Just wait for the time to pass, and then you can take over directly.

Ye Yi was of course overjoyed when he saw that.

How could he not be happy?

This is a 10 billion group, and his efforts tonight were not in vain.

What's more, there is not only a 10 billion group, but also an extra Rolls-Royce.

Ye Yi was even happier.

After being happy, Ye Yi drove back to Villa No. 1. Then he took a look and saw that there was indeed a brand new Rolls-Royce.

Ye Yi was immediately happier.

He hurriedly went up and sat down. Yes, Rolls-Royce is indeed unique.

Luxurious and low-key.

It has many unique advantages compared to Poison.

Some driving experiences are better than Poison.

And the most important point is that Poison is a sports car that can only seat two people.

Rolls-Royce is a high-end luxury car.

It can seat five people.

This is something that sports cars cannot do.

After trying the Rolls-Royce, Ye Yi quickly put the share certificate in the villa.

Such an important thing cannot be lost.

This is worth 10 billion!

Ye Yi quickly put it in the safe in the villa.

Villa No. 1 is very considerate and gave a safe.

Ye Yi's important documents, such as real estate, were all placed in the safe.

Soon Ye Yi put the share certificate in there as well.

He felt relieved immediately.

After taking a shower and lying comfortably, Ye Yi started to check the news.

You don't know until you see it.

You'll be shocked when you see it.

Ye Yi then realized that the fact that he spent 30 million to set off fireworks had caused a huge sensation.

It was also dug up by the paparazzi.

Now it's everywhere in the news.

Ye Yi was immediately shocked.

How could he be so high-profile when he needed to be low-key? He immediately made up his mind that he would never be so high-profile in the future.

After making up his mind, Ye Yi looked at the group.

He found that the owners' group of Guoshuyuan was also discussing this matter, and many girls in the group were clamoring to marry the number one owner.

Ye Yi got goose bumps when he saw it.

He didn't expect it to be so big.

Ye Yi went to the class group to check again.

He found that even the class group was discussing this matter!

After all, 30 million to set off fireworks is too extravagant, so of course the class group would discuss it.

Not only was there a discussion, but the paparazzi also revealed that the owner of Villa No. 1 actually set off the fireworks.

Even among ordinary people, it caused a big stir.

Although ordinary people cannot get in touch with the level of the rich, they will also watch the news. Of course, when such a big news broke out in the news, it attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, countless men and women were discussing in Ye Yi's class group.

The girls were impressed that the owner No. 1 was so rich and romantic. They all clamored to marry the owner No. 1.

Of course, they were all jealous and envious of the girl named Zhao Lu.

As for the boys, they all admired the owner No. 1.

That guy is too rich.

He spent a lot of money to buy a villa, and even set off fireworks for 30 million.

How rich must that guy be?

Even Liu Gui was trembling in the group.

Ye Yi took a look and didn't care about what his classmates were discussing.

But he was shocked.

It actually spread to ordinary people.

It seems that the commotion was too big.

I must be low-key in the future!

Ye Yi was secretly shocked, and of course he made up his mind.

I can't be so high-profile in the future.

After making up his mind, Ye Yi was also very tired.

So he fell asleep.

In Guoshuyuan, Zhao Lu had just returned home.

At this time, Zhao Lu was soaking in the bathtub.

Although she was taking a bath, Zhao Lu was obviously worried.

How could she not be worried?

Ye Yi sent her back tonight and left immediately.

She was still wondering what Ye Yi was thinking.

But when Zhao Lu was thinking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Picking it up, it was a call from her mother.

Her mother never called so late, Zhao Lu was secretly shocked, knowing that her mother must have something wrong.

Did her mother see the news tonight and know that she was the heroine?

But it shouldn't be, there was no photo of her on it. There were so many people named Zhao Lu.

How did her mother know it was her?

Zhao Lu didn't care so much and could only answer the phone first.

But as soon as the call was connected, her mother's crying voice came.

Zhao Lu felt as if her heart was stabbed!

She came from a wealthy family, her mother was very happy in her memory, and her father loved her mother very much.

The two are simply the happiest couple.

But the mother was actually crying at this time?

Something must have happened.

Zhao Lu was instantly certain, and her heart was shocked!

""Mom, why are you calling me so late? And you're crying? Did something happen to you?" Zhao Lu asked anxiously about her parents. When she heard what Zhao Lu said, the woman on the other side cried even harder with reluctance in her voice. Zhao Lu was even more worried. She was so anxious.

"Daughter, listen to me, don't talk."

"Your father and I are leaving, and we may be gone for a long time. We only have 20 million left in our family."

"Mom and Dad have transferred all their money to your account. You have to live well."

"But everyone knows about your villa in Guoshuyuan, so you can’t live in it anymore. You must sell it."

"Then take the money and leave Yangcheng, and never come back."

Zhao Lu's mother sobbed on the other end of the phone.

Zhao Lu was usually a strong woman, smart and capable. How could she not understand what she said?

Something must have happened at home!

As for what her parents said about being away for a long time, she would definitely commit suicide.

If she couldn't even hear this, what kind of manager was she?

After Zhao Lu understood it instantly, she was of course very anxious. She almost cried all of a sudden.

How could she let her mother commit suicide?

In addition to being anxious, of course she quickly calmed her mother down first

"Mom, did something happen to you? Don't be upset. If you die, your daughter won't live alone."

"Please wait for me, I'll be home soon!"

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

Zhao Lu calmed her mother down instantly.

It was impossible to explain such a big thing over the phone.

She changed her clothes immediately.

Then she drove away in her Mercedes-Benz in the middle of the night without caring about anything else!

Zhao Lu was also a local of Yangcheng.

The villa in Guoshuyuan was bought for her by her father.

Her family also had several other properties and an ancestral home.

And Zhao���Zhao Lu's parents live in a residential complex not far from the villa area.

It's only about 30 minutes.

In order to avoid her parents' urging to get married, Zhao Lu usually lives in the villa.

But she will come back to visit whenever she has time.

So she is very familiar with this place.

Zhao Lu soon arrived at the residential complex, parked the car and went straight home.

After opening the door, she saw a despairing scene.

The originally tidy and happy home was now in disarray.

All the valuable things in the house were moved away.

All the things in the house were dumped on the ground.

How could this look like a well-off family?

It was just like a very poor family!

As for Zhao Lu's mother, who was originally very beautiful, kind and gentle in her eyes.

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