Strictly speaking, Ye Yi and Cao Meng are acquaintances.

They are old friends. It was their second meeting.

So there was no sense of strangeness between them.

It was like old friends who had not seen each other for many years.

But Meng Yi was jealous, but she couldn't show it.

Cao Meng was too beautiful.

Such a perfect goddess was with Ye Yi.

Wouldn't she be jealous?

Of course she had to be jealous.

When Cao Meng was chatting with Ye Yi, she found out that Meng Yi was not Ye Yi's girlfriend. She was inexplicably happy.

How could she not be happy?

She didn't know why.

""Mr. Ye, are you from Tianhai Province?"

Cao Meng asked.

Ye Yi nodded, indicating that he was right.

Then Ye Yi joked like an old friend.

"Chairman Cao, why don't you offer me a cup of tea? After all, I just helped you get re-elected as chairman."

"It's a big help to you."

Ye Yi was joking, of course.

He was teasing Cao Meng.

But Cao Meng was more than happy to do it.

Isn't it just drinking tea?

Cao Meng is not a fool, she is a serious super woman.

The three shareholders can take out more than 100 billion in cash and buy the shares directly.

More than 100 billion in cash at such a young age.

He must be the eldest son of a super family!

Facing such a young son of a super family,

Cao Meng was eager to please Ye Yi and make friends with Ye Yi.

So how could she refuse?

It would only benefit her and not harm her.

Ye Yi immediately took Meng Yi to Cao Meng's house.

Ye Yi didn't have a car in Shanghai, so he took Cao Meng's car.

Ye Yi felt more and more inconvenient.

It seems that he has to buy a house and a car here.

Of course, Ye Yi just thought about it and didn't think much about it.

Soon the system prompt sounded!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task, the completion level is super perfect"

"Congratulations to the host for winning 150 billion in cash!"

"Considering that the host's completion level is too good, an additional 50 billion cash reward will be given. A total of 200 billion cash has been deposited into the host's Ye Investment Consortium's account."

"Since the host has completed the task so well, he is rewarded with a sea view villa No. 1 in the Magic City, worth 5 billion. The sea view villa has been transferred, and the host can move in directly."

"Ding Dong, considering that the host has completed the task at such an excellent level, an extra Rolls-Royce worth tens of millions will be awarded. The Rolls-Royce is currently parked in the garage of the host's sea view villa."The system ding ding sounded!

The rewards were dazzling.

There were cash, villas, and luxury cars.

Ye Yi was overjoyed. He didn't like them at first, but now he suddenly likes them very much.

The system is really considerate.

He was just worried about not having a car or a place to live.

Now he is rewarded with a car and a house in the Magic City.

Do you think Ye Yi would not be happy?

Of course he is happy!

What made Ye Yi happiest was that the 200 billion cash reward was directly transferred to the Ye Investment Consortium.

That's even better, he doesn't have to transfer it again. Anyway,

Ye Yi doesn't keep any money, and all of it is transferred to the Ye Investment Consortium.

In this way, the Ye Investment Consortium is now Now there are 300 billion in cash and 100 billion in assets.

The total market value is 400 billion.

Ye Yi was very happy.

How could he not be happy?

All of a sudden, Ye Investment Consortium has become a giant.

When Ye Yi built Ye Investment Consortium, it was to build his own power.

Now it has successfully become a giant!

Soon Ye Yi received a message from Wei Xin.

Asked if Ye Yi transferred 200 billion to the group.

She suddenly received 200 billion now!

Wei Xin was simply stunned.

Ye Yi already had 200 billion at a young age, which was enough to scare her.

Now suddenly there is another 200 billion!

A total of 400 billion.

Who is Ye Yi?

He is a super... The children of noble families are not that fierce.

She was completely shocked!

Unable to guess.

Ye Yi told Wei Xin that he was the one who transferred it, so Wei Xin didn't have to be afraid.

Spend money casually.

The behemoth must be built as quickly as possible.

The Ye Investment Consortium must be built into a giant group in China.

Wei Xin was relieved after hearing this.

Soon Ye Yi and his friends arrived at the Cao family's villa.

The Cao family is worthy of being a super family.

It does have a profound foundation.

When Ye Yi entered the Cao family, he felt the aura of several masters!

They were all super masters of the inner family!

You know, even the three major families in Yangcheng only have a few middle-level masters. Master.

The Cao family has several mid-level super masters.

You can see the difference.

The Cao family crushes the three major families in Yangcheng!

And this is the Cao family after its decline.

What about before its decline?

How glorious was the Cao family?

It completely crushed the so-called three major families in Yangcheng!

Ye Yi thoroughly felt the heritage of the former super family.

Of course, it was just a feeling, and Ye Yi didn't think much about it.

The middle-level masters in the middle class could not threaten him anymore.

Soon Ye Yi and Meng Yi followed into the villa.

Cao Meng personally made tea for Ye Yi and Meng Yi.

Then the three of them chatted while drinking.

Cao Meng was not polite and asked directly.

Asked why Ye Yi helped her?

"Mr. Ye, I am very curious, why would you help me? Actually, we have no relationship."

"The only time I saw you was yesterday. I even crashed your car. It must be a misunderstanding."

"On the contrary, I just learned that the second largest shareholder's daughter saw you last night."

"Then why didn't you help the second shareholder, but helped me instead?"

Cao Meng is indeed very capable.

She found out a lot of things right away.

As expected of a super strong woman, she does have lightning-fast tactics at times!

She immediately found out that Ye Yi had met the second shareholder's daughter last night.

Since he had met Jia Ding's daughter, why would he help her?

Shouldn't he side with Jia Ding?

Ye Yi smiled, not surprised. If

Cao Meng hadn't asked this, Ye Yi would have been disappointed. After

Cao Meng asked this, Ye Yi would have felt that Cao Meng was okay.

At least her abilities were indeed okay.

Ye Yi was also a straightforward person, with nothing to hide.

So he answered Cao Meng frankly.

"It's very simple, because you are beautiful, the second one is ugly, I am a face control, of course I don't like big guys who pick their feet."

Ye Yi said immediately, this sentence is of course a joke.

But it succeeded in making Cao Meng laugh.

Cao Meng has a better impression of Ye Yi.

Unfathomable, young, handsome and humorous. No matter how you look at this young man, he is glowing all over.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Actually, it's because Jia Ding is short-sighted and incompetent."

"If he becomes the chairman, the group will definitely collapse, so I might as well sell my shares as soon as possible."

"At least you really want to build the group, and you have the ability, and only you can build the group."

Ye Yi smiled.

He spoke frankly, and this was his truth.

This was indeed Ye Yi's idea.

What if Jia Ding became the chairman?

Then Ye Yi would rather sell his shares.

Yes, he would rather sell his shares.

What future does Annuo Group have?

Facing Ye Yi's frankness.

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