If it weren't for their nature telling them to be reserved, they would definitely not be able to control themselves.

"Who is that? So handsome"

"Damn, our school's famous senior Ye Yi, you don't even know him!"

Ye Yi has now spread all over the school.

The whole school knows about the slapping of Zhang Kun.

So Ye Yi has long been a celebrity in Shuangya University.

The whole school knows that Shuangya University has a big shot.

In order to test his girlfriend, he pretended to be poor for six years.

As a result, on the last day, his girlfriend couldn't help but betray him, but was slapped in the face.

Now Ye Yi has become an idol in the minds of the boys in Shuangya University.

Hearing this classmate's words, the younger student next to him was stunned.

"That's not right. I've seen Ye Yi. He was quite handsome before, but not as handsome as he is today."

"Yeah, I think he looks really handsome today."

"How come he is so rich and handsome? I really want to marry him."

"I want to, too, but it's a pity that Senior Ye Yi doesn't like us."

The classmates spoke up one after another.

They had all seen Ye Yi, but he wasn't this handsome before.

Now he suddenly becomes so handsome.

So after the excitement among the schoolgirls, they all clamored to marry Ye Yi!

Who wouldn't want to marry Ye Yi, who is so rich and so handsome?

Of course they all wanted to.

One of these things can make all the girls in the school obsessed, not to mention that Ye Yi now has two things.

Of course they shouted to marry Ye Yi.

Ye Yi ignored the girls' screams and parked the car quickly.

But Ye Yi soon noticed it.

It seems that many people noticed that he became handsome?

They were immediately at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

Fortunately, although he became... He looked handsome, but it was still recognizable as him.

Otherwise, he was afraid that his classmates would not recognize him. While

Ye Yi was thinking,

Liu Gui, Qian San, and Yang Feng all came.

Now the school group is saying that Ye Yi has a second luxury car.

The whole school is in an uproar again.

Now Ye Yi is a celebrity in the school, and his every move will make a sensation in the whole school.

After they saw it, they were all envious.

As good friends, of course they had to come and see Ye Yi's new car.

Of course, it was just envy.

There was no jealousy.

The four of them were close friends, and their relationship was pure.

There was only envy between them, and absolutely no jealousy.

"Ye Yi, is this your new car? That's amazing! Having 80 million worth of poison is not enough, and he also bought an 8 million Rolls-Royce."

Liu Gui was the first to speak.

As a rich boy, he was well-informed and immediately recognized that this Rolls-Royce was worth 8 million.

After recognizing it, Liu Gui was shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

With an 80 million luxury car, he bought another 8 million Rolls-Royce.

How rich must Ye Yi be?

He was completely stunned.

Although he couldn't guess, he must have at least tens of billions of assets!

Not to mention Yang Feng and Qian San.

Just this 8 million luxury car, they can't afford it even if they work all their lives.

This roommate is too rich!

"Ye Yi, you are so mean. You kept it a secret from us for so long."

"Yes, Ye Yi.

Qian San and Yang Feng also spoke.

But the three of them just complained.

Ye Yi and them soon started playing together.

The four of them were real good brothers.

They were not jealous at all, so there was no need for too many words.

It was natural no matter what time or identity.

After playing for a while,

Liu Gui looked at Ye Yi and felt a little worried.

"Ye Yi, I have a bad thing going on. Zhang Kun has already said that he will definitely take revenge."

"Zhang Kun might cause trouble for you in the future."

Liu Gui was telling the truth.

Zhang Kun was indeed dissatisfied with being slapped in the face by Ye Yi.

Zhang Kun's personality was originally very twisted.

When he came back to school, he was clamoring to teach Ye Yi a lesson and to get his place back.

Liu Gui was also worried that Zhang Kun would do something bad, so of course he had to remind Ye Yi.

Let his good brother prepare in advance.

But when Ye Yi heard it, he smiled instantly.

Haha, what a big joke.

Zhang Kun still dared to be ignorant of life and death and clamored to get his place back?

Now Ye Yi has a 10 billion group and a 3 billion villa.

Any one of them is more than Zhang Kun's family assets.

It's easy to deal with Zhang Kun. What

's more, even Young Master Long has become his brother. As long as Ye Yi says a word, Young Master Long can deal with Zhang Kun with just one finger.

So how could Zhang Kun be in Ye Yi's attention? He has long been ignored by Ye Yi.

Liu Gui's words were directly Ye Yi ignored it.

Zhang Kun had better hope not to provoke Ye Yi.

Otherwise, Ye Yi has a fierce side to his character.

It will directly destroy Zhang Kun's family!

Ye Yi didn't take it seriously, and the three of them went to class quickly.

But after talking about business at this time, Liu Gui and the other two realized that Ye Yi seemed to have become more handsome?

It was strange and they didn't know how to say it.

But it was true.

He was still Ye Yi, but he gave them the feeling of a celebrity, much more handsome than before!

They couldn't believe it.

Of course, it just surprised them for a moment.

They just thought that Ye Yi became more ambitious and his temperament changed after he became rich.

So they didn't think about it soon.

The four of them quickly went back to class.

But when Ye Yi arrived in the class, the girls in the class were shocked again!

Every girl looked at Ye Yi with shining eyes!

Ye Yi was handsome before.

Now he has become even more handsome Of course, they were even more crazy about him.

They thought that this was not Ye Yi at all, but a star. What's more, Ye Yi was so rich, so of course, each of them had brighter eyes than the other.

They wanted to throw themselves into Ye Yi's arms.

The girls were all excited.

Only Mina felt even more pained when she looked at the outstanding Ye Yi!

Ye Yi was already very outstanding before, and now he became more handsome and richer. He was just like a male god in the sky!

What Zhang Kun, he was worse than pigs and dogs in front of him.

And she actually abandoned such an outstanding Ye Yi?

And chose such a useless Zhang Kun?

Of course, her heart was even more painful. She felt that her heart was pierced by a needle in an instant.

It was pierced thoroughly.

All kinds of thoughts turned into regrets.

Mina not only regretted losing Ye Yi. She regretted choosing Zhang Kun even more.

She had just been with Zhang Kun for five days, and Zhang Kun was already tired of her.

No more Pay attention to her.

Not to mention sending her something.

No one even pays attention to her.

What glory does Mina have before?

And now she has become a joke in the whole school, and everyone in the school is laughing at her.

The classmates in the class ignore her.

Two of the four people in the dormitory ignore her.

It can be said that she has nothing now, and she is completely abandoned by the school.

She is laughed at by classmates in the whole school.

The moment Mina thought of this, of course she regretted it even more.

Ye Yi naturally didn't know what Mina was thinking, and he was not interested.

There was no feeling between him and Mina a long time ago.

To put it bluntly, even if Mina kneeled in front of Ye Yi now, Ye Yi would not be moved by her at all.

First of all, he would not tolerate betrayal.

Secondly, his standards were high, and he didn't look down on Mina at all.

So Ye Yi didn't know what Mina was like, and he wouldn't be interested!

The two classes were over soon.

After the class, Ye Yi drove away directly.

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