There are four people in Ye Yi's dormitory.

The four of them have a very good relationship, just like close friends.

Yang Feng was supposed to attend the class party today, but because his family is poor, he worked part-time during the holidays and didn't go.

Among Ye Yi's four roommates, Yang Feng's family is really poor.

He comes from the northwest mountainous area.

For example, although Ye Yi was not as rich as Liu Gui before, his family at least had some money, and he was a local of Yangcheng with a house and a car.

This condition is much better than Yang Feng.

So Yang Feng would work part-time every week during the holidays.

Yang Feng is upright and kind-hearted, so Ye Yi and Yang Feng have a very good relationship.

The reason why Yang Feng called Ye Yi was naturally because he had just heard about what happened at the party. Only then did he know that Ye Yi was a super rich second-generation, and he also slapped Zhang Kun and Mina in the face.

It is said that Mina is now regretting it and collapsed in the hotel where the party was held.

Brother is really awesome!

Of course Yang Feng admires Ye Yi, and Ye Yi has become his idol.

Yang Feng also knew that Ye Yi had earned 3 million yuan in thank-you fees for Liu Gui. Just a random transfer would be 3 million yuan.

How rich must this good buddy be?

He was stunned.

After the call was connected, Yang Feng of course complained.

"Ye Yi, you lied to us so hard, you actually concealed your super rich second generation identity from us!"

Yang Feng immediately complained on the phone.

Hearing this, Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't hide it at all, and he only got the system later.

But Ye Yi was still very happy to receive Yang Feng's call

"Yes, Ye Yi, you lied to us, it's so hard."

Qian San also complained on the phone.

Qian San is also their roommate and Ye Yi's best friend. Of course, there is no need to say much about his character.

But he is also a little poor.

So he goes to work part-time with Yang Feng on weekends.

"Haha, Ye Yi, we don't care. You cheated us so hard, we have to make a killing. You have to treat us to a big meal when you have a chance!"

Qian San said on the phone.

In fact, this was just a joke.

When Ye Yi heard it, he waved his hand directly. What's the big deal about treating us to a meal?

He is not short of money now.

Not to mention treating us to a meal, even going to the most luxurious hotel is no problem.

What's more, he and Qian San are still good friends.

Now that he has money, let alone treating him to a meal, it is only natural for him to protect him.

After all, Qian San and others were very good to Ye Yi before.

"That's no problem, of course. When you have time next time, I'll take you to the best hotel to have a look."

"Really, that's a deal."

Yang Feng also said happily on the phone.

But after that, Ye Yi said that he would not go back to the dormitory.

Now that he has a villa, of course he doesn't have to squeeze into the dormitory.

But he needs to mention it to his roommates.

When the roommates heard it, of course they had no objection.

They all knew that Ye Yi was a super rich second-generation, so it was normal for him not to go back to the dormitory.

Not to mention Ye Yi, even Liu Gui didn't go back to the dormitory often.

After communicating with the roommates, Ye Yi hung up the phone.

It's a rare break...

But what Ye Yi didn't know was that although Long's Real Estate did not deliberately promote the sale of Villa No. 1 according to Ye Yi's request.

But there is no wall that is impenetrable in the world.

What's more, It was such big news about Villa No. 1.

The sale of Villa No. 1 spread throughout the upper class of Yangcheng immediately!

This is a villa worth 3 billion, and there are not many people in the whole city who are willing to spend 3 billion to buy a villa.

Isn't it good to have money to invest?

Buying a villa so lavishly?

So the news spread throughout Yangcheng in an instant, and everyone was curious, which young man bought it?

Countless people were asking who bought it.

Not only in the upper class of Yangcheng, but also among the owners of Yangcheng Guoshuyuan.

Who can buy a villa in Yangcheng Guoshuyuan is not from the upper class of Yangcheng? At least those with assets of more than 1 billion are qualified to buy a villa here. Buy a villa.

So it was natural for the news to spread here.

Not only did it spread to the owners, but it also quickly spread to all the owners, and caused a super earthquake among the owners of the entire Yangcheng Guoshu Park!

A villa worth 3 billion was actually sold?

Who is so rich?

All the owners were guessing.

Especially when they heard that it was bought by a 20-year-old student, they were even more shocked. What level of young master is this!

And all the young and beautiful girls in Guoshu Park who have not yet married, their eyes are shining.

They can't wait to marry the owner of Villa No. 1.

They even imagine that they are already lovers with the owner of Villa No. 1.

How can they not fantasize.

How rich must one be to be able to buy a villa worth 3 billion?

Being rich and wealthy naturally aroused the admiration, favor and speculation of all the girls.

What's more, they heard that the owner of Villa No. 1 is not only rich but also young and handsome.

Of course, they are more fanciful.

At this time, the whole Yangcheng Guoshuyuan was speculating.

Among the owners of Yangcheng Guoshuyuan, Long Fei suddenly appeared and caused a sensation. The owners of

Yangcheng Guoshuyuan are either rich or noble, so Long Fei specially established an owner group.

In the upper class society, it is normal to make money together.

They are all connections.

Long Fei is the group leader.

Seeing Long Fei appear, a young man named Wu Kun immediately tagged Long Fei.

"@Long Fei, Long Fei, I heard that Villa No. 1 was sold? Who is so rich that he could get something that I couldn't even imagine."

Wu Kun said in the group.

He dared to call Long Fei by name, and he seemed to be very familiar with Long Fei, so his background was certainly not simple. He was even comparable to Long Fei.

He was the young master of the Wu family, one of the four wealthy families in Yangcheng.

The Wu family had assets of 60 to 70 billion. Although it was not as good as the Long family, the first of the four wealthy families, it also had the means to compete with the Long family.

Wu Kun's character and personality were also good, and they were both young masters, so he was also a good buddy with Long Fei.

"Yes, I heard it was sold too?"A man named Qi Xin spoke up.

Qi Xin's background is not simple for her to show up at this time. She is the daughter of the Qi family, one of the four great families.

The Qi family ranks second among the four great families, with assets of more than 80 billion.

Because of her good character and personality, she is also considered a friend of Long Fei and the others.

"I heard about it, too."

Du Wei also spoke up. He was also the young master of the Du family, one of the four great families. He had a pretty good character. He was also friends with Long Fei and the others.

Seeing that his three good friends had asked about it, Long Fei knew that he couldn't hide it, so he admitted it generously.

"Yes, Villa No. 1 has been sold."

Seeing Long Fei admit it, the owners of Guoshuyuan who were watching the group were shocked!

How could they not be shocked?

It was actually sold.

They would not doubt what Young Master Long said.

Because they knew Young Master Long's true identity.

This is the young master of the Long family. Everyone can joke except Young Master Long.

After confirming, Long Fei, who usually speaks very little, continued to speak in the group.

"I'd like to point out that the owner of Villa No. 1 is my good friend Long Fei. You can make friends with him, but please be polite to him."

"If you don't get along with my buddy, you will get along with me, Long Fei."

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