But there is no doubt that he and Ye Yi have become good friends.

They appreciate each other, like friends of different ages!

After Du Ming left,

Ye Yi didn't have much time to rest.

But the doorbell rang again.

This time Ye Yi really couldn't guess who was coming.

Outside the door, it was Guan Zhong standing respectfully at the door.

Although Guan Zhong was just a housekeeper, his status was huge.

The so-called heads of the aristocratic families were not taken seriously by him. Even those from super aristocratic families were very respectful to him.

This shows Guan Zhong's status.

Because he represents the Lei family, the head of the aristocratic families.

At least in the Magic City, the Lei family is the first aristocratic family.

Guan Zhong rarely shows such respect.

Don't even think about it in the past.

But Ye Yi is different.

This is an unfathomable young master.

At the age of 22, he holds more than 500 billion assets.

At the age of 22, he has a high-level cultivation of the inner family!

All kinds of situations show that this is a young master who is not inferior to the Lei family.

So he deserves such respect.

Ye Yi quickly went out and saw Guan Zhong.

But he was a little confused.

Because Ye Yi didn't know Guan Zhong.

How could this person come to kill him?

So how could Ye Yi not be confused?

Of course, he was extremely confused.

But doubts are doubts.

Don't hit a smiling person.

Guan Zhong was so polite waiting outside the door, even if he was a beggar, Ye Yi would still welcome him politely.

What's more, Guan Zhong was obviously a superior.

Ye Yi invited Guan Zhong in respectfully.

Ye Yi personally invited Guan Zhong into the house.

He personally made tea for Guan Zhong.

Guan Zhong was even more satisfied when he saw Ye Yi.

This young man is unfathomable.

His manners are very good.

It is obvious that he can only be cultivated by a real upper-class family.

He admired Ye Yi more.

Only then did he understand why the young master wanted to make friends with Ye Yi.

Indeed, this Ye Yi is qualified for the young master to make friends.

So of course he admired him more.

Ye Yi didn't ask him who Guan Zhong was.

There is no need to ask such a stupid question.

Because Guan Zhong will tell him himself.

Asking in that way would make him look particularly stupid. This is how dealing with the upper class is.

You must not show that you are not confident.

Ye Yi only made tea.

He didn't say anything.

But Guan Zhong praised him and spoke first.

"I'm visiting Master Ye Yi without permission. Please don't be offended."

"I am Guan Zhong, the housekeeper of the Lei family in Magic City"

"Our eldest master admires Master Ye very much, so he wants to make friends with Master Ye."

"This is the invitation. Master Ye, please come over tonight."

"But Master Ye, please rest assured that our Master has absolutely no hostility towards us. We just have a mutual respect for each other."

"That's why I hope to make friends with Young Master Ye."

Guan Zhong didn't care about anything else.

Instead, he explained his purpose.

He wanted to invite Young Master Ye to attend the banquet.

Of course, he also explained that he had no hostility.

If he didn't explain, others would think he was looking for trouble.

Because there are too many fools in the world who make unreasonable provocations.

The Lei family is not that kind of people.

You have to explain it clearly.

Ye Yi understood it as soon as he heard it. It felt like they admired him.

That's why they wanted to make friends with him.

Since it was to make friends, this was very polite.

Don't hit a smiling person. Ye Yi had to go no matter what.

The main reason was that Guan Zhong was very polite.

Ye Yi felt that he had no hostility.

So Ye Yi decided to go tonight to see

""Okay, no problem. I'll be there on time tonight."

Ye Yi agreed instantly.

Guan Zhong was very satisfied.

If Ye Yi agreed, then it was ok, and his mission for today was completed.

However, although Ye Yi agreed, which family is the Lei family?

To be honest, Ye Yi didn't know.

So of course Ye Yi had to ask which family the Lei family was.

He asked immediately.

"Mr. Guan, I am from another place, I just arrived in Shanghai, I don't know much about Shanghai family"

"Don't you know which Lei family you are?"

Ye Yi asked, of course.

You have to know which Lei family you are, right?

Otherwise, how can you go to an appointment if you don't know which family you are from

? How can you have fun if you don't even know who the other party is?

Guan Zhong knew that Ye Yi was indeed from another place, so it was normal for him not to know the Lei family.

He didn't act awkwardly. Instead, he looked at Ye Yi politely and spoke.

""Our Lei family is the leader of the four super families in the Magic City, and also the leader of the families in the Magic City!"

Guan Zhong spoke.

This was not a boast.

It was the truth.

He just wanted to tell Ye Yi directly and frankly to avoid too much nonsense.

Ye Yi was shocked!

Ye Yi had long known that there were super families in the world, and he also knew the power of super families.

That was a family that truly covered the sky with one hand.

A family that was truly against the sky to the extreme.

Kill all families in seconds.

As a result, the Lei family was actually the leader of the four super families in the Magic City?

How could he not be shocked? He instantly understood the power of the Lei family.

It was indeed against the sky.

But since such a young master wanted to make friends with Ye Yi,

Ye Yi had to go and see it anyway.

The other party personally sent the invitation.

The etiquette was also done to the extreme.

It would be unreasonable for Ye Yi not to go and see it.

Please The invitation has already been sent.

Of course, Guan Zhong retired after accomplishing his mission.

Ye Yi was very polite and took the initiative to see him to the door.

It was good that he took the initiative to see him to the door.

Guan Zhong had an even better impression of Ye Yi.

He is indeed a very promising young man.

After seeing Guan Zhong off, Ye Yi returned to the villa.

But just after returning to the house.

Ye Yi was speechless.

Because the prestige group kept ringing.

Ye Yi was confused.

It turned out that the prestige group of the Dragon Group was ringing.

Ye Yi clicked in to take a look.

Then he understood.

It turned out that he joined the Dragon Group at the age of 22, which caused a sensation!

The group exploded.

All the guest officials showed up!

Shencheng Ma Ling'er"I heard that a 22-year-old boy came in? Is it really so amazing?"

Jingcheng Jie Shao: I also heard people say so.

Jiangnan Chen Da���: The youngest among us was 26 years old when he joined, right?

The Third Young Master of Guangxi Province: Talents emerge in every generation!

There were fifty or sixty messages on the screen.

Ye Yi was stunned.

Who would have thought that his joining would cause the whole group to explode?

But when he thought about joining the guest group at the age of 22, it was indeed shocking.

Ye Yi was not surprised.

After being speechless, Ye Yi looked at the names of this group of people.

He understood at a glance.

The names of this group of people represent where they are from.

There are Beijing and Jiangnan.

Ye Yi was quickly attracted by Ma Ling'er.

Ma Ling'er is actually from Shencheng?

Shencheng is also in Tianhai Province, one of the two first-tier cities in Tianhai Province.

The economy is a little more developed than Yangcheng. It is not far from Yangcheng.

There are guest members of the Dragon Group so close?

So of course he was curious.

After being curious for a while, Ye Yi changed his notes.

The group name was changed to Tianhai Province Ye Yi.

Although Ye Yi is now in Modu, he is from Yangcheng.

So of course it is more appropriate to change it to Tianhai Province.

Seeing Ye Yi changed the name of the group.

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