"My Lei family was able to become the head of the Magic City family because my grandfather was once the vice prime minister."

"But my grandfather has been retired for almost ten years, and his influence is limited. He relies entirely on the face given by some of his students and old friends."

"That’s why our Lei family is still the leader of the Magic City families. But it’s useless to just rely on others to give us face. The three super families behind us are ready to stab us at any time."

"I need you as an external superpower to help me check and balance the other three, and I don't have to be on guard against you stabbing me in the back."

"Because you are not from the Magic City, you will not steal my interests."

Lei Kai said.

And he spoke very frankly.

He was telling the truth.

The Lei family can be what it is today because of his grandfather.

But when it comes to face, other families can't always give it to you.

You can only rely on yourself.

So he planned to pull Ye Yi over to check and balance the other three families.

This is also the reason why he formed an alliance with Ye Yi to keep his position as the head of the family.

Ye Yi didn't dislike Lei Kai's words at all.

On the contrary, he liked them very much.

How could he not like it? These words are very frank!

"What benefits can I get?"

But being frank is useless, Ye Yi still likes benefits.

So he continued to speak.

You have to ask clearly what benefits I can get?

Alliance is relative.

It can't be that I help you and I suffer losses.

Lei Kai smiled.

He was not surprised that Ye Yi would ask this.

If he didn't ask this, he would think that Ye Yi was not sincere in the alliance.

If Ye Yi asked this , he would be happy.

It can be seen that Ye Yi is willing to form an alliance

"It's very simple. As the head of the super family in Magic City, my Lei family can help you go smoothly."

"As far as I know, Brother Ye has a Ye Investment Consortium. How can it develop in a place like Yangcheng?"

"The Magic City is the economic center of China. As long as Brother Ye wants to come here to develop"

"I can guarantee that Brother Ye's business will go smoothly and no one will make things difficult for you."

Lei Kai spoke immediately.

There was endless confidence in his words.

Although the Lei family has faced challenges in all aspects over the years, it is still the top super family in Magic City.

So of course they are very confident.

As long as they are in Magic City, they can make Ye Yi smooth sailing.

This is confidence! It is also strength.

Ye Yi was also listening at this moment. It must be said that at this moment.

Ye Yi was really moved.

What Lei Shao said was actually not wrong. Hiding in a small place like Yangcheng, the Ye Investment Consortium will never become a behemoth.

And Ye Yi also plans to cultivate his own super power.

Obviously Yangcheng is not good!

Only Magic City is OK!

Because Magic City is the economic center of China and the most developed place.

In fact, Ye Yi had thought about it a long time ago, let The Ye Investment Consortium moved to the Magic City.

In the future, the Magic City will become the headquarters of the Ye Investment Consortium.

But it won’t work if there is no one to protect you.

If you form an alliance with the Lei family, it will be different.

The Lei family can really help Ye Yi solve all the troubles.

Then the Ye Investment Consortium will have smooth sailing here!

So Ye Yi was moved.

Completely moved.

Of course, Ye Yi’s background can also solve all the troubles, but after all, it is better not to use the background of the Dragon Group.

Ye Yi doesn’t want to reveal his trump card easily, right?

So Ye Yi was completely moved.

After being moved, Ye Yi had no reason not to agree.

Since Lei Kai proposed the alliance so readily.

Ye Yi certainly agreed to the alliance more readily!

""Okay, I promise to form an alliance with you!"

Ye Yi agreed readily.

This means that the two families have completely formed an alliance.

From this moment on,

Lei Kai was overjoyed when he heard Ye Yi's words.

How could he not be happy when his goal was achieved?

This means that the two families have completely formed an alliance.

In the future, someone will help him to check and balance the other three families.

So of course he was happy.

But after agreeing, Ye Yi continued to speak.

"But alliance is alliance, I will help you only if you have a reason, but I will not interfere in doing evil."

Ye Yi said immediately.

Give a shot of prevention.

Alliance is OK, but it must be reasonable.

Ye Yi will not do anything that is evil.

Hearing this, Lei Kai smiled.

Do evil?

Then it must be Lei Kai who does evil.

He Lei Kai disdains to do that kind of thing more than Ye Yi.

How could he do evil?

"Brother Ye, do you think I'm a dirty person?"

Lei Kai smiled.

Ye Yi shook his head.

He also thought Lei Kai was quite decent.

Soon, since they formed an alliance, Ye Yi and Lei Kai naturally became good brothers.

Originally, both of them were smart people.

They were also upright people.

So they got along very well.

Of course, they could talk a lot.

Soon, they became good brothers.

After chatting with Lei Kai, Ye Yi wanted to go to the hall of the club to take a look.

After all, the room was too small and there was nothing fun.

Lei Kai was casual.

He just wanted to form an alliance with Ye Yi.

It didn't matter if they formed an alliance.

So Ye Yi went to the hall to play...

At this time, in another room of the club, dozens of people were standing.

A man and a woman were sitting

The man was a sinister and vicious young man, who looked disgusting.

The man's name was Xiang Feng. Xiang

Feng was the young master of the Xiang family in Magic City. The Xiang family in Magic City was a second-rate family.

It had nearly 300 billion assets.

Although it was not particularly powerful in Magic City,

Xiang Feng was a person who could do anything in Magic City.

It was because he was the eldest son of the Xiang family.

The future head of the family.

He had a status that could reach the sky. So of course he could do anything here.

Xiang Feng was lustful, sinister and vicious.

So he often bullied men and women by relying on his status.

Therefore, he had a bad reputation in Magic City, but because of Xiang Feng's status, no one dared to say anything. What.

The one sitting with Xiang Feng is a beauty with a score of 9.8!

Close to a perfect score of 10.

The beauty is called Chu Yu.

She is the daughter of the Chu family and also the next generation head of the family.

The Chu family is a declining family in the Magic City. It has been declining in all aspects and is facing the risk of being cannibalized.

Its assets will soon not even reach 100 billion.

It will soon not even be a third-rate family.

It is facing various major crises.

It may be cannibalized by the surrounding families at any time.

Chu Yu is the daughter of the Chu family.

Chu Yu's grandfather is the current head of the family.

But because of an unexpected disaster, all the children of the old head of the family died, leaving only a granddaughter of the third generation.

So Chu Yu is naturally the next generation head of the family.

Because Chu Yu is the only descendant of the Chu family.

Facing the decline of the Chu family.

Chu Yu certainly doesn't want to see it.

She doesn't want to see her grandfather frowning.

Chu Yu's grandfather has loved her since she was a child.

So Chu Yu is unwilling.

Chu Yu wants to make the Chu family strong again.

It is precisely because Xiang Feng said that he is willing to support the Chu family's comeback and help the Chu family resolve the crisis.

That's why she came here.

Chu Yu has been simple and kind since she was a child, and she hates men like Xiang Feng.

But due to the family crisis, she has no other choice.

So facing the only chance of survival, she can only come and take a look.

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