself.

First the world of Marvel, then the world of Avatar, plus the world of Elysium, Bai Xiaofei has been in the three worlds for almost two years. He felt that he should also stop and stop, otherwise there would be something wrong with his mood! Leave those messy things to your subordinates!

Combining work and rest is the kingly way!


The space-time shuttle is also about to be upgraded.

Bai Xiaofei pressed it again and again, counting the time of the two worlds, it has been almost a year and a half, he can hardly hold it anymore, maybe the next moment, it will violently escalate by itself!


After everyone agreed on all future development plans, Bai Xiaofei once again acted as the hands-off shopkeeper, handing over everything to the White Queen and the Red Queen, the two sisters acting as agents and responsible. He himself directly left the world of blissful space.

this time.

Bai Xiaofei did not take Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei away, but let them stay in the world of Elysium.

Only Bai Cass has been with Bai Xiaofei.



real world.

Bai Xiaofei's figure flashed out again.

According to the 1:360 time ratio between reality and the space-time world, it was only a few minutes before and after he left just now.

The shadow clone had just fallen asleep and was woken up again by Bai Xiaofei.


Wait for him to open his eyes.

Sitting up, ready to receive the deity's instructions.

However, Bai Xiaofei was very shameless, with a "swish", he left the real world again, and traveled to another small world of his own - the King Kong world.


The shadow clone was in a mess at the time.

I couldn't help complaining angrily in my heart: "Damn! Did you make a mistake, isn't this just playing with people? Can this deity bully people like this?"


It doesn't matter how huge the psychological area of ​​the shadow clone is.

In the King Kong world.

Bai Xiaofei came at the right time.

Just in time for the flowering period of the blood orchids, Dr. Jones and others are excitedly harvesting the fruits of the first batch of blood orchids!

Because of the special environment of Skull Island, the aura is extremely rich.


The blood orchids are growing very well.

The entire Blood Orchid Valley is full of blood orchids. It is estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of them!

After hearing the news, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly: "Great! It just so happens that my super potion, serum and so on have almost been consumed, and I need blood orchids as raw materials. After a great harvest of blood orchids, someone will give you a pillow if you really doze off!"

There are also many intelligent robots on the island.


The harvesting of blood orchids is very fast.

In less than an hour, the tens of thousands of blood orchids were collected, and all of them were put into the space card specially designed by Bai Xiaofei to store blood orchids.

Another thing worth mentioning is the change of King Kong.

As one of the earliest pet boys who followed Bai Xiaofei, King Kong can be regarded as an old man. After such a long period of evolution, he is now more and more like a human being, except for some thick hair on the body surface, and a slightly ape-like face. Apart from the characteristics, it is almost indistinguishable from the human category!

Simply put.

Now King Kong is almost even wanted by Monkey King to human beings!

after all……

He has eaten blood orchids.

And also injected with mutant serum from the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

After several years of effects and mutations, it is reasonable to be able to become what it is now, but it is a pity that Bai Xiaofei does not have the purple mutation potion in the second plot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, otherwise it will be If it is reversed, it can directly make King Kong exactly like a human being!

But now it's not too bad.

At least……

Annie will not dislike King Kong.

Over the years, the relationship between the two has been very stable, and has even become more and more gluey.


The two also had an indescribable relationship.

It was just some gossip, but Bai Xiaofei didn't care about it, so he thought it was Dr. Jones and others joking.

But when Annie came to Bai Xiaofei and asked him if he could help her solve the problem of not being able to give birth to King Kong, Bai Xiaofei was immediately stunned, and said frantically, "Damn! It's true! Your progress! It’s too fast, it’s already reached the point where you’re about to give birth to a monkey?”

It's right to think about it carefully.

King Kong is the last survivor of their clan.

Survival and reproduction is instinct, and it is also his greatest wish. He has never encountered a suitable one before, nor did he have that condition.

But after following Bai Xiaofei as the boss, it was different. Not only did King Kong become stronger, but he also became more and more like a human being. Together, they are all normal men and women, so how could nothing happen.

