"Ding Dong, considering that the host has completed the task so perfectly, the system has temporarily decided to reward the host with 20% of the shares of the Magic City Listed Group worth 120 billion."

"The shares have been changed to the host's name. Please go to the Magic City to receive them."

The system prompt sounded as expected.

Ye Yi was instantly overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

He had just offended two great families, but as long as he had the peak of the intermediate level,

Ye Yi's combat power would be stronger than that of the average high-level inner family.

Now that the Grand Master has not come out, what is the use of the family?

What does Ye Yi need to worry about?

So of course Ye Yi was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

The martial arts realm is the most important.

Shares worth 120 billion are not that important.

So Ye Yi didn't even look at the shares.

Soon Ye Yi felt hot all over!

It's over. The sludge from last time is coming again.

And it seems to be more this time?

Ye Yi quickly told Long Fei to prepare a room for him to take a shower.

Long Fei didn't know why Ye Yi suddenly wanted to take a shower.

But now this good brother is the lifesaver of the entire Long family.

Don't say it's just a shower. It was a small matter.

Long Fei had to agree to anything Ye Yi asked.

So of course Long Fei had no objection at all.

He agreed directly.

Then he quickly arranged a room for Ye Yi.

Ye Yi quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub. Then

, mud appeared all over his body!

Long Fei was shocked.

He was a rich man and knew that this was a sign of a master's breakthrough.

Ye Yi was already so powerful and was still breaking through!

Didn't he reach the peak of the middle level or the high level of the inner family?

The peak of the middle level of the inner family at the age of 22!

Long Fei was completely shocked.

How could he not be shocked. He was more certain that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

Ye Yi didn't have as many thoughts as Long Fei.

At this moment, Ye Yi was taking a bath happily.

Soon the mud was cleared.

Ye Yi felt that his strength had indeed increased greatly!

Is this the strength of the peak of the inner family?

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

After being overjoyed, Ye Yi of course hurried to try it.

The result would not be known unless he tried it.

Once he tried it, he was really shocked.

Whether it was the hardness of Ye Yi's body, speed, or internal strength, there had been a qualitative leap!

Ye Yi's body used to be hard, but now it was as hard as steel!

Ye Yi used to be fast.

But now it's even faster.

Ye Yi's internal strength used to be strong, but now it's several times stronger!

In summary, Ye Yi calculated that his combat power is now at least five times stronger than before!

That's right, exactly five times.

This is the change brought about by the breakthrough to the peak of the inner family middle level.

The realm of martial arts is very serious.

Ye Yi roughly estimated that he now has at least the combat power equivalent to the inner family high level.

Because of the different techniques, he is several times stronger than other inner family peak middle level!

So he now has the most At least it is equivalent to the combat power of the high-level inner family.

The realm division in the martial arts is very serious.

It is so serious that even if you only upgrade one realm, the combat power is very different!

Each realm has a crushing advantage over the previous realm.

The weak realm can't even resist.

For example, the peak of the inner family's initial level crushes the inner family's initial level! The middle level of the inner family crushes the peak of the inner family's initial level even more!

And the high level of the inner family crushes the peak of the middle level of the inner family even more!

Even resistance is impossible.

It's so terrifying!

As for the master over the peak of the high level of the inner family, it is even more crushing!

The gap between the master and the high level of the inner family is even greater than the gap between the high level of the inner family and the middle level of the inner family.

It is even more insurmountable.

The crushing of the god realm over the master is even more obvious!

The advantage of the earth immortal over the god realm is even more terrifying.

The realm division is obvious, and each realm crushes the previous realm.

Absolutely crushing.

This is the strict division of the ancient martial arts realm, and it is also a cruel fact!

And Ye Yi is equivalent to the combat power of the high level of ancient martial arts.

You can imagine how terrifying it is.

At least the combat power has been increased five times!

Let's put it this way, for a master like Feng Wu, Ye Yi doesn't even need to move a finger.

He can kill the opponent directly!


Even the five Ye Yis before couldn't beat him now! Ye Yi was completely relieved when he saw his combat power. With this combat power, what is there to be afraid of the two major families? At that time, he would be lucky if he didn't cause trouble for the two major families. Will it be the turn of the two major families to cause trouble for him? Ye Yi was instantly relieved. After being relieved, Ye Yi looked at Long Fei next to him and spoke.

"Brother Long Fei, please keep today's events a secret for me."

Ye Yi was referring to his recent breakthrough.

When Long Fei heard this, he agreed instantly.

Ye Yi was the great benefactor of their Long family!

No matter what Ye Yi ordered, he was willing to help Ye Yi do it.

Just keep it secret.

He also knew that Ye Yi liked to keep a low profile.

So of course he was happy to do it.

Soon Ye Yi followed Long Fei out.

At this time, the Long family was in a mess.

Long Fei still had to settle the Long family.

For example, Long You was seriously injured, and he had to arrange someone to take care of Long You.

This was the number one master of the Long family.

Soon after the Long family was settled,

Long Fei personally made tea and greeted this group of good brothers.

Today is all thanks to the good brothers.

Especially thanks to Ye Yi.

Lan Fang also sat down.

Lan Fang was only slightly injured, so there was no hindrance on his body.

At this moment, Lan Fang was full of worship.

How could he not worship?

This is a young master. It is amazing that such a young master can be produced. , only super aristocratic families.

Lan Fang immediately spoke to Ye Yi politely.

Make friends with Ye Yi.

Ye Yi actually has a good impression of Lan Fang.

Lan Fang just looked down on Ye Yi at the beginning and was a little snobbish.

But he is still very loyal.

He fought with Feng Wu even though he knew he couldn't beat him.

Isn't that particularly loyal?

In fact, Lan Fang is a good person.

So Ye Yi also has a good impression of Lan

Fang. Of course he would not refuse to make friends with Lan Fang.

So Ye Yi made friends with Lan Fang very politely.

Ye Yi is like this.

If you are good to me, I will only be better to you.

If you are polite to me, I will only be more polite to you.

Don't hit a smiling person, this is Ye Yi's character.

So of course the group sat down and drank tea and chatted happily.

Wu Kun and Du Wei couldn't bear it anymore.

They immediately asked this good brother.

How could they not ask?

It's too shocking.

"Ye Yi, you are really amazing. You defeated Feng Wu easily. I'm afraid you are at least at the middle level of the inner family?"

""Yes, Brother Ye, you are so awesome!"

Wu Kun and Du Wei said with admiration.

How could they not admire him?

They have a very good relationship with Ye Yi and have been brothers for a long time.

But they just found out now.

It seems that they don't know this brother very well.

This brother is truly unfathomable.

Long Fei listened to their words and laughed happily.

Haha, Brother Ye is more than just a mid-level one.

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