The Storm God

Chapter 985 Stop talking nonsense! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the four big characters "Slave Contract", everyone knew what Bai Xiaofei meant without even looking at the contents. It was obvious that he wanted to enslave them, and his expressions all changed suddenly, some were stunned, some were horrified, some dared not Believe it, there is shame, anger, and anger!

What they said just now was that they would die without hesitation, they just said it like this, it was just a polite way of saying, if they really told them to treat Bai Xiaofei like a bull or a horse, I am afraid that few of them would really be willing.


Bai Xiaofei's conditions have already been announced.

Once he agrees, it means that he will lose his personal freedom. From now on, he can't help himself, and he has to obey Bai Xiaofei's orders in everything. But if he doesn't agree, he may have to play on the street now. How to choose is really confusing. Headache!

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's meaningful eyes, they almost cried.

Damn it!

There is no such a playful person!


"Bai Xiaofei, don't bully people too much! If you want to enslave us, there is no way!"

"We will not sign this slave contract!"

"That's right!"

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

"It's a big deal!"


After reading the contents of the contract.

Those masters, several of them, immediately couldn't help being outraged and Tianying chose to refuse. In their view, dignity is more important than life! Abandoning dignity for the sake of their lives and becoming Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, they couldn't do it! The others, on the other hand, fell into deep thought.


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he immediately smiled coldly.

Looking at the few people who refused to sign the contract, his eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "Very good! Don't say that I don't give you the opportunity, it's just that you don't cherish it. Don't blame me for being rude, not only you, but you Your relatives, friends, and descendants will all suffer devastating disasters because of your decision!"

"My Bai Xiaofei's principle is just like this. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others! If you offend me, you will kill the roots!"

"The Ximen Family and the Wulin Court are all like this, you..."

"No exception!"


His tone was so cold that it made people shudder.

As soon as the words came out.

Among those who chose to refuse to sign the contract, two immediately began to regret it.


it is too late now.

Even if he chooses to repent, Bai Xiaofei will not agree!

And those masters who were still hesitating, when they heard that Bai Xiaofei was so ruthless, not only they, but also their family members, relatives and friends, were shocked to the extreme, and almost immediately gave up fighting Bai Xiaofei to the death thought.

They hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Bai Xiaofei, we will sign! I hope you will keep your word and spare our family, relatives and friends!"

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei grinned.

He said loudly: "My reputation, Bai Xiaofei, is still very good. I say what I say! As long as you sign the contract and obediently let me order you from now on, your family, relatives and friends will never be harmed in the slightest, and maybe you will get a lot of money because of it." benefits!"


"We will trust you this time!"



After hearing Bai Xiaofei's assurance.

Several masters, no longer hesitated, immediately bit or cut their fingers, and dripped their own blood on the slave contract.

next moment.

The blood splashed on the contract disappeared.

follow closely……

Golden glory blooms.

The entire slave contract burned into a ball of golden flames, quickly burned, and turned into ashes all over the sky!

at the same time.

A special connection and strength.

Also in an instant, it acted on a few people, making them understand and believe the content of the contract almost immediately, and they no longer dared to have the slightest unruly intention in their hearts.


Several people bowed to Bai Xiaofei together.

He said respectfully: "I, Liu Li, Zhang Su, Li Fa, Zhao Kai, and Ma Ning, pay my respects to the master!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at Nobody whose face and eyes have become extremely respectful and fearless towards him, he smiled and said: "Now you should already know the power of this slave contract, as long as you are obedient and obedient in the future, I guarantee you a bright future. otherwise……!"


"What the result is, you know!"


Bai Xiaofei said domineeringly.

"I can't wait!"

Liu Li and five people trembled when they heard the words, and said in amazement.

the other side.

Whether it's Long Wu and the others, or Dongfang Xiong.

Or the many masters standing on the united front with Dongfang Jie saw that Liu Li and the other five had become Bai Xiaofei's loyal subordinates (running dogs) in a blink of an eye. Terrorist methods are undoubtedly more fearful and fearful!

Long Wu and the others are fine.

After all, he is on the side of China's top management, and he has never harbored any ill intentions towards Bai Xiaofei. Although he is afraid, he is not afraid! But Dongfang Xiong, Nangong Ao, the masters of the two forces, and the masters headed by Dongfang Jie who completely broke with Bai Xiaofei, were completely opposite, each and every one of them was extremely shocked.

They couldn't help thinking.


What means?

If he fell into Bai Xiaofei's hands, wouldn't he let him slaughter him?

Death is not scary!

