Thinking of this, they became even more desperate.

How could they not be desperate? They were doomed to lose.

They knew there was no chance of a comeback. They had already completely lost.

Lan Fang was also injured at this time.

The Feng family was still afraid of the Lan family, after all, it was the head of the three major families.

So although Feng Wu injured him, his injury was much lighter than Long You.

But he was also injured.

Hearing Long Fei's words at this time, anger and fear flashed across Lan Fang's face.

How could he not be afraid?

If the Long family handed over half of its assets, the Feng family would become stronger.

Then the Lan family would be crushed by the Feng family.

So of course he was afraid and angry!

But what about anger?

At this time, they had already completely lost.

There was no chance of a comeback.

He knew this was Long Fei's only choice.

Facing the inner family middle level, this was the only thing the Long family could do.

God knows that Feng Wu was lucky enough to actually break through the inner family middle level.

As for the Lan family, there is also an inner family middle level guard.

But the inner family middle level is the strongest master of the Lan family.

Generally, they will only stay at home to guard.

It is impossible to free up their hands.

And even if they free up their hands.

The Feng family also has other inner family ranks.

What can they use to fight with other families?

They are doomed to lose.

Lan Fan was completely desperate, knowing that the Feng family was clearly well prepared this time.

Feng Fan saw this scene.

A grim smile and complacency flashed across his face.

How could he not be proud?

The Long family was finally about to be swallowed by them.

After swallowing it, what could the Lan family use to fight him?

Of course he was even more proud!

Thinking of this, his face became even more ferocious.

That's right, it was ferocious!

Of course, after being ferocious, he sneered disdainfully.

Who said that only half of the Long family's assets were needed?

His Feng family and the Yin family took action.

How could it be possible that only half of the Long family's assets were needed?

He came for all the assets of the Long family!

That's right, he was planning to work with the Yin family to swallow up all the assets of the Long family.

As for the Long family and the Lan family, he certainly didn't take them seriously.

When the Feng family and the Yin family were added together, the Long family and the Lan family were no match at all.

So of course he was sure to defeat Long Fei. He spoke with disdain.

He immediately looked around the whole audience and spoke arrogantly.

"Haha, half of the assets? Who told you we only want half of the assets?"

"Our two families want all the assets of your Long family!"

"From now on, you Long family will get out of Yangcheng immediately. All the assets belong to our Feng family and Yin family."

Feng Fan immediately spoke insidiously.

Yin Wei also cooperated insidiously.

The Yin family is more vicious than the Feng family. Neither of the two families is a good thing, so they can be like-minded.

The annexation of the Long family is also in the Yin family's plan.

Hearing this.

Long Fei's face changed drastically, and he was very angry!

How could he not be angry?

According to the agreement, even if the Long family lost, they only had to pay half of the assets.

And even if it was half of the assets, the Long family would have to bear a huge price.

As a result, these two people immediately opened their mouths. They actually wanted to swallow up the entire Long family!

So arrogant and didn't take the Long family seriously, and they were so vicious.

How could he not be angry?

Of course They were extremely angry.

But after being angry, they also felt powerless.

This is the cruelty between the aristocratic families. It all depends on strength.

What can the Long family use to fight the Feng family and the Yin family?

Even if the Lan family is involved, they are no match.

No wonder the other party has taken the Long family. They don't take the Long family seriously at all.

Thinking of this moment, Long Fei was of course even more desperate.

Qi Xin and the others were even more angry!

How could they not be angry?

It was agreed that if they lost, they would only take half of the assets.

But in the end, the other party came up and wanted to swallow up the entire Long family.

What a vicious mind.

At the same time, they were too greedy.

Of course they were extremely angry.

But after being extremely angry, several families also He felt extremely powerless.

He knew that he had completely lost.

Even the Lan family couldn't do anything, so what could they do?

So he was extremely desperate after being angry.

Lan Fang was also very angry.

How could he not be angry?

It was agreed that if he lost, he would only get half of the assets.

But the other party came and wanted to swallow up the entire Long family.

The lion's mouth was full of meanness!

This showed that he didn't take his Lan family seriously.

Of course he was angry.

But what could he do with anger?

At this time, he had lost the strength to fight again.

There were only the beginners of the inner family brought by the three major wealthy families left, which were not enough for them to serve as a dish!

What's more, the other party had two masters.

Long You was half dead again.

How could he fight with... Other families fight?

If the fight continues, it is hard to say whether all of them present can get out alive.

This is the only way.

The Feng family has completely defeated the Long family.

There is no way to fight.

Lan Fang is of course extremely desperate.

Long You heard Long Fei's words at this time.

He was extremely desperate! He originally thought that his breakthrough would be able to lead the Long family to the top.

Who knew that he would be defeated so miserably.

At this time, the Feng family actually greedily wanted all the assets of the Long family.

How could he agree?

As Long Fei's uncle and the number one master of the Long family, he would rather die than agree.

So even though he was seriously injured at this moment, he roared angrily. He absolutely disagreed

"Young Master Long must never agree to the other party. Even if I, Long You, die, I will never let the other party succeed!"

"At worst, we will fight them."

Although Long You was struggling to death, he still let out a huge roar.

Hearing this,

Feng Wu's face changed drastically.

Seeing that the conspiracy was about to succeed.

Long You was actually unaware of life and death?

He didn't know whether to live or die, right? Then he should die early.

He had completely made up his mind to kill him. It was just right to get rid of the number one expert of the Long family, so as to cut off the roots of the Long family.

Seeing Feng Wu walking towards Long You, everyone's face changed.

Long Feilan felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He could hardly breathe.

But what could he do at this time?

Everyone could only face this scene in despair.

No one present had the ability to save Long You.

Once a sound was made, everyone would be completely killed by the Feng family!

The hearts of the people in the audience were completely pulled up.

Extremely nervous.

Feng Wu walked towards Long You with a grim smile.

Seeing the next���Long You was about to die.

At this critical moment, when everyone was holding their breath

, a voice rang out directly from the hall!

It echoed throughout the hall!

""Who said the Long family lost? Have you asked me?"

A young man walked up to Feng Wu.

This young man was extremely handsome. Who else could it be but Ye Yi?

This was exactly what Ye Yi said.

He couldn't help it anymore.

The Feng family and the Long family had a bet. It was reasonable for the winner to take half of the family property.

But the Feng family shouldn't rely on their cultivation to kill people! They shouldn't ask for too much to swallow up all the industries of the Long family.

All these angered Ye Yi's bottom line.

Ye Yi didn't like the Feng family and the Yin family in the first place.

Of course, he was completely determined to kill them!

None of the people in front of him wanted to escape.

So Ye Yi spoke directly and domineeringly.

He stood in front of Feng Wu.

Don't say that Ye Yi didn't like it.

There are also system tasks. The system requires Ye Yi to help the Long family overcome today's difficulties.

Success will reward a lot.

Failure will cause the system to disappear.

So of course Ye Yi has to take action!

As for Feng Wu's realm, Ye Yi also saw it.

Half a step into the middle stage of the inner family, not even enough.

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