Can't be a light bulb.

In addition, they also like Ye Yi, the son-in-law.

They hope that their daughter can marry Ye Yi.

So he and Zhong Nan were very tactful and went to the house above first.

Leaving their daughter and Ye Yi in the co-pilot.

At this moment, Zhao Lu found that her parents intended to give them a chance to be alone. Her pretty face immediately turned red.

In addition, in such an environment.

At this moment, she was alone with Ye Yi, a world of two.

Zhao Lu's pretty face was even redder.

She was very shy.

Zhao Lu was originally very beautiful, as delicate as a fairy in the sky.

Of course, she looked even more beautiful this way.

Perfect to the extreme.

Ye Yi was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Lu was shy for a moment, but she instantly mustered up her courage!

She gently tapped Ye Yi's forehead.

Zhao Lu didn't know why.

She had never been in a relationship.

Not to mention taking the initiative to kiss a boy, twice.

Was it because of gratitude to Ye Yi?

Or did she like him?

She couldn't tell.

In short, she mustered up all her courage.

After the kiss, she was so embarrassed.

There was no time for Ye Yi.

He ran away as if he was running away.

It was so embarrassing.

But Zhao Lu didn't know why, but she kissed him.

Ye Yi was confused in the car.


's going on?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why was I kissed twice?

Ye Yi was confused!

Normally, it should be boys who were kissed.

But he was kissed twice by the same girl.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But I have to say, it smelled good.

Ye Yi could smell the fragrance around him until Zhao Lu left for a long time.

The place where Zhao Lu kissed was also numb!

Ye Yi didn't think much about it and drove away in his Rolls-Royce.

After leaving Zhao Lu's community, Ye Yi returned to Villa No. 1.

When he returned to Villa No. 1, it was almost six o'clock.

Ye Yi ordered a takeout.

Many ordinary people imagine that after having endless money, they should go to luxury hotels every day.

Enjoy fine wine and delicious food.

But in fact, Ye Yi just wanted to complain, but he was just thinking too much.

Ye Yi is such a lazy guy.

No matter how rich he is, he still eats takeout. You ask him to go to a high-end hotel, but he is too lazy to go. He has only been to a high-end hotel once with Zhao Lu. He lives in a villa, but he still lives in the villa and eats takeout!

But then again, when you have money, you will be arrogant. Ye Yi feels that he dares to add two yuan for tea eggs.

And one order means two!

So it is better to be arrogant when you have money.

The takeout arrived very quickly.

But the guy who delivered the takeout to Ye Yi was shaking all the time.

What's going on?

The super boss who lives in the No. 1 villa worth 3 billion actually ordered takeout?

Or he ordered takeout for 20 yuan a portion?

I eat better than him, okay!

A few days ago, the owner of the No. 1 villa was a local tyrant, but he was on the news.

The takeaway guy has also seen it.

30 million to set off a fireworks show, that's called a local tyrant and domineering.

Ye Yi is also the idol in the takeaway guy's mind.

But now the idol actually eats worse than him?

Ye Yi didn't think too much and said thank you to the delivery boy.

He took the takeaway back to the villa.

The delivery boy was shaking with excitement.

The owner of the legendary villa number one was so polite.

He even said thank you to him!

Oh my god, the owner is so handsome. The delivery boy felt that he was about to bend over with emotion.

Ye Yi finished the takeaway soon.

But after eating the takeaway, Ye Yi remembered that this villa is too big.

It is very troublesome to clean it.

One floor is 5,000 square meters, and the third floor is 15,000 square meters!

There are also gardens, golf courses, etc. at the door.

These places need to be cleaned.

It's very big and very distressing.

As for Ye Yi, you might as well kill him if you ask him to clean it.

Ye Yi quickly decided that he still had to hire a cleaner.

And such a big villa probably needs at least two cleaners.

I'm not sure if two Ye Yis can handle it, but let's make do with it for now!

So Ye Yi hired two cleaners directly online.

The cleaner's salary was only 9,000 a month, and Ye Yi directly gave him 20,000 a month.

Although Ye Yi eats takeout, he is not stingy at all. He is generous, kind and has good character.

With endless money, Ye Yi doesn't mind being nice to people around him.

It's not easy to be a cleaner.

So he gave them a high salary of 20,000 yuan a month.

Of course, Ye Yi also has requirements, they must be able to cook.

Ye Yi is too lazy to go out to eat.

He can't eat takeout every day, right?

So it's better to recruit people who can cook and clean.

Ye Yi's 20,000 monthly salary instantly caused a sensation, and countless people signed up immediately.

In the end, Ye Yi selected two nannies.

The two arrived soon. They started working early in the evening.

The villa is very large, and there is room to stay everywhere.

Ye Yi asked them to choose a room by themselves.

The two nannies moved in directly.

They have high salaries and villas to live in.

The two nannies were so excited!

Ye Yi quickly paid each of them a year's salary.

Each of them paid 240,000 yuan.

He also gave them a sum of money.

He asked them to buy food and cook when Ye Yi was at home.

Of course, they could just buy their own food when Ye Yi was not at home.

The two nannies immediately understood.

They went to choose a room to live in.

After finishing these things, it was already evening. Ye Yi had a rare leisure time and went to play his beloved Landlord...

The next morning, Ye Yi got up early.

It must be said that hiring a nanny is good.

After Ye Yi got up, he immediately had a rich breakfast.

This is much better than takeout.

And the villa is also very clean!

Ye Yi was very satisfied. He was more certain that he was right to hire two nannies.

After breakfast.

Ye Yi drove a Rolls-Royce to school.

There are classes in school today.

And it's full.

Although I don't want to go to school, I have to get my diploma, right?

It's not in vain to go to college for three years. I'm about to do internship in my senior year!

Ye Yi arrived at school soon.

But when he got to the class, many classmates looked at him strangely.

Ye Yi was not stupid.

His intuition told him that something must have happened.

As soon as he sat down, three roommates came up to him.

Sure enough, something happened!

Otherwise, although they were in the same class, they were rarely so nervous.

"Something bad has happened to Ye Yi, Zhang Kun is targeting you."

Yang Feng was the first to speak.

Hearing his words, Liu Gui then spoke

"Last time Zhang Kun was slapped in the face by you, he was still unwilling to accept it and shouted that he wanted to get back at you."

"He said he would invite all of our classmates to Long's Club tonight. I think he will probably cause trouble for you! I'm afraid he will make things difficult for you at Long's Club."

Liu Gui immediately explained the whole story.

What he said was indeed true.

Zhang Kun shouted that he would invite all of their classmates to Long's Club tonight.

A smart man like Liu Gui saw it.

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