Does the Li family have a lot of money?

Although the Li family is a first-class family, taking out 50 billion in cash is equivalent to asking for the life of the Li family!

The total assets of the Li family are only 500 billion.

The cash flow is only more than 10 billion.

The old man sold part of his assets to the Chu family to raise 50 billion.

It is equivalent to cutting off the cash flow of the Li family.

The Li family is seriously injured!

And his son is dead.

Why doesn't the old man avenge his son?

That is also the old man's grandson!

So he doesn't understand. He rushed in with extreme anger.

In the past, he would never dare to do it, because no one dared to disobey the old man.

Even he, the apparent head of the family, couldn't do it.

But today, I must ask clearly!

The old man is already an old man in his seventies.

But the Li family is a nest of thieves and prostitutes.

So even though he is over seventy years old, the old man is still happy and romantic.

There are two concubines in the bed!

Among the men in the Li family, how many good ones are there?

Seven or eight mistresses are considered few.

Li Long is just imitating.

Seeing the sudden intrusion, the two little girls screamed in fear.

The old man of the Li family is called Li Wei!

As the old man of the Li family, Li Wei has great power in the Magic City.

He doesn't care about anything except the four super families. He got to this position by being decisive and ruthless. Not to mention others, even no one in the Li family dared to disobey him. He was very unhappy that his eldest son broke into his room. But he understood! Only allowed this time! He looked at his eldest son with murderous intent. If he angered him, even if it was his own son, he would not mind killing him. As for the head of the family, anyone can be replaced.

"Father, why is this happening? Why don't you avenge Li Long's death?"

"Why did you return the Chu family's assets? This is a huge blow to our Li family! We will soon lose our status as a first-class family!"

Li Tianer immediately questioned his father.

How could he not question?

He had to question and ask for an explanation.

His son couldn't die in vain.

Li Wei had expected his son to ask this question.

He didn't answer, but just picked up a document on the table and threw it over.

This was an expedited document.

It was sent overnight from Beijing!

And it came by helicopter.

It took only one hour to mobilize a plane from Beijing to Shanghai, which shows that this document is not ordinary.

Only a powerful department can issue it!

The old man also went through a lot of killings in his early years before he sat in this position.

No He is a coward.

If he hadn't been scared, how could he not avenge his grandson?

Li Tianer picked up the document and read it. The next moment, he was scared!

Because there were two big red characters on the document.

Dragon Group!

And then there was a word"kill"!

What is the Dragon Group

? How could Li Tianer not know?

That is the number one force in China!

What super family, they are all scum in front of them.

They crush all super families.

If you offend the Dragon Group, you will definitely die.

Uproot them.

Super families are no exception.

It all depends on whether other families want to mess with you!

He quickly opened the document. The answer is very simple. The Dragon Group has already investigated the actions of the Li family.

The Dragon Group does not want to make a big move.

But this is the end of the matter. They do not want the Li family to pursue the matter further, otherwise they will uproot them.

In addition, all the assets acquired by dirty means will be returned.

Otherwise, they will be uprooted!

The four words"uprooted" are marked in bright red fonts.



Without discussing with you at all.

This is the courage of the Dragon Group.

It is also the domineering of the Dragon Group.

The Dragon Group's orders only need you to execute them.

Instead of discussing with you.

Of course, the Dragon Group will not punish you for no reason unless you violate Rules.

Li Tianer was shaking when he saw this document.

He finally knew what happened!

It turned out that his son was executed by the Dragon Group!

He finally understood why his father was so scared that he returned the Chu family assets overnight.

Not to mention revenge, he didn't even dare to mention it!

If it were him, he would probably do the same as his father.

After being shocked, Li Tianer had to admit defeat soon.

There was really no choice in this matter.

There was no chance to choose.

But even in the face of the Dragon Group, he still had a son who died.

Li Tianer was of course furious.

Speak immediately!

"Even if my father is from the Dragon Group, so what? It's your grandson who died this time. If we don't take revenge, how will others see our Li family?"

Li Tianer was furious.

But Li Wei was much more open-minded than him.

That's right, he was much more open-minded.

What's the point of face?

The old man has experienced seventy years of wind and rain, and has come through many storms. He has long let go of any face.

No face is better than being alive. What

's more, fighting with the Dragon Group?

He is still very clear about his own weight.

As for the loss of a young master?

Can't we just replace him?

Li Wei has more than a dozen sons, and each of them has raised countless mistresses outside.

He is truly a man of hundreds of children and grandchildren.

Any grandchildren are not worth mentioning.

There are so many grandchildren that he can't even count them.

So what's the point of losing one?

"Enough, don't mention it now. My Li family can't afford to offend the Dragon Group. If you act rashly, I will destroy you, so that you won't implicate our Li family."

Li Wei spoke domineeringly.

He didn't allow Li Tianer to question him at all.

He didn't allow Li Tianer to discuss at all, and he didn't waste words!

Li Tianer was actually just angry. How could he dare to go against the Dragon Group?

But he was still scared by the old man.

He also knew that he, as the head of the family, didn't have much status. He didn't have much sense of existence in the old man's heart.

After the old man finished speaking, he continued to speak

"As for the young master's death, isn't it enough to just replace him? Not to mention the many sons you have, you have four sons alone, and your mistress has seven or eight sons, which adds up to more than a dozen."

"Let me make an example this time.���Yes, you are allowed to choose a son to inherit the position of young master."

"Only once."

After the old man finished speaking, he spoke with disdain.

It seemed that the young master could be replaced at will.

He didn't care about Li Long's life or death.

Hearing this, Li Tianer next to him was frightened.

His father actually monitored him so closely?

He even knew how many mistresses and sons he had?

He was instantly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

He thought he was doing it very secretly.

Who would have thought that the old man's control over them was so terrible!

He was even more scared.

Fortunately, he had been making small moves over the years, but he had no idea of seizing power.

Otherwise, how could the old master allow him to live?

Thinking of this, he was secretly shocked!

After being secretly shocked, Li Tianer knew that this was already the biggest concession made by the old master to him.

It was enough to keep the position of the young master.

As long as the next generation of the head of the family was still his son, it didn't matter who was replaced.

So he was relieved immediately.

But after Li Wei finished saying this. He spoke again.

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