Nothing wrong!

Both are free love.

And since they are all adults and can take responsibility for their actions, who can say anything? !

The only pity is...

No matter how similar the two are, after all, they are not creatures of the same race. The union between them can be described as a love that crosses races. Although no one stopped them, it is not so easy to conceive offspring. The genes are not compatible. No matter how hard you try!


Bai Xiaofei's head grew bigger.

He came to the King Kong world this time to solve the problem that King Kong is not strong enough to help him fight in the more powerful and terrifying world in the future. Although King Kong is powerful, it is limited to some lower worlds, like some slightly more powerful worlds, so it is not enough.

Not just King Kong.

The same goes for the pet male dragon, the alien dragon queen, and the little pig Ke Qiusha.

The Dragon Queen's situation is special, so I don't need to mention it.

Xiao Huo and Ke Qiusha.

Bai Xiaofei has already sent him to the world of Naruto.

There, I believe they will learn more fighting skills and abilities and become stronger like the group of toads in Miaomu Mountain, or the big pythons in Ryūji Cave... and other ninja beasts.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei originally wanted to send King Kong there too.

To know.

Konoha III Hokage in Hokage.

His summoned beast is a monkey. King Kong has gone, and if there are no accidents, he will definitely be able to get a very good training.

But King Kong is different from Xiaohuo and Ke Qiusha, he is not alone, he has a wife, the so-called "it is better to destroy ten temples than tear down a marriage!" After thinking about it carefully, Bai Xiaofei finally gave up this plan, Hokage The world is not the only way to improve King Kong's strength, let's find another way!


Bai Xiaofei finally found a practice method for monsters in the refreshed time and space mall, which is very suitable for King Kong.

This trip to the Vajra World was intended to teach him how to practice.

What a dream.

I haven't had time to act yet.

Annie ran to him and asked him, "What should I do to give King Kong a monkey?"

"I'm hot!"

Bai Xiaofei was lucky not to faint from depression.

you ask me?

How the hell do I know?

My buddy is not an expert professor in fertility, how could he know how to make you give birth to a monkey!


Tucao belongs to Tucao.

As the boss, Bai Xiaofei couldn't say that he didn't know what to do.

I changed my mind.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a good idea.

He fooled Annie and said: "Hey! Annie, in fact, this is not your problem, but King Kong's. You know, he is an ape, and you are a human being. The combination of the two of you has different genes, so naturally it is impossible to conceive easily. To produce offspring, even if it succeeds by luck, it is still a deformity!"


"You don't have to worry. I happen to have a secret book here. Take it and let King Kong practice hard. When he has cultivated to a certain level according to the method in the secret book, he will completely change his bloodline and become a real man. Human beings, if you do anything at that time, it will be a matter of course!"


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei was like the big bad wolf who deceived Little Red Riding Hood, with a treacherous smile all over his face.

This is also a coincidence.

Instead of ordering King Kong to practice in a muddleheaded way, strengthen his strength.

It's better to let King Kong want to need it from the bottom of his heart. In this way, King Kong's enthusiasm can be greatly mobilized, and the effect will be twice the result with half the effort, and... Bai Xiaofei is not all fooling King Kong. I bought it from the Time and Space Mall for several million.

Cultivating to the extreme can indeed make it change its essence and obtain a body like a human being. At that time... not only can King Kong's strength be enhanced, but also the big problem that he is different from Annie and cannot bear offspring can be solved.

As for when he will be able to cultivate to the extreme, Bai Xiaofei can't guarantee it!


According to the cheat sheet.

Even if the conditions are unique, it will take one hundred and eighty years.


these contents.

Bai Xiaofei will not let them know.


Hearing this, Annie was immediately pleasantly surprised.

After receiving the cheat book, he thanked Bai Xiaofei gratefully, and immediately went to look for King Kong happily.


Watching Annie leave.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

The goal was achieved, and Bai Xiaofei, who had nothing to deal with, left the Vajra World directly and returned to reality with a thought.


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