Cao Meng is more like a fairy in the sky!

Ye Yi, in turn, suppressed Cao Meng.

Having lost his mind, Ye Yi responded more fiercely than Cao Meng!

Ye Yi is now like a beast!

He has lost all his reason.

He is going to take the last step!

He is about to lose all his reason.

He can't care about anything.

But at this moment, Ye Yi's cell phone rang again!

Damn it!

Why does the damn cell phone ring every time at this time!

Ye Yi collapsed.

But despite the collapse, he still took it out.

He was shocked when he saw it.

It was Wei Xin's call!

Wei Xin never calls easily.

Once she calls, it definitely means something is wrong.

And it's a big deal!

Ye Yi's heart was suddenly shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

After the shock, of course he picked up the phone directly.

Did something happen?

When the call was connected, an anxious girl's voice came from it

""Excuse me, is this Mr. Ye? I'm Mr. Wei's secretary."

The girl said anxiously on the phone.

She was indeed Wei Xin's secretary.

As the general manager of a super group, what's so strange about Wei Xin having a secretary?

And there are several secretaries!

When Ye Yi heard this, he immediately thought it was not good.

Sure enough, something big happened!

Ye Yi was completely awakened in an instant.

Reason returned instantly

"Yes, it's me"

"Mr. Wei had a car accident. Why don't you come and take a look?"

The secretary said timidly.

Ye Yi was shocked.

Car accident?

Ye Yi was instantly worried. How could he not be worried?

Although Wei Xin was not Ye Yi's family member, she was more important than his family.

In addition, she was in charge of all the industries for Ye Yi.

It was an extremely important position.

Ye Yi would never allow Wei Xin to get into trouble.


Of course, Ye Yi also had murderous intent in his heart.

He thought of a bad guess.

Could it be that the Huo family did it to attack him?

If so!

He would never let them go.

Ye Yi had murderous intent!

After the murderous intent, Ye Yi of course said that he would go and take a look.

So he quickly took the ground She asked for the address.

Then she drove away.

Cao Meng, whose clothes were in disarray, was the only one left in the room.

It seemed that it was almost the last step!

She was about to get Ye Yi.

But this happened.

Just because of a call from Wei Xin, she was directly abandoned by Ye Yi.

In other words, in Ye Yi's heart, she was far less important than Wei Xin.

The moment she thought of this.

Cao Meng became more desperate! She felt more lost.

It was as if her beloved thing was taken away...

She didn't expect that her carefully planned.

Would actually stab her in the back...

After Ye Yi came out of the villa.

She was glad that she didn't... Take the last step!

Otherwise it will be hard to explain.

There are too many girls around him.

He can't give Cao Meng happiness.

So Ye Yi doesn't want to have anything to do with Cao Meng.

Of course, he will be glad in the future.

Ye Yi feels sorry for Cao Meng.

Seeing that the two are about to take the last step.

He left Cao Meng behind.

But Cao Meng is too pretty.

If Ye Yi stays any longer, he is really afraid that he can't control himself...

The hospital where Wei Xin is is the Central Hospital.

It's not far from the villa.

Ye Yi arrived in 20 minutes!

But when he arrived downstairs of the hospital.

Ye Yi called Lei Kai!

He wants to investigate!

If the car The disaster was intentional by others.

Uproot it!

Only Lei Kai has the ability to investigate.

As the head of a super family, what connections does he not have?

After calling Lei Kai.

Ye Yi entered the ward.

Wei Xin's personal secretary was taking care of her.

Wei Xin's personal secretary was a girl who had just graduated.

She was very pretty.

Ye Yi saw Wei Xin, fortunately it was only a minor injury.

He was soon relieved.

Seeing Ye Yi full of worry.

Wei Xin's heart suddenly felt sweet.

Wei Xin saw it immediately.

Ye Yi still had her in his heart.

He still cared about her.

So her heart was extremely sweet!

How could it not be sweet?

"What happened? Why are you so careless?"

Ye Yi personally peeled an apple for Wei Xin.

Then he said in a somewhat reproachful tone.

He was usually gentle and polite. He would only speak in such a reproachful tone when he cared about Wei Xin.

But Ye Yi reproached her like this.

Wei Xin was not disappointed.

Instead, she felt sweet in her heart. She was extremely happy.

She felt that she was very important in Ye Yi's heart.

This meant that all the hard work she had done for Ye Yi was worth it.

She felt sweet in her heart.

"Mr. Ye, please don't scold Mr. Wei. In fact, it was someone else's car that hit us..."

The personal secretary carefully explained for Wei Xin.

Someone else's car that hit us?

Ye Yi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

But he didn't show it.

He still had to investigate to determine whether it was intentional.

"I'm fine, I'll be careful next time."

Wei Xin replied after being happy.

Ye Yi nodded.

He accompanied Wei Xin for a while.

Lei Kai arrived!

Although Wei Xin had just arrived in Shanghai, she had also met Lei Kai several times.

It was very simple, because there were cooperations between super powers.

Today I acquire you, tomorrow we talk about business, the day after tomorrow we have a charity dinner.

It was simply countless.

Although Wei Xin knew that Lei Kai was Ye Yi's brother,

Wei Xin had known about the things in the group for a long time.

But she didn't expect that Ye Yi made a call.

Even Lei Kai came over in person!

This means that Ye Yi is very important in his heart!

Much more important than Wei Xin thought.

Wei Xin was completely shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

Wei Xin at this moment was completely frightened by this scene.

After Lei Kai arrived,

Ye Yi no longer accompanied Wei Xin.

Instead, he went outside to chat with Lei Kai.

"Brother Ye, I have arranged for someone to investigate. Is it true that someone is trying to murder President Wei?"

"If it was a murder, it would definitely not escape the investigation of my Lei family."

"The other party hit me unintentionally. He was a novice driver.

Lei Kai looked at Ye Yi and said with great confidence.

��It's the truth.

As long as it's intentional, there's nothing he can't investigate.

No one can play tricks under the eyes of the Lei family.

The whole Demon City is full of people from the Lei family.

Is there anything that the Lei family can't find out? Ye Yi was completely relieved when he heard what Lei Kai said.

It turned out that it wasn't someone else's murder.

That's better.

Of course, Ye Yi also realized the benefits of forming an alliance with Lei Kai.

Things like these can't be handled by Ye Yi.

But Lei Kai can handle them easily.

It shows that forming an alliance with Lei Kai is still very beneficial.

However, although he learned that it was not someone else's murder, it still put a lot of pressure on Ye Yi!

How can there be no pressure? Ye Yi has made up his mind to win over a group of masters to protect Wei Xin!

Ye Yi had made up his mind to win over a group of masters before.

Now he feels even more impatient!

He has made up his mind to win over a group of masters!

If there are masters, then there is no need to worry about Wei Xin being murdered.

Even a car accident can protect Wei Xin.

After making up his mind, Ye Yi didn't say much.

Instead, he thanked Lei Kai profusely.

Lei Kai didn't say much.

Seriously speaking, he should be grateful to Ye Yi.

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