But soon Ye Yi smiled.

He didn't think much about it.

Since the system asked him to receive it, it seems that he still needs to go to the Magic City to receive this share in two days.

Ye Yi made up his mind.

Anyway, he is now a super master. He is not afraid even if he goes to the Magic City.

But the Magic City, Ye Yi is a little bit looking forward to the Magic City.

That is the most developed city in China's economy. It is almost equivalent to two Guangzhous!

Guangzhou is already one of the four first-tier cities with the best economy in China, but it is only half of them.

It can be seen how huge the gap is.

Ye Yi is of course looking forward to it.

Looking forward to what kind of surprise the Magic City will bring him.

That is the first economic city in China!

Ye Yi has not been to the Magic City yet.

Soon, when Ye Yi was thinking about something, his mobile phone rang.

It turned out to be a message from Lan Ling.

Asking him how he thought about the alliance.

Ye Yi has also considered the alliance for some time.

In the end, no matter how you calculate it, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Ye Yi had agreed in his heart a long time ago.

So when he saw Lan Ling's words at this moment, he was naturally willing.

He agreed directly and readily.

Ye Yi also met Lan Fang today. The people of the Lan family are indeed more reliable than the other two families.

"Of course we are willing to form an alliance"

"Then we are officially allies now, happy cooperation, Mr. Ye."

Lan Ling was delighted when she saw the news.

She immediately sent a message to Ye Yi.

How could she not be happy? They actually formed an alliance.

In the future, their Lan family will have an ally.

They will not be led by the other two families.

So of course they are happy.

Ye Yi smiled.

Now that they have officially formed an alliance, the Lan family promised Ye Yi that they could give Ye Yi a green light all the way in Tianhai Province.

Ye Yi naturally wanted to test the strength of the Lan family.

Ye Yi's Ye Investment Consortium had several unresolved issues these days.

They were stopped by some officials.

These officials were all from aristocratic or wealthy families.

The sudden appearance of the Ye Consortium was like a piece of super fat meat.

Of course, it attracted everyone's attention.

Many people wanted to swallow it.

But they didn't dare to swallow it rashly.

So they used their connections to test the Ye Investment Consortium.

Some of the assets of the Ye Investment Consortium were frozen.

If the Ye Investment Consortium had the strength, they would retreat.

If not, then the wolves would divide them up.

Reality is so cruel.

This is also the cruel competition between the aristocratic families.

A life-and-death struggle.

Wei Xin couldn't solve these problems, so she could only report them to Ye Yi.

Of course, Ye Yi now has to test the Lan family's connections.

So he handed these things over to Lan Ling.

Test the Lan family's connections and background!

Ye Yi just sent it over, and in less than five minutes.

All the frozen projects were unlocked.

Not only were they unlocked.

Instead, they were given the green light all the way.

The blocked projects were all going on smoothly.

The Lan family's speed, efficiency, and terrifying connections completely shocked Ye Yi.

No wonder they can sit firmly at the top of the three major families!

Ye Yixiang When he was satisfied.

He was also completely sure that forming an alliance with the Lan family would only bring benefits and no disadvantages.

Of course, after that,

Ye Yi felt even more of a sense of crisis!

A huge sense of crisis!

Now Ye Yi himself is in the category of super masters, and ancient martial arts masters can no longer threaten him.

But Ye Yi's power is not enough.

His connections and background are not enough.

The aristocratic families can't kill him, but they can easily swallow up his assets!

So how can Ye Yi not feel pressured?

This is no longer an era of fighting and killing.

Connections and background are the most important!

For example, the Lan family, if the Lan family uses their background to directly swallow up Ye Yi's assets, then what can Ye Yi use to deal with them?

The ancient martial arts realm is only one of them!

Power background is the most critical.

This is also the reason why Ye Yi had to build his own power before.

So at this moment, Ye Yi certainly had a complete sense of crisis..

He truly felt the huge gap with his aristocratic family background.

His background power was still insufficient.

This must be resolved.

Otherwise, the Ye Investment Consortium would be swallowed up sooner or later.

In Tianhai Province, there was the Lan family to help him. What about outside Tianhai Province?

That would be like a piece of fat meat.

Ye Yi's heart was naturally full of a sense of crisis.

He must resolve his background and connections!

Ye Yi was thinking about something.

The phone suddenly rang.

Ye Yi was stunned when he saw it!

It was Uncle Su who called!

Although Su Xiangzhong had Ye Yi's phone number.

He never called Ye Yi.

Instead, Su Qian often chatted with Ye Yi.

Especially these days.

Su Qian was even more attached to Ye Yi to chat.

But they talked more about prestige.

Why did Uncle Su suddenly call?

But doubts aside.

Ye Yi knew that Uncle Su had something to do, so he answered the phone immediately.

"Ye Yi?"

Su Xiangzhong's deep voice came from the phone, still full of righteousness!

No wonder he was appreciated by the Wang family in Beijing. Thus, he became the son-in-law of the Wang family. He is indeed worthy of praise.

""En, Uncle Su, it's me."

Ye Yi smiled and spoke into the phone.

Su Xiangzhong was no longer polite when he heard Ye Yi's voice and got straight to business.

Their two families were old friends.

Ye Yi almost became his son-in-law.

Why are you being so polite?

Su Xiangzhong spoke directly.

"Come to Cuixin Lake, I'll wait for you by the lake."

Su Xiangzhong is a soldier himself.

He always speaks in an ordering manner.

This is an old habit that cannot be changed.

Su Qian's family has corrected him many times.

Why did Yuncai go to Cuixin Lake?

Ye Yi was speechless.

But Uncle Su must have a purpose for saying this.

Let's put it this way, everyone in the world may harm Ye Yi.

But Uncle Su's family certainly won't.

Of course, Ye Yi hurried to Cuixin Lake!

Cuixin Lake is not far from Uncle Su's house.

Ye Yi drove the most low-key Ferrari to go there.

Then he parked the car by the lake.

Soon he saw Su Xiangzhong.

Su Xiangzhong was originally upright and���The blood of the man was boiling hot, and his aura was like a sword.

So it was very easy to recognize him.

He recognized him immediately.

Ye Yi hurried forward.

Su Xiangzhong did not speak and walked quietly.

Ye Yi followed him, not in a hurry.

He knew the character of this Uncle Su.

"Is the Ye Investment Consortium yours? Are you in conflict with the Feng and Yin families? And you crippled the Feng family's masters?"

Su Xiangzhong finally asked Ye Yi.

Su Xiangzhong was originally a major general.

In addition, he was the son-in-law of the Wang family.

In a small place like Yangcheng, there was nothing he didn't know. The three major families in Yangcheng looked strong, but in fact, they were nothing in Beijing.

If Su Xiangzhong went to the Feng family, the head of the Feng family would have to go out in person to treat him with courtesy.

This is the difference.

Ye Yi was not surprised at all when he heard Uncle Su's words.

It was normal for Uncle Su to know.

What three major families, in fact, to Uncle Su, they were just two or three big cats and small cats.

Ye Yi smiled quickly.

He didn't hide it.


Ye Yi's words were equivalent to admitting everything.

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