After exiting the game,

Ye Yi directly opened the WeChat group of the Dragon Team's guests.

These guests were busy and idle. When Ye Feng opened WeChat, there were only two or three people in the group chatting intermittently.

So Ye Yi briefly recounted what the Qian family had done.

And said that the Qian family wanted to swallow up his industry and hurt the people around him.

After sending it all at once, Ye Yi waited for a reply.

He had also thought about asking Lei Kai for help, but considering that the Qian family was also a top-notch family in the Magic City, Lei Kai might be powerless, so he finally decided to ask the Dragon Team to help.

The last time the Dragon family happened, he deeply realized how terrifying and powerful the background of the Dragon Team was!

Just kidding, with such a good resource, Ye Yi must use it!

And make the best use of it!

Less than a minute after the message was sent, someone quickly replied.

Ma Ling'er from Shencheng was the first to be furious!

She was the kind of person who dared to love and hate and protect her shortcomings. How could she not be angry when she heard that the Qian family dared to do this to their Dragon Team?

After the anger.

She was the first to speak in the group.

"Don't worry, little boy. The Dragon Group will not only protect the members of the Dragon Group, but also the assets of the members and the people around you. Just leave it to us, the Dragon Group will help you with everything."

What she said was of course true.

The assets of the members and the people around them are naturally also within the protection scope of the Dragon Group.

If even this cannot be protected, who would work for the Dragon Group!

Of course, the premise is that your assets must be legal.

And the people around you have not done anything illegal.

Seeing that Ma Ling'er was the first to speak, Ye Yi immediately thanked her in the group.

"Thank you, Sister Ma"

"You're welcome. Remember to treat me to a meal when we meet next time."

Ma Ling'er didn't take the Qian family seriously at all, and started to joke in the group.

At the same time, in a corner of Magic City,

Du Ming stared at the screen of his mobile phone in silence. Is this kid causing trouble again?

It hasn't been a few days since the previous incident, and he has offended another family so soon.

However, no matter how speechless he is, he is in Magic City, so he naturally knows how big Ye Yi's assets are.

That's more than 1 trillion in assets!

Who in the whole Magic City doesn't know about this?

As a guest official of the Dragon Group, Du Ming naturally knows this better!

With so many assets, it is inevitable that he will attract attention.

It's just a little troublesome.

Ma Ling'er When you are in Shenzhen, it is easy to say that the Dragon Group will help. As for the affairs of Magic City, he, as a guest official in Magic City, often has to do it himself.

But, it is not a big deal.

He just needs to run two trips and make two phone calls.

Anyway, Ye Yi is a natural talent, so such a talented junior must be well protected!

Even at the headquarters in Beijing, several directors are optimistic about Ye Yi.

With Du Ming's many years of experience, once Ye Yi continues to grow, his status will definitely not stop at a small guest official!

So helping him solve this problem is a piece of cake!

Thinking of this, Du Ming also sent a message directly in the group.

"Brother Ye, you can do whatever you want to do. The Qian family will not survive today. I have already reported to the capital. This family has done many evil things. The Dragon Group will root them out."The

Qian family's reputation is indeed not good.

Du Ming is in the Magic City, so he knows better than anyone else.

"Thank you, Brother Du!"

Seeing Du Ming's answer, Ye Yi was completely relieved.

Since the Dragon Group said that the Qian family would not survive today, then the Qian family would definitely be finished!

This is the crushing of absolute strength!

The power of the Dragon Group is not just a small magic city, but one of the best in the whole of China!

Ye Yi couldn't help but sigh, it's great to join the Dragon Group.

When encountering such things, there is no need to worry about the background.

After thanking in the group, Ye Yi did not delay any longer.

He immediately set off to Ye Rong Hotel.

You know, Wei Xin is still there!

Even with Mo Qingshan and Ming Yong by her side, Ye Yi is still not at ease.

He must go there in person


In Ye Rong Hotel.

Wei Xin still did not give up and wanted to make the best effort.

Although she sent a message to Ye Yi for help, she would not sit still and wait for death.

Soon, Wei Xin continued to speak to Qian Liu.

"Is there no other solution except to completely swallow up Ye’s Investment Consortium?"

"Stop talking nonsense, my time is precious, I don't have time to waste with you here."

After saying that, Qian Liu made a gesture.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten people rushed in from outside the door!

Qian Liu looked at Wei Xin and his mouth was about to drool. How could he have time to listen to her nonsense?

In his opinion, as long as he used martial arts masters to swallow up and keep Wei Xin here, this group would be his!

After tonight, Wei Xin would be his woman, and Ye Investment Consortium would be in his pocket, right?

"Throw out the two bodyguards beside her. This young master must get this woman today."

Qian Liu gave the order directly.

The Qian family is indeed a top-notch family!

These ten people are all masters at the peak of the intermediate level!

Fortunately, this is a seven-star hotel with enough space.

Otherwise, it would have been crowded like a vegetable market.

After hearing Qian Liu's words, the ten people immediately rubbed their hands and walked directly towards Wei Xin.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xin was immediately desperate.

At this point, she naturally saw that Qian Liu was deliberately planning!

And the purpose was her!

Tonight, she was afraid that she could not leave easily.

Thinking of this, Wei Xin was even more desperate.

She only loved Ye Yi now. How could a mere Qian Liu be in her eyes?

"Wei Xin, it's not too late to regret now. Let your two bodyguards surrender. If you can serve me well tonight, maybe I'll be in a good mood and give them a chance to live."

Qian Liu is still talking nonsense.

Things have come to this point, and his ambition and ferocity have long been exposed.

"How dare you! How dare you touch Miss Wei?"

Hearing Qian Liu's insult to his face, Mo Qingshan spoke angrily.

With his cultivation, he naturally would not take the ten people in front of him seriously.

But he also knew how powerful the Qian family was.

Even if they could leave here today, a noble family like the Qian family would have plenty of ways to deal with a small person like him!

Thinking of this, Mo Qingshan and Ming Yong were also extremely desperate!

But as the saying goes, if you take money from others, you should help them eliminate disasters.

They all promised Ye Yi to protect Wei Xin, so naturally they would not leave on their own initiative.

Mo Qingshan had never served the noble family because he had his own persistence in his bones.

He immediately made up his mind to die rather than retreat!

But Qian Liu laughed when he heard his words.

In his eyes, the man in front of him was nothing but a jumping clown.

"Good, you have guts. If you don't hand over the Ye Investment Consortium today, none of you three will be able to leave!"

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