Among them, the Lei family ranked first, the Huo family ranked second. The Yu family ranked third, and the Song family ranked fourth!

The young master of the Huo family was called Huo She, the young master of the Yu family was called Yu Hua, and the young master of the Song family was called Song Wen. The young masters of the three super families were all in the group.

Seeing this scene at this time, the three felt even worse.

They were absolutely sure that Ye Yi was the ally brought in by Lei Kai!

Of course it was even worse.

The three of them could only barely compete with the Lei family.

If Lei Kai brought in another super power.

What could they use to fight Lei Kai?

So of course it was even worse.

But no matter how bad it was,

Huo She was the first to speak sinisterly.

He immediately targeted Ye Yi

"Tsk tsk, how can this jerk be Mr. Lei's brother? Mr. Lei, don't be fooled."

Huo She responded tit for tat.

He immediately sneered at Ye Yi.

If it was purely a conflict of interest, it would not be worth it.

Huo She's sneer had a reason.

Because Li Long was his younger brother!

To be precise, he was Li Long's brother- in-law, but of course he was only half a brother-in-law! The reason why Li Long was so arrogant was that even some first-class families did not dare to offend the Li family.

There was a reason for this.

That was because the Li family had the support of a super family!

That's right, it was the support of a super family.

That's why the Li family was so arrogant!

Li Long's biological sister was Huo She's mistress.

Although Although they didn't get married.

But Huoshe already regarded Li Long as a half brother.

With the Huo family's care.

Therefore, as a first-class family, they dared not provoke the Li family. They kept away from the Li family.

Because of this.

Li Long developed a ferocious character.

He didn't take other forces seriously at all.

And Li Long was killed by Ye Yi.

So how could Huoshe not be angry?

Of course, he ridiculed in the group!

The first thing he did was to ridicule Ye Yi.

Of course, he only dared to ridicule, and other Huoshe didn't have the courage to do it for the time being.

After all, Ye Yi is a senior member of the Dragon Group.

With his identity, he would not be ridiculed by Ye Yi, a senior member of the Dragon Group.

But at the same time, he didn't dare to touch Ye Yi.

If he really touched the top leaders of the Dragon Group, he would be uprooted!

The whole Huo family would be implicated. Huo

Snake was not stupid.

He would not do that.

At least he would not do that before he was absolutely sure.

Before he was absolutely sure, he could only talk nonsense with Ye Yi at most.

Unless he was absolutely sure that he could kill Ye Yi, he would dare to attack the top leaders of the Dragon Group.

He also had to be absolutely sure that the Dragon Group would not pursue the matter.

Ye Yi was a little puzzled.

He didn't provoke this Huo Snake.

Why was he like a mad dog? He was about to...

He was confronted in the group.

He was from a super family.

But Ye Yi soon figured it out.

It might be related to those families tonight.

It seems that the power of the super family has been touched.

No wonder this Fire Snake wanted to confront him.

But what kind of tough personality does Ye Yi have? So what if he is from a super family!

Even if it is a super family now, they can't do anything to Ye Yi.

Of course, Ye Yi is also very self-aware.

He knows that he can't do anything to Fire Snake for the time being.

Both of them can't do anything to each other.

So Ye Yi naturally doesn't take it seriously.

Just confront!

Don't give the so-called super family any face at all.

"Whose dog is not tied up? It bites people everywhere. Why not change its name to Fire Dog?"

Ye Yi was pointing at someone and cursing.

And he cursed without using any dirty words.

The whole group was shocked.

How could they not be shocked?

This is the super family, the Huo family!

Who in the group dares to curse?

Even Lei Kai has to treat the Huo family with courtesy.

As a result, Ye Yi came up and pointed at their noses and cursed.

The whole group was naturally shocked.

Huo Family Fire Snake:"Looking for death."

Huo Snake was immediately furious. He immediately replied with two words.

How could he not be angry?

He is the eldest son of the Huo family, and he was actually pointed at by others and cursed.

So of course the eldest son of the Huo family had to speak up.

If he didn't show his power, wouldn't others think he was a sick cat?

"Don't think you can act arrogantly in the Magic City just because you have some skills. The Magic City is very deep and you can't act arrogantly there."

After Fire Snake finished speaking, he continued.

The four super families all knew Ye Yi's identity. He was a senior member of the Dragon Group!

He was indeed quite intimidating.

But he was not to the point that the super families were afraid of him.

At most, it was the kind of"you don't offend me, I won't offend you".

Ye Yi looked at Fire Snake's words.

He didn't back down at all.

If he backed down, he would not be able to survive in the Magic City in the future.

Besides, Ye Yi had a very tough personality.

How could he back down?

He and Fire Snake could not do anything to each other in the short term.

There was no need to be timid!

"The day when the Huo family takes action is the day when your Huo family will be wiped out!"

Ye Yi also replied domineeringly.

There were only a few words.

But the smell of gunpowder spread throughout the group.

The whole group was shocked.

At the same time, the whole group was also scared.

How could it not be seen?

Ye Yi and Huo Snake had a grudge!

This grudge was made.

So of course the whole group was shocked.

They were all scared.

How could they not be shocked?

Of course, after being shocked, they were curious and wanted to see Huo Snake and Ye Yi fight!

This is a battle between two super powers that is hard to see.

Do you think they can not want to watch it?

So they are looking forward to it.

Chu Yu, Cao Meng, and Wei Xin were all shocked.

Ye Yi has reached the point where he can fight against super powers?

Isn't that shocking?

Of course it is extremely shocking!

I feel that Ye Yi is unfathomable.

That's right, I feel that Ye Yi is unfathomable.

Lei Kai from the Lei family: Okay, everyone, give me some face and stop arguing. Brother Ye is my good brother and no one is allowed to sow discord between us.

Yu Hua from the Yu family: Be quiet, brother Ye, don't be offended.

Song Wen from the Song family: Brother Ye, don't be offended, brother Huoshe is like this.

Lei Kai from the Lei family saw this scene and immediately came out to mediate.

But he firmly stated that he was on Ye Yi's side.

He gave Ye Yi a lot. Great support!

As for Yu Hua and Song Wen, they did not fight to the death with Ye Yi. In fact, the three super families and the Lei family are not mortal enemies, but just friction over the distribution of interests.

There is no deep hatred.

So even if they are Lei Kai's allies, there is no need to offend them to death.

They are not Fire Snake.

Fire Snake's men were killed by Ye Yi, so they were so angry.

They have no hatred with Ye Yi.

In addition, they have no hatred with Lei Kai, just a healthy competitive relationship.

So there is no need to offend anyone.

So they all call Ye Yi brother.

Get along well with Ye Yi.

After all, this is a super power.

They are qualified to have good relations.

In fact, this is also related to personality.

Lei Kai, Yu Hua and Song Wen are all relatively upright and honest.

Among the four super families, only Huoshe is narrow-minded and gloomy.

The group of Huoshe is also full of that kind of personality.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together.

Seeing the three young masters trying to smooth things over, Ye Yi and Huoshe stopped arguing.

Arguing again would be a lack of face.

What's the big deal about arguing? Just like elementary school students.

The families fight with real swords and guns, and only in this way can the winner be determined.

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