Ye Yi has already seen that

Mo Qingshan's magic medicine is useful for ordinary people.

But it is useless for warriors.

So Ye Yi is not interested.

He came to Mo Qingshan purely to recruit Mo Qingshan and Ming Yong as his subordinates!

Ye Yi had made up his mind to cultivate his own power before.

But money alone is not enough.

You also need thugs!

You have to have subordinates who can fight with you to be called power!

Obviously, Ye Yi is not as good as the aristocratic family in this regard.

But all the talents are basically in the aristocratic family. It is not easy to meet this Mo Qingshan.

Ye Yi naturally wants to try.

So he made up his mind. He wants to recruit Mo Qingshan as his subordinate.

In this way, he will have his own masters.

He can better cultivate his own power.

Ye Yi quickly went up and chatted with Mo Qingshan.

While chatting, Ye Yi felt that Mo Qingshan was upright.

As for Ming Yong, he also had a good character and character.

Both the master and the apprentice are trustworthy people.

Ye Yi was instantly more satisfied!

Not bad, it is more satisfied.

He made up his mind to recruit the two as his subordinates.

If the two people have bad character, Ye Yi would not want them.

But if they have good character, then they are worth winning over.

After chatting for a while,

Ye Yi looked directly at Mo Qingshan and spoke.

"Actually, I'm not here to buy anything."

Ye Yi looked at Mo Qingshan and said.

But Mo Qingshan was speechless.

Brother, you talked to me for a long time, and you said you were not here to buy anything.

Then you are just teasing me.

So Mo Qingshan was speechless.

Ye Yi looked at Mo Qingshan and said

"You two are both masters, right? One is high-level and the other is mid-level. These are rare masters."

Ye Yi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mo Qingshan was shocked.

He was stunned!

How could this person see his cultivation at a glance?

Mo Qingshan was extremely shocked.

At the same time, he was extremely alert.

Who is this person?

The most terrifying thing is that this person has no martial arts cultivation at all.

He doesn't look like a martial artist!

Is it because his realm is higher than his, so he can't see it?

But how could there be a younger person with a higher realm than him?

He was even more shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

"Who are you?"

Mo Qingshan came back to his senses and immediately asked seriously.

How could he not ask?

Of course he had to ask clearly about this person's identity.

Ye Yi smiled when he heard Mo Qingshan's words.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any bad intentions here."

"But I did come here with a purpose, I want you two to help me, but you don't have to worry about the money."

"I can give you more money than you can spend in several lifetimes."

Ye Yi immediately looked at Mo Qingshan and said, and stated his purpose directly and decisively.

He wanted these two masters to help him.

But at the same time, the two of them didn't have to worry about money.

Ye Yi's money was already more than he could spend.

So of course he wouldn't be short of money.

Giving them more money than they could spend in several lifetimes was just a drop in the bucket for Ye Yi.

But Mo Qingshan was shocked.

Did this man want them , the master and the apprentice, to help him do something? But he was a sect leader after all.

The whole sect was also rich.

Although Ye Yi appeared to be rich and powerful.

How could he do things for Ye Yi just because of Ye Yi's words? Where was the dignity of the sect leader? Ye Yi was not in a hurry.

He knew that this matter could not be rushed.

But the next moment he took out the payment code that the master had placed on the ground.

He directly transferred 500,000 yuan!

With Ye Yi's identity, transferring 50 million yuan was not a big deal.

It's very simple.

But you definitely can't transfer too much.

If you transfer too much, the master will not be short of money, so how can he help Ye Yi? Five hundred thousand is just right.

It can express Ye Yi's intentions.

It can also attract the master 's favor.

Just right.

The young man didn't want anything!

Just gave him five hundred thousand? Mo Qingshan, who was so poor that he could hardly afford to eat, was stunned.

This is five hundred thousand.

Ming Yong was also shocked.

How rich must this young man be to just give five hundred thousand? How could he not be shocked!

Five hundred thousand is enough for him and his master to live comfortably for ten years.

If they are frugal, it will be enough for them to live for twenty years!

After Ye Yi transferred the money, he only left a business card on the stall.

People cannot repay favors.

Ye Yi is not that kind of person.

He only left a business card.

Nothing else was said.

"This is my business card. If you two have considered it and are willing to help me, please call me."

"I won't treat you two unfairly."

After saying that, Ye Yi drove away neatly in his Rolls-Royce.

But it must be said that at this moment, Mo Qingshan really had a deep, deep liking for this mysterious young man.

Ming Yong picked up Ye Yi's business card.

On the business card was written Ye Yi's name and contact information.

Then it was written: Chairman of the Ye Investment Consortium!

When Ming Yong saw the Ye Investment Consortium, he felt as if he had heard of it somewhere.

But he couldn't remember it.

He immediately checked it on his mobile phone!

If he didn't check it, he wouldn't know that it was a 900 billion consortium!

Isn't this the Ye Investment Consortium that has caused a lot of trouble recently? It is also the fifth largest super power that has emerged in the Magic City!

No wonder it sounds familiar to him.

It turned out to be him!

After understanding it, Ming Yong trembled all over.

How could he not tremble? This is a truly great man!

Seeing his apprentice stunned, Mo Qingshan was very curious.

Ming Yong looked at Mo Qingshan and trembled and spoke

""Master, this young man is a real big shot."

Ming Yong handed over the business card.

After seeing the business card,

Mo Qingshan's eyes were also shocked! He immediately fell into deep thought...

Ye Yi didn't know what was going on with Mo Qingshan. He soon came to Cao Meng's newly opened seven-star farm!

It is worthy of being a newly opened seven-star villa.

It is very lively!

The decoration is magnificent.

And the decoration is magnificent but not vulgar.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers!

Even Ye Yi, who has been to many big places, felt very shocked.

He liked it very much.

Cao Meng is indeed very capable.

The place he chose is also good.

Cao Meng's villa has a hotel with nearly 20 floors outside.

This is for guests to stay.

But even though it is a hotel, The decoration is not vulgar.

It is very gorgeous and grand.

It is worthy of being a seven-star hotel.

In addition, there are many places to play. There are also places for people to fish and have fun.

It has everything.

It is extremely beautiful.

And it does not look vulgar at all.

Even Ye Yi liked it very much at first sight.

Probably because it has not opened yet.

So it is still relatively quiet inside.

But there are villa staff everywhere.

However, as long as it is officially opened, Ye Yi can be sure that the business here will be very good.

Ye Yi parked the car quickly.

At this time, Ye Yi did not need to call, Cao Meng came out directly.

The opening today is not so important.

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