To be honest.

Ye Yi now hopes for the ancient martial arts realm.

But you came up with cash.

No matter how much money, Ye Yi feels that it is not as important as the ancient martial arts realm.

But cash is cash.

It's better than nothing.

Although disappointed for a while.

But Ye Yi can only accept it.

However, Ye Yi quickly thought of tomorrow's task.

It seems that he has to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow!

Receiving shares is only one of them.

The most important thing is to complete the task.

If the task fails, the system will disappear directly!

So of course Ye Yi decided to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow.

But it should be said.

Ye Yi is still very happy to help Cao Meng.

Originally, he had made up his mind to help Cao Meng.

In such a large group, only Cao Meng is pleasing to Ye Yi.

So of course Ye Yi is very happy.

After Ye Yi was happy, of course he looked at Xiaoyi next to him and spoke

"Meng Yi: Do you want to go to Anno Group? I'll have a chance to go tomorrow."

Ye Yi smiled.

Since he had brought this little girl here, of course he had to show her the world. After all, the little girl was one of his few friends.

Generally, no one could enter the shareholders' meeting.

It was a high-level meeting.

Moreover, it was a super group like the Anno Group.

Most people couldn't even think about it, let alone bring people in.

But Ye Yi was the third shareholder.

He had the qualifications.

Not to mention bringing one person, Ye Yi could bring several people.

So Ye Yi decided to take the little girl with him.

Meng Yi was stunned.

The Anno Group.

Even though Meng Yi was only a student at an art school, she had heard of the Anno Group.

It was a super group.

A behemoth in the Magic City.

Would she have a chance to visit the Anno Group tomorrow?

What was going on?

Of course, she had to ask clearly.

Ye Yi didn't mind, so he told the little girl that he had bought 20% of the shares of the Anno Group and would hold a shareholders' meeting tomorrow.

However, Ye Yi made a statement in advance.

The shareholders' meeting was not allowed to be broadcast live.

Bringing one person in was already a big deal.

If you broadcast it live, it would be too much.

Ye Yi was just taking Meng Yi to see the world.

Meng Yi was completely stunned.


Ye Yi is actually the third largest shareholder of Anno Group?

He spent more than 100 billion in cash to directly buy 20% of the shares of Anno Group?

How could she not be shocked!

Completely shocked.

This is more than 100 billion in cash.

This is too rich.

She finally understood why Ye Yi was short of 300 million.

He gave her a reward directly!

After being shocked, she was even more shocked.

Ye Yi already had 100 billion assets, and spent 120 billion to buy shares.

220 billion!

So young.

How much money does Ye Yi have?

She couldn't imagine!

After being shocked, she was completely lost.

Ye Yi has always been indifferent and uninterested in her.

She now completely understands. She is completely inferior.

How could Ye Yi, who is so rich, look down on her?

She completely felt the huge gap between her and Ye Yi.

Of course, after understanding it.

She can go to the shareholders' meeting of Anno Group to watch.

Such a big event.

How could she refuse?

So she agreed immediately.

This is the shareholders' meeting of Anno Group.

Not everyone can attend. Those who can attend are the absolute top leaders of Anno Group.

""Yes, yes, no problem. I'll go tomorrow!"

Meng Yi immediately agreed happily.

He said that there was no problem tomorrow and he would go directly to the shareholders' meeting.

Ye Yi was naturally relieved after hearing Meng Yi's words.

In this case, it was settled.

They could leave together tomorrow.

It was just right to show Meng Yi the world.

But just when Ye Yi had just finished talking to Meng Yi, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Yi was confused.

He had booked the presidential suite.

Generally, no one would disturb the presidential suite.

Even the waiter would not knock on the door.

Because the waiter would come to the presidential suite only after receiving the customer's order.

How could there be a knock on the door? Ye Yi was of course confused.

How could he not be confused? He was in the Magic City There was no one he knew.

It was even more impossible for anyone to come to his door.

But even though he was confused, Ye Yi still opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a beautiful girl with a hot body!

This girl's appearance was impeccable.

It was more than 80%.

A standard school beauty.

But she was too charming.

Ye Yi didn't like it at all.

She exuded a casual aura all over her body.

Ye Yi was surrounded by beautiful women.

He didn't even look down on goddesses, let alone this kind of woman.

So naturally he looked down on her even more!

But Ye Yi was soon confused.

The other party was obviously not a waiter.

She came to find him.

But he He doesn't know anyone in the Magic City.

How could someone come to see him? And his schedule is confidential, how would other people know that he lives here? No matter what.

Ye Yi was already a little unhappy in his heart.

This woman was Jia Lele, the daughter of Jia Ding.

Jia Lele has always been a fickle person, and everyone in the Magic City family knows it.

Jia Ding saw that his daughter was hopeless.

He simply asked his daughter to do one thing.

It can be regarded as a way to vent the remaining heat for the Jia family.

Go and seduce Ye Yi!

As long as the third largest shareholder is in hand.

Then Cao Meng will have no chance to turn over.

Then the Annuo Group will belong to the Jia family.

This is also That was exactly his purpose.

He sent his daughter to perform the beauty trap.

He must take down Ye Yi.

As for his daughter, her reputation had long been ruined anyway.

What was the point of sacrificing her? Even if she didn't sacrifice, his daughter would change boyfriends every day.

Jia Ding had long been open-minded in this regard.

When Jia Lele saw Ye Yi at this time, her eyes lit up!

To be honest, when her father asked her to perform the beauty trap before, Jia Lele probably didn't agree.

After all, although she changed boyfriends every day, she was a standard face control.

All the boyfriends she changed were handsome.

If the other party was an ugly one, how could she bear it? But her father said that the new

���The third shareholder was rich, and he directly used 120 billion to buy 20% of the shares.

He was unfathomable.

She was slightly interested.

For the sake of money, she reluctantly agreed to take down the third shareholder.

But now seeing this third shareholder, she was stunned.

This third shareholder was so handsome!

Oh my God, she had never seen such a handsome boy.

How could he be a man? The man simply insulted him.

He was simply a male god, okay!

Jia Lele was originally a face control, and she was completely conquered after seeing him.

That's right, she was completely conquered.

After seeing him, money was no longer important.

Beauty was no longer important.

She wished she could fall into Ye Yi's arms right now.

Have a three-hour love affair with such a handsome boy!

The moment she saw him, Jia Lele fell in love with Ye Yi instantly.

He was ten times more handsome than the hundreds of boyfriends she had before.

Although Ye Yi was unhappy, he still asked very politely.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I am Jia Lele, the daughter of the second largest shareholder Jia Ding."

Jia Lele introduced herself very directly.

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