Cao Meng has been tossed around a lot.

Sitting in the head of the family, Cao Meng is completely worried.

Thinking of tomorrow's shareholders' meeting , she is worried.

She had guessed that the three shareholders and the fourth and fifth shareholders of Annuo Group would rebel together.

How could she not know?

Cao Meng is extremely disappointed.

At that time, the Jia family was supported by her father himself.

Otherwise, how could the Jia family be what it is today?

As a result, her father had just passed away not long ago.

The Jia family showed its fox tail.

It messed up the group in all aspects, causing the group to decline sharply.

Now it is even more united with the fourth and fifth shareholders to rebel.

They want to seize the position of chairman at tomorrow's board of directors.

So how can she not despair?

These people were her father's good brothers at the beginning.

They have all received great favors from her father.

Cao Meng is extremely disappointed.

After disappointment, she is extremely desperate.

How can she not be desperate?

Seeing that tomorrow's shareholders' meeting is coming, Jia Ding has now pulled in two other shareholders.

They have more shares than her!

The chairman will be replaced tomorrow.

So how can she not be desperate?

Her only chance was the unfathomable new third shareholder.

Unfortunately, she had never even met the new third shareholder.

How to win over the third shareholder?

Thinking of this moment, she was even more desperate.

Annuo Group was the hard work of her father.

She absolutely did not want her hard work to be destroyed.

She did not want it.

But now, what else could she do?

Cao Meng was desperate...

Early the next morning.

Downstairs of Annuo Group was already very lively!

The shareholders' meeting of Annuo Group had begun, which was also the latest board of directors.

Everyone in Annuo Group knew that this was the last battle between the Cao family and the Jia family. It would determine who would be the chairman.

So the whole group was paying close attention. They were looking forward to the result.

At 8:30 in the morning, the senior executives of the group entered the meeting room one after another.

For a meeting of this level, the senior executives of the group naturally needed to appear.

In the board of directors, all the senior executives of the group, shareholders and the chairman must participate.

Of course, those who can enter this meeting are the real senior executives.

No supervisor or deputy manager is qualified to participate. Those who really participate in this meeting are at least managers or directors.

They are all the executives who really hold power in Annuo Group.

Anno Group is indeed a giant group.

There are dozens of managers and directors alone!

Nearly a hundred.

There are also several deputy general managers.

And general managers!

The top management is almost all present.

At nine o'clock in the morning, shareholders and the chairman entered one after another.

Cao Meng sat in the chairman's seat.

As for the second shareholder, Jia Ding, the fourth shareholder, Bingchun, and the fifth shareholder, they all arrived at their respective seats.

Except for the new third shareholder, all the others have arrived.

Seeing this scene at this time.

Cao Meng's heart is even more desperate.

How can she not be desperate?

Seeing this scene.

She was not surprised. She knew that she was doomed to lose.

The fifth shareholder was pulled over.

The shareholders' meeting naturally began.

Except for the mysterious third shareholder, everyone else has arrived.

So it is naturally officially started!

And the board of directors has just started.

As the chairman, Cao Meng just wanted to speak.

But Jia Ding interrupted very rudely.

Cao Meng's face was pale.

How can you not see it?

Jia Ding didn't want to wait even a moment. He was about to make trouble.

Thinking of this moment, her pretty face became even paler.

Even more desperate

"Wait a minute, the shareholders' meeting can start slowly"

"But as the second largest shareholder, I have objections to the chairman and propose to replace him."

"How about this, we board members will start voting again, whoever has the most support will be the chairman!"

Jia Ding spoke up immediately, indicating that he wanted to re-vote.

This is also the rule of all groups.

In short, the rule is very simple.

Shareholders will draw votes.

Whoever has the most support will be the chairman!

This is also the legal provision between groups.

The simplest legal provision.

Jia Ding was very sure of this because he had the five shareholders in his hands. He could crush Cao Meng firmly!

As long as the voting started again, he would be the new chairman.

His shareholding would exceed Cao Meng's 38%.

This was also the reason why he proposed it!

Naturally, because the conspiracy was about to succeed.

Thinking of this moment, he sneered.

As if he had seen To the scene of becoming the chairman of the board.

Not bad, it was as if she had already seen the scene of becoming the chairman of the board.

As for the so-called three major shareholders, he had already dealt with them.

The three major shareholders were also his people. What could

Cao Meng use to fight him?

Seeing this scene, Cao Meng was even more desperate.

How could she not be desperate?

Doesn't Jia Ding want to wait for a moment?

These people were her father's former brothers.

Are they so eager to stab her niece?

She was even more desperate.

And more disappointed in people.

How could these people be so ungrateful?

It's fine that Jia Ding ruined the Annuo Group.

It's fine that he made the Annuo Group like this.

Now they are even conspiring to snatch the position of chairman.

But despite her expression Pale.

But it can't be stopped.

Because shareholders can initiate a vote.

She, the chairman, can't stop it either.

If there is a new vote, whoever holds the most shares will be the new chairman.

There are also teams in the group.

The executives on Cao Meng's side are more desperate than Cao Meng.

They all look unhappy.

If the chairman is really replaced, they will be the first to be unlucky!

Some are even thinking, should they just join Jia Ding now?

So each one is more desperate than the other.

Soon the voting officially began.

There was no one on Cao Meng's side.

It only holds 38%!

Jia Ding Bingchun together hold 37% of the shares, plus five shareholders who hold 5%.

So it reached Forty-two percent!


Completely lost.

Cao Meng's pretty face turned pale.

It was as if she saw herself losing the position of chairman. What she cared about was not the position of chairman.

But her father's hard work.

If Jia Ding became the chairman, he would definitely squander all her father's hard work.

She was even more desperate.

But what could she do?

The executives who supported Cao Meng were even more desperate! They were also desperate.

The chairman was going to be replaced.

Don't you think they were desperate?

Of course they were desperate.

Once the replacement was made, they would be the first to be eliminated.

Jia Ding had more support than Cao Meng.

So the result is out.

Jia Ding is the new chairman!

The judging panel is about to announce the result.

But at this moment.

A voice came!

"Wait, I, a shareholder, haven't arrived yet, what kind of shareholder voting meeting are you holding?"

A handsome young man and a beautiful girl arrived at the same time.

These two people were naturally Ye Yi and Meng Yi.

I almost missed the meeting because of the traffic jam.

Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I caught up!

Two people appeared at once.

The man was so handsome and the woman was so beautiful.

The whole audience was stunned.

How could they not be stunned?

Everyone was shocked.

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