Terrible is the unknown, and life is worse than death!

If Bai Xiaofei used this method to forcibly enslave them, and then let them kill his family members, relatives and friends, that would be the most terrifying thing!

So far.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

The masters of Dongfang Xiong and Nangong Ao looked at Bai Xiaofei in astonishment, wondering how this guy would deal with him!

But Dongfang Jie and the others are more fearful than them, because they have already broken faces with Bai Xiaofei, no matter what, Bai Xiaofei will never let them go, thinking of this, their eyes are also one by one Become extremely firm!

In everyone's eyes, there was almost only one meaning - to kill Bai Xiaofei!

only if.

Only these people can be rescued!


Even the two great families here.

Including the leader Dongfang Xiong, there are also many masters who have similar thoughts!

Everyone understands the truth that there is great power in numbers!

This is the only chance!


They are not stupid either.

Shooting the first bird, facing Bai Xiaofei, a pervert, no one would dare to be the first to step forward!


"A bunch of seedless guys!"

"I'll settle the ledger for attacking me with you later!"

"Cook them first!"


He glanced at Dongfang Xiong and Nangong Ao, the masters of power.

Bai Xiaofei said this with the utmost sarcasm, and then his eyes fell on Dongfang Jie and the others who were tearing apart from him, and said lightly: "Have you thought about how to die? Are you struggling to die, or sitting and waiting for death? Really If you can’t make a choice, then let me help you choose!”


Dongfang Jie and the others were all silent.

Bai Xiaofei is really terrifying. Facing this kind of bug-level enemy, no one dares to take it lightly. They all looked serious, and they got very close to each other, forming a tight defensive circle, just like that. Far against each other!

Seeing so.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly shook his head bored.

Shen Sheng said: "Liu Li!"


The five of Liu Li said almost in unison.

On the surface, although Bai Xiaofei was calling a person's name, he was actually calling them a group of people. The power of the slave contract had already clearly transmitted Bai Xiaofei's meaning to their minds, that's why they responded at the same time.

"I'll leave this garbage to you!"

Bai Xiaofei looked very disappointed, glanced at Dongfang Jie and the others, and immediately rushed to Liu Li and the others, understating it, but said very seriously: "Remember to clean it up, and don't show mercy or let anyone go. Otherwise, it will be dealt with as collaborating with the enemy and treachery!"


When Liu Li and the other five heard the words, they couldn't help being startled on the spot.

They stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, and then looked at Dongfang Jie and the others, who were about a dozen in number, with astonishment and disbelief. They were all about to cry, and they couldn't help crying and said: : "That...Master, it's not that we don't want to fight, it's that we can't beat them at all!"

"rest assured!"

But Bai Xiaofei smiled, and said mysteriously: "You just go up and fight, I'm here, I guarantee you will be fine!"


Several people looked at each other.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei again, and found that the terrifying master had a serious face, as if he was not joking.

In addition, several people signed a slave contract, not daring to disobey Bai Xiaofei's order.


They gritted their teeth hard.

They drew out their weapons one after another, or used their exercises, and rushed towards Dongfang Jie and the others screaming.


"Five people in the district, actually dare to come?"

"You can't find death!"


Dongfang Jie is here.

Seeing that Liu Li and the other five actually listened to Bai Xiaofei's words and rushed up desperately, they all sneered and roared angrily, "A bunch of idiots! Bai Xiaofei, that bastard, wants us to kill each other, he is simply I'm using you, it's ridiculous that you actually believed his nonsense!"

"It's too late for you to regret it now!"

"That's right!"

"Fight against Bai Xiaofei with us, there are so many people, I don't believe that Bai Xiaofei can stop us!"

"Don't be used by that bastard!"


A dozen or so people tried their best to persuade Liu Li and the other five.


Liu Li and the others didn't listen at all.

Or even if they listened to it and wanted to repent, it was too late now. The power of the slave contract was not something they could repent if they wanted to. Feeling the terrifying power of the slave contract, it was acting on their body and soul all the time. Liu Li and others can only go to the dark one way!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Dare to disrespect our master, I will kill you!"

"Eat my sword!"


Amidst the roars of Liu Li and the other five.

Here, the magic mirror of nothingness in Bai Xiaofei's hand suddenly swayed lightly, and in a flash of red light, it shone evenly on Liu Li and the other five. The next moment...they saw Liu Li and the other five, one by one, as if they had been spayed with chicken blood, their aura exploded, and they rushed towards Dongfang Jie and the others like a mad tiger, slashing with their swords.


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