"But you have to sell the villa, and then run away quickly, and leave Yangcheng."

Zhao Fu was like he was explaining his last wishes.

Zhao Lu was even more desperate when she heard this, and she cried even more sadly.

She had been desperately thinking about what method she could use to save her parents?

Ye Yi!

Ye Yi could definitely do it.

In her eyes, Ye Yi was unfathomable, and he probably had at least 100 billion assets.

He could spend 3 billion to buy Villa No. 1, and 30 million for a fireworks display.

Isn't it easy to just take out a few hundred million?

Just a few hundred million would allow her father to recover.

It wouldn't be difficult to make a comeback!

In this way, she could survive even without the order from Hongtai Group!

Ye Yi could definitely save her.

But she and Ye Yi were not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship yet.

Why would Ye Yi spend hundreds of millions for her?

What's more, she went to him before she and Ye Yi had confirmed their relationship.

It would only make him disgusted.

Zhao Lu was not a shameless person, on the contrary, she had a very strong self-esteem.

Her self-esteem would not allow her to do such a thing.

Thinking of this moment, Zhao Lu was extremely desperate. She also felt faintly in her heart.���Made up his mind.

To accompany his parents.

Zhao Lu would never live in vain!

At this time in Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi was still sleeping soundly, and suddenly he felt uneasy.

It seemed that something was going to happen?

He woke up in a hurry, but found that his back was completely wet.

This must be a big deal!

Ye Yi thought about it, and everything was going well at the moment.

It seemed that nothing bad would happen.

Soon he thought of Zhao Lu.

Enen was going on a date with Zhao Lu tonight, but this young lady obviously misunderstood.

Although Ye Yi did not plan to find a girlfriend, Zhao Lu misunderstood.

Well, misunderstanding is misunderstanding.

You can only let it go.

But after the date, he didn't even call, it seems like he is particularly scumbag, right?

Ye Yi despises scumbags the most.

Decided to give Zhao Lu a call!

Although he never thought of pursuing Zhao Lu.

But people misunderstood.

Ye Yi had to ask about her well-being.

Zhao Lu was hugging her parents and crying at this time.

The family of three was preparing to reminisce for the last time.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

The moment Zhao Lu saw the incoming call, her body shook violently!

It was as if she saw the only light in the dark night!

It lit up her whole world!

It was as if she was drifting alone and helpless in the sea, about to die at any time, but suddenly a lifeboat rescued her.

This feeling!

At that moment, her heart completely belonged to Ye Yi.

Her whole world became Ye Yi's.

Zhao Lu answered the phone.

Ye Yi was not stupid and soon heard Zhao Lu's voice.

It sounded like crying?

Something must have happened!

Combined with the ominous feeling just now.

Of course, Ye Yi hurriedly asked

"Zhao Lu, is something wrong with you? Don't do anything stupid, reply to me quickly!"

At this moment, Ye Yi showed his domineering CEO style.

But these domineering words became all the light in Zhao Lu's heart! Not only did she not hate it, but she was completely moved to the extreme. At this moment, she just felt that Ye Yi was really charming. Zhao Lu immediately told her about the situation she encountered.

"Ye Yi, my father's group is running out of cash and is about to go bankrupt."

"My father spent a huge amount of money to buy equipment worth 300 million yuan, but the other party refused to give the agreed contract and asked for 100 million yuan, which my father could not afford."

"Now my father's assets worth more than 1 billion are worthless. If you hadn't called me, I would not have seen me tomorrow."

Zhao Lu said desperately on the phone.

Ye Yi was shocked!

Sure enough, his feeling was not wrong.

Zhao Lu was in trouble.

Ye Yi was also glad that he called Zhao Lu.

Otherwise, what stupid things would he do?

How does Ye Yi feel about Zhao Lu?

Ye Yi couldn't say.

She is definitely not his girlfriend, but it is definitely not nothing.

Ye Yi has been kissed by Mina and Zhao Lu.

Mina is a woman who disgusts him!

Only Zhao Lu is a girl that Ye Yi does not dislike.

So Ye Yi must have a relationship with Zhao Lu!

"Zhao Lu, listen to me. I don’t allow you to have wild thoughts. It’s just a few hundred million."

"Do you believe that I can revive your father's company right now?"

"You know, I have this ability, all it takes is a thought"

"So you and your parents are living well, okay?"

""We can talk about anything tomorrow, and I will give you a new life tomorrow!"

Ye Yi said domineeringly.

He saw that it was quite late now.

So he could only decide to help Zhao Lu solve it tomorrow.

But Zhao Lu was deeply moved when she heard it!

This is not a domineering president, this is an explosive boyfriend!

At this moment, she just wanted to give everything to Ye Yi.

From this moment on, her whole world completely belongs to Ye Yi!

Ye Yi is her only one!

She may not marry Ye Yi in the future, but she is willing to be Ye Yi's maid.

As long as Ye Yi is there, she is Ye Yi's personal property.


Of course, as for whether Ye Yi has the ability, Zhao Lu will never doubt it. If even Ye Yi can't save her, then there are probably few people in China who can save her.

"Ye Yi, thank you, thank you."

Zhao Lu didn't know what to say, so she could only say with infinite gratitude.

Finally, she hung up the phone.

""Who is this, daughter?"

Zhao Fu and Zhong Nan were shocked and finally regained their spirits!

They heard it clearly on the phone just now.

This person actually said that he could easily take out several hundred million to save them?

So of course they were happy and immediately regained their spirits!

They quickly asked their daughter

"Dad, do you know Villa No. 1?"

"Villa No. 1 worth 3 billion? It has been on the market for three years and still hasn’t been sold?"

"Yes, he bought it directly with 3 billion."


Even someone as strong as Zhao Fu and Zhong Nan were almost shocked.

His assets at the peak were not even half of 3 billion, and he directly used 3 billion to buy a villa.

How rich must he be to just casually take out 3 billion?

They were completely shocked.

How could they not be shocked?

Although they didn't know how much money he had, it was more than enough to save them.

After all, what was the difference between 3 billion and a few hundred million?

Aren't a few hundred million just a snap of the fingers?

After thinking of this shock, the couple was of course overjoyed.

This meant that their company could be saved, how could they not be overjoyed?

"Do you know Young Master Long from the Long Group?"

"Of course I know, isn't it the young master of the Long family, the leader of the four great families in Yangcheng?"

""The young master of the Long family has to be respectful in front of him and call him brother!"


Zhao Fu was even more shocked.

His head was buzzing.

The young master of the Long family has to be respectful in front of him.

How is this possible?

Is their daughter lying?

They instantly didn't believe it.

They thought their daughter lied about this person just to trick them to survive.

There is no such person in reality!

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu was the first to question his daughter.

"My daughter, it’s not that Dad doesn’t trust you, but is it possible that there is such a powerful person?"